A/N: *AcrossTheSkyInStars peeks in*


So, it's been about a year and *cringes* a bit, maybe a year and a half, since I have updated this story. I have NO good excuse, at all, except life. I made thousands of excuses why I couldn't write - too busy with work and school and friends and family and... - well, the list goes on.

I DESPERATELY wanted to finish this story, and quickly, but could never find the words to finish it. And whenever I DID have time, I couldn't seem to get into the groove of writing. I apologize sincerely to all the readers I used to have, and if anyone is still following this story (or happens to pop in to see an update *gasp!*) please know that I am TRULY sorry for this long overdue chapter. I never meant for it to take so long, but that's just the way it happened unfortunately.

I want to thank my beta, Claire, for being such a doll. You've been a great friend, and you're always amazing at giving me advice when I need it. I also want to thank all of my ladies over at FFA for just...being themselves. I love you all :)

Enough from me, though.


Chapter Twenty-Five: Flawed

"Let the rain wash away all the pain of yesterday
I know my kingdom awaits and they've forgiven my mistakes
I'm coming home, I'm coming home
Tell the world that I'm coming..."

-Diddy Dirty Money ft. Skylar Grey: Coming Home


That night, once the sun had set and the air was crisp and cool, we decided to leave. Emmett and Rose set out to bury the bodies of the hunters in the surrounding forest, and I disposed of everything inside, making sure nothing could be traced. Edward had gone with Alice earlier in the day, reluctant to accept help and only agreeing to do so because I had asked him to. She'd taken him to the closest hospital, the same one Jasper was at, and had called me afterward with news of his condition.

"He's going to be fine," Alice assured, "he has a mild concussion and they're treating him for blood loss. They said how much he lost was...abnormal. Did something happen?"

Her question had taken me by surprise, but I figured there was no sense in lying to her. I'd explained myself sombrely – what I'd done to Edward – and if Alice was shocked at my behaviour, her tone didn't betray it. She'd listened quietly, offering me comfort for my self-deprecation and saying nothing more on the matter than how Edward would forgive me; he already had.

Strangely, I'd felt better after my conversation with Alice. Somehow hearing it from someone virtually impartial to our situation alleviated a small amount of guilt I felt about what I'd done. I had thanked Alice several times for being such a great friend to Edward, and had memorized the directions she'd given me to the hospital.

It might have been a stupid thing to do, but I wanted to see him.

I walked down the porch steps, heading into the woods where Emmett and Rose were finishing up. Emmett was scattering debris and branches haphazardly across the graves when I cleared my throat next to Rose.

"No," she said, watching Emmett.

I frowned. "Beg your pardon?"

She crossed her arms over her chest, and tilted her chin toward me. "I know you, Bella. I know what you're going to say," she explained, "and I'm telling you no."

I set my jaw determinedly and retorted, "But if you come wit-"

Her wide, red eyes met mine, softening. "I can't," she replied, "I know you're strong, but you're not that strong, Bella. I refuse to let you go when you can risk hurting him. You'd never forgive yourself."

I sighed in response, knowing how right she was but not wanting to admit I wasn't capable of controlling myself.

"Look, I know what you want to say – I made you, you do what I say – blah, blah blah." She made the shape of a mouth with her hand, and I pursed my lips, suppressing my laughter. "But we look out for each other," she said firmly, "so...no."

I smirked. "No," I said tentatively, almost testing out the word, "okay." Since I was usually the one to delegate orders and assume control, it was odd to hear a member of my coven refuse my wishes. "Okay, Rose," I relented, "I'll wait."

She hummed in content, and nodded. "Good."

Emmett stood up then, brushing his hands against his shirt. "All done," he told us, "let's get out of here."



The journey back to Denver was quick. Despite having to slow two times on the way to pace myself, we made it to the city in just under an hour. When we got there, we stuck to the side streets as much as we could; avoiding the locals out and about, dodging the buzz of traffic, keeping ourselves hidden. It was an easy enough task, to blend into the shadows, but I knew it was wrong to believe we were by any means safe.

Denver was still a hot spot for hunters, and now it was only a matter of time before more would be after us.

As much as I liked it here, my coven needed to leave.

Rose led the way through the city, climbing over fences, slipping through alleyways, pausing to listen when something caught her ear. I followed silently, trailing behind Emmett because I couldn't keep up despite how much I wanted to.

I didn't want to admit it, but I was tired.

Or something close to it.

I was thankful when Rose finally stopped near a bridge.

"Here?" Emmett asked.

And as soon as Emmett spoke, I heard them.

Several sets of feet travelled the bridge, and when I tilted my head toward the noise, a blur of Kate flashed in front of me before she was just there. Her familiar smell, her long blonde hair, her arms curled around my shoulders in a forceful hug.

I gasped at her vigour and reciprocated as much as I could, smiling over her shoulder at the rest of my coven.

"Hi," I murmured.

"God, it's so good to see you," Kate said in response.

"You, too," I told her. I retracted my arms, and tucked my hair behind my ear. I was self-conscious after everything that had happened. "All of you," I added, smiling half-heartedly at Angela and Ben. My gaze flickered to Mike briefly, and when it did, I swallowed thickly, biting my lip against the overwhelming smell of her; standing there with Mike.

Petite figure, loosely curled hair...

...blood pumping.

I covered my nose with my hand, and took a step back.

Rose was right.

Going to see Edward would have been a disaster.

I turned away from Jessica and walked briskly, settling myself down on the edge of the tree line. Kate followed me, gently rubbing between my shoulder blades when I hung my head between my knees.

"I can't see straight," I confessed, swallowing the venom in my mouth, "her blood..." I shook my head, frustrated beyond words. It wasn't like me to feel this way, ever, and I was at a loss for how to handle myself. Craving blood so fiercely, so entirely, was something new to me.

I could usually suppress my hunger, dull the craving.

"When was the last time you fed?" Kate asked quietly.

I took a deep breath. "Few hours ago, maybe." I rested my cheek on my knee and looked up at her. "I should be fine," I said through gritted teeth, "not grovelling like some out-of-control bloodthirsty newborn."

Kate sighed, "Bella, you can't help it. You're not supposed to be able to help it. We are what we are, babe." I pursed my lips, unhappy with the circumstances, even if it was in my nature to crave blood. "Look, I know what you mean," she conceded, "and you'll get through it. After what happened you can't expect for everything to bounce right back to normal. Your body needs time to readjust. You almost died, Bella."

"I know," I said, almost a whisper, "I need to get used to it, I suppose." My eyes met hers in the darkness, a silent thanks for the moral support.

"Come on," she said with a nod toward our coven, "we should get out of the city before dawn."

She stood up, and offered me her hand.

I didn't have the heart to tell her I wasn't going with them.



"What?" Kate barked.

We'd just gotten back to the abandoned hotel. Angela wanted to gather what few items we had in our possession before they left the state. I had tagged along to break the news, and up until four seconds ago, the trip had been peaceful.

"What do you mean you're not coming?" Mike added.

I sat down on the couch, staring in silence at the mess on the floor; clothes, splintered wood, blood. It was the last place I remembered being before James had taken me; the place Edward had told me he loved me.

I bit my lip.

"Bella?" Kate prodded impatiently.

I sighed, "I can't go with you." I glanced up, catching the eyes of Mike and Kate. They both stood before me, arms crossed, brows creased. Ben was leaning against the wall, quiet, waiting for Angela, and Rose and Emmett were waiting outside with Jessica; keeping watch, just in case. "Not without Edward," I clarified.

Kate closed her eyes in vexation, and Mike turned away.

"It's suicide, Bella," Kate argued.

"I'll be safe," I assured her, "and I'll come back, I will find you. But I refuse to leave without him, I'm sorry."

"Then I'm staying with you," she said matter-of-factly.


"Don't even try," she interrupted. "You should know me well enough to know you can't talk me out of this."

I stood up and pursed my lips. "Are you sure?" I asked, "Because you really don't have to. I'll be fine on my own."

Kate took a few measured steps toward me, titling her head, capturing my gaze with the concern in her eyes.

"I know it kills you to be weak, Bella," she murmured, "and you are the strongest person I have ever met, but you're not indestructible. What you're going through – what we're all going through – we should do it together. You can't stand alone. Not now." She paused, lowering her voice, "Don't lie and say you'll be fine, when I know perfectly well you'll be anything but."

The sincerity in her words struck me deep, and I swallowed the dryness in my mouth. "I-I'm sorry," I managed to get out.

It wasn't nearly enough, but it was the best I could do.

After Kate showed me her satisfied smile, she walked away.

I took a spot on the couch again while Kate proceeded to sort out the plan with Mike and Rosalie. I brushed my hand over the familiar space, the rough fabric, unable to help the reluctant smile that tugged at my lips.

Although I would never forget the moment I had shared with Edward, I would also never forget the moment that had followed.

I looked away, and cradled my hand in my lap.



"Gin," Kate said, laying the cards down on the carpet, "again. I'm so terribly bored, Bella. Can you beat me at least once?"

I tossed my mess of cards onto the pile, grumbling, "sorry, I can barely concentrate." My gaze travelled the empty hotel – the near-darkness that encompassed us – passing swiftly over the door for what had to be the hundredth time since the rest of my coven had left for the next city. "Is it stupid for us to be here, all things considering, or would you say it smart?" I asked her.

Kate leaned back on her hands, tipping her head toward the ceiling. "We're geniuses," she said dryly. I laughed quietly at her response. "I honestly don't think they exactly broadcasted where we were," Kate continued, "and now they're all dead. And if they had, well...whoever is looking for us is doing a rather laughable job if you ask me."

A soft snort escaped me with her sarcasm, and I glanced down at Edward's phone in my lap when it began to vibrate.

"Alice?" I answered.

She laughed, "Yeah, hey, it's me."

I breathed out in relief; it was more of a reflex than anything.

"How is he?" I asked, rising quickly and slipping down one of the shadowed hallways in the hotel. "And Jasper, will he be okay?"

I could practically hear the sound of her swallow before she replied. "Jasper is...all right," she told me, the words almost uncertain, "he's asleep now. It took a while for the pain to wear off, you know?" I nodded, though she couldn't see me. "And Edward is perfectly fine," she assured, "just resting up now, too. They wanted to keep him for a while after the transfusion to make sure he didn't react negatively to the blood."

I licked my lips, staring at the faded pattern on the carpet. "That's good," I murmured, "I'm glad Jasper's okay. I feel-" I paused mid-sentence, gathering myself. "I feel completely responsible for what happened to him, Alice," I admitted, "I don't know what I would have done if-"

Although she cleverly masked it with a cough, I could hear her small sniffle. "I know," she said, "and I don't want you to feel bad, Bella. Everything is good. He'll be back to his usual self in no time at all." Her tone was lighter now. "I promise."

My feet carried me back down the hall, to where the concierge's desk was, and I leaned against it.

"Okay," I responded, smiling, "thanks. Do you happen to know when Edward will be able to leave? I don't want to go without him, but I also can't stay. It's not safe for me here."

"They said observation was only for a few hours," she replied, "but by the time he gets out, it may already be sunrise."

I pursed my lips, allowing my eyes to scan the frame of the now-bolted door. "I'm sure we'll be fine until then," I assured her, "nobody seems to be bothering us." My voice tapered off, and I cleared my throat before I whispered, "Thank you, Alice, so much. You're a life saver."

Her soft, dainty laugh was enough to make me smile. "Anytime," she said honestly, "I'll call you back in a few hours when I know more."

I hung up after thanking her again, and tucked Edward's phone into my pocket.



"Four of...clubs?" I guessed, combing my fingers through my hair. Kate shook her head, and I sighed, "Queen of diamonds? I have no clue, I've been at this for at least ten minutes."

"Fourteen," Kate corrected, "but yes, you are terrible at it. It's the goddamn ten of hearts." She chucked the card at me, and laughed. "You're not even trying, Bella. You're usually great at these kinds of things."

I tipped my head toward her, and rolled over onto my stomach. "I think I'm still going to need a day or two until I'm back to me," I admitted reluctantly, "as unfortunate as that is."

Kate chuckled and set the deck down beside her. "It's pretty weird to see you out of your element," she told me, "you're always so composed and tranquil and just...grounded. I kind of like seeing you acting more human. It's refreshing."

I looked up at her, narrowing my eyes. "Well, it's more-"

My head snapped up, just seconds before I rose to my feet, when the sound of a car caught my attention outside.

Kate stood with me, carefully regarding the door.

"How long has it been since Alice called?" Kate whispered.

I checked the phone. "Four hours," I said tersely, "but she said she would call back."

I set the phone down on the couch and tentatively moved toward the door, but Kate lightly gripped my arm, holding me in place.

"It's sunrise, Bella," she reminded me, "we can't go out there."

I cursed at the door, and slowly backed away. We stood in silence for a few minutes, listening to the idle of the car, the quiet, almost indecipherable sound of the radio, until whoever it was abruptly killed the engine.

The door to the car creaked shut, footsteps approached, and a light knock echoed through the empty building.

Kate and I looked at each other.

"Bella, it's me."

My heart leapt at the sound of Edward's voice.

I rushed forward, placing my hands against the bolted door.

"I-I told Alice not to call," he continued. I heard the shuffle of his feet, and the slow, rhythmic beating of his heart.

It was so amazing.

"I'm here," I called anxiously through the door, "just...give me one minute."

I glanced back to Kate, nodding for her to help, and made quick work of the dozens of metal pegs we had used to secure the door. Once we were finished, Kate and I stepped back, spying the filter of sunlight beginning to seep in across the dusty floor.

"Okay," I shouted to Edward.

He pushed the door open a second later, working past the groans of protest from the worn wood. He entered in a spectacle of light – so bright I had to avert my gaze – before he swiftly closed the door once again. He held it shut and squinted, tilting his head toward us.

