AN/Alright, here is the final chapter. I was going to do this tonight and post it and claim that Brynnifer didn't even have to prod me with a sharp stick, but alas, she is more on top of it than I am. So, as you may be aware, this is the end. It's been a fun ride, and I've sincerely tried not to skimp on the ending, so let me know what you think. I'd appreciate any feedback good or bad. (In fact, I genuinely appreciate reviewers that tell me that they feel like I've pooched the ending. It makes me strive to be better)

This story would never have been finished (or started) without brynnifer, so thanks!

Six Months Later

Garcia looked at her former friend with a twinge of sadness from her spot on the park bench. Henry laughed happily as JJ pushed him lightly in the swings at the park, and for just a moment, it seemed the vestiges of her old friend had returned. For just a moment the pain and fear and anxiety that had become such predominant features of her blonde friend seemed swept away and had Penelope Garcia not known better, she would have thought it an endearing moment between a capable mother and son.

But Penelope did know differently, and as quickly as it had vanished, the panicked look flashed in her friend's eyes once more. Will, who had been sitting next to Garcia, apparently noticed the quick change as well because he stood quickly and walked over to the pair. Knowing the distance at which his former fiancee may start to panic, he stopped about twenty feet away. "Alright Henry boy, say g'bye to your mama, we've got to get going."

"Thanks Will." Penelope whispered, walking up behind the Cajun. Derek had noticed the group congregating in front of his friend, and true protective fashion, he quickly left his post at the edge of the park where he had been able to get a wider view point.

"Anytime Cher." He smiled as Henry hugged his mother and ran back to his father. "Take care JJ."

"Thanks." JJ said, biting her lip as she forced herself to look her former lover in the eye, but her therapist had assured her it would eventually get easier. It took everything she had, but she smiled lightly. "Have, erm, a good day."

He nodded in surprise. "We will. We'll see you next weekend." Will nodded as he and Henry walked towards their car,

As JJ watched Henry and Will retreat, Garcia felt a pang of regret. Supervised Visitation-none of this was supposed to happen. Not with her best friend, and certainly not with her godson.

"Come on Jayje, Derek's got his appointment today." Penelope prodded the others, wondering not for the first time when her life had become a mess of appointments.

But she didn't have time to worry about that now.

It was the crash in the middle of the night that woke her from a deep slumber. Running out of her bedroom, she sincerely hoped it was JJ, and not Morgan who had suffered a momentary episode.

Because the last time Derek had woken up in the middle of the night convinced he was back in the Asian hell-hole, she had been forced to call Hotch.

And then the team had questioned whether all of this was too much for her to handle.

But, Penelope Garcia was the goddess of knowledge and information. Truth be told, she had never encountered an obstacle she couldn't overcome. So when the doctors told her that one of her nearest and dearest friends could not live on her own, she naturally stepped up to the plate. After all, with an extra room, and a small happy apartment, it only seemed natural. Morgan moving in a few days later had been sort of a necessity. After all, the team tried to keep them separated for a few days and quickly learned that JJ and Morgan didn't seem to be able to relax when the other wasn't around. Spencer had said it was some sort of transference-but regardless, it was Derek.Her Chocolate Chunk of Muscly Manhood.

Right now, however, Penelope realized for the first time that she was in way over her head. Cringing, she strove to remember what the psychiