"Yes, Harry? Can I help you?" Hermione said in a very annoyed voice that said she was not planning on helping him.

"Actually, yes, yes you can help me." Harry said through an amused smile that said that he did plan on her helping him. Something she highly doubted.

"And how can I help you, my dear friend." she whispered in an exaggerated sweet voice.

"Well, my dear smart sweet friend, you can help me with my Transfiguration homework," he said. He seemed to command her to help him, not ask her.

This definitely annoyed her. Who does he think he is? Ordering me as though I actually cared about him getting to his date on time! But the truth was, she did care. She really, truly cared. She cared so much about him dating someone else that she literally felt like her heart was being ripped apart. Not that Harry noticed, he had probably always thought of her as a sister. Or so it seemed…

"And why would I do that?!" she yelled. She hadn't meant to yell, but she was so angry that she had now lost control of her voice. The common room suddenly got very quiet as everyone stared with obvious curiosity at what they could be fighting about. Everyone stared because Harry and Hermione never fought; they only fought for something really important that was bothering one of them. But otherwise, they never fought, ever. It was just not normal. Harry and Hermione got alonged too well to fight over small things. It was, however, common to see Ron and Hermione fight, but never Harry and Hermione.

Once she had gotten rid of the sweet voice and had risen her voice to a shout, Harry decided that he too was going to raise his voice and get rid of the sweet voice. And so he did. "What do you mean why?! This is really important to me Hermione! You have to help me or I won't finish in time!"

But Hermione wouldn't help him no matter what he said. She was too mad at him. How could he date her best friend? Why would he do that when it was so painstakingly obvious that she was in love with him? It made no sense in her mind. The only logical explanation she could think of was that he was real stupid and had never noticed that she like him as more than a friend. And her best friend had also been too stupid to notice that she was in love with Harry Potter.

She still couldn't stand the idea of him dating someone else….Actually, she wasn't sure she'd ever be able to deal with it…It was just too painful to see him with someone else….

She could not deal with it. She wasn't going to deal with it. In fact she suddenly wanted to curl up under her covers. And so she did just that.

She ran past him toward the girl's dormitory. She gave him one last look of disbelief and hurt before she bounded up the steps towards her bed.

Harry stared as she gave him a look of disbelief and pain. He'd seen that face before, mainly directed towards Ron, but it had never before then been directed at him. Never. And now she had just given him that look, and he wasn't so sure what he had done. Was she mad at him for going out with Ginny Weasley? No, that could not be it. he thought to himself as he sat down again to try to finish his Transfigured homework.