I doubted he could see us in the darkness.

"Bella?" he said hesitantly.

I swallowed the venom slowly gathering around my tongue, and held my breath. "Edward," I murmured, moving slowly toward him, "I..." I paused, turning swiftly at the sudden splash of lamplight illuminating the dank space. "Thank you," I whispered to Kate.

She didn't say anything in response, or make herself known, but I knew she was there.

When I turned back to Edward, I realized belatedly he was still holding the door shut. He threw me a look over his shoulder, pressing himself against the wooden barrier, and I muttered under my breath before I shoved the metal pegs back where they belonged.

"Sorry," I told him, dusting my hands off on my shirt.

He combed his fingers through his already dishevelled hair, softening his expression when he looked at me. "Don't be sorry," he said with an absent shake of his head, "it's fine."

Edward stepped closer to me, drawing my arm up from my side. He cupped his hand around my elbow and pulled me toward him, cradling me tight to his chest. The potency of his scent made me gasp, and I tucked my head low; I did all I could to hold my breath.

"Hey," he said in concern, tenderly brushing his fingers over the back of my neck, "hey, everything okay?"

I weaved my arms around him, flattening my palms against his spine, feeling the warmth of his skin through the thin cotton of his shirt.

"It's just hard," I offered in response, pressing my cheek over the steady beat of his heart, "it will be for a while."

He breathed out, tightening his arms around me, and pressed his soft lips to my hairline. "I would say I'm sorry," he began quietly, his breath hot on my ear, "but I'm too selfish to want to stay away from you right now. I had to see you."

"I'm glad you came," I told him.

We stood in a silent embrace, enveloped in each other's arms for what seemed like hours. The comfort and familiarity – the heat of his body – was like nothing I'd ever experienced. It was something I wasn't sure I'd ever get to feel again.

I never wanted to let him go.

"Are you here alone?" he eventually asked.

I led him over to the couch, and sat down, curling myself into his side when he joined me. "No," I replied quietly, "Kate's here, too. She's giving us space."

Edward hummed in contentment, circling his arms around me once again.

"I'm sorry...for everything," I told him, "and please let me speak, because I need to get this out."

Edward's hand tightened on my shoulder, and I could feel the beat of his heart quicken momentarily.

"I know you told me not to apologize," I continued, "but I can't let it go so easily, Edward. I could have killed you. All of this, everything...it's my fault. James was after me." I paused, turning slightly so I could see his face. "Jasper could have died, you could have died," my voice quivered, "Alice, Rose, Emmett-"

"Hey," he interrupted strongly, cupping my cheek with his hand, "stop this, Bella. I know, okay? I get it." His eyes flickered between mine. "Yeah, you were the one he wanted to kill, and yeah...a lot of people could have been hurt." He sighed. "Fixating on what could have happened won't solve anything. You can blame yourself for the rest of eternity and it still won't make a difference."

I bit my lip, warring with my emotions.

"You weren't yourself when you attacked me," he continued softly, "and please believe me when I say I forgive you – completely. I'm fine, Bella, a quick trip to the hospital is nothing in comparison to the broken bones and other shit I've had to deal with working as a hunter all my life. I'll be back to me in no time, so don't worry about it. What matters is that you're safe."

He bent his neck and placed a series of soft, gentle kisses to my cheek and the corner of my mouth.

"And more than anything, I want my beautiful, sexy, confident girlfriend back," he murmured, offering me a coy smile, "not a woman who blames herself for something she had no control over."

I leaned up, tenderly kissing him on the lips. I wanted to let it linger, to feel the heat of his mouth against mine, but the sweetness of his scent and the toxicity of his blood made it hard. All I wanted to do – all my vampire instincts wanted – was to bite; just a small taste.

He was so close.

Smelled so good.

"Can you do that for me?" Edward whispered against my mouth.

I swallowed the venom pooling around my tongue, and blinked, focusing on his tired eyes in the dim light.

Control yourself.

"I'm not making any promises," I replied uneasily.

He sighed again, but gave me a small half-smile. "I never expected you to make my life easy, Bella. Why stop being stubborn now, right?"

"Exactly," I said matter-of-factly, "after all, I am a vampire."

A/N: So I am most DEFINITELY not making any promises. This story (in my eyes) only has a chapter or two left plus an epilogue. Idealistically, I would love to get this done by the end of the summer, or the end of the year. With the way my schedule is now, I can't guarantee when a new chapter will come out, so please bear with me.

But I do appreciate anyone who is still reading, or if there are any new readers out there. Thanks a bunch for taking the time to read the story :)

Until next time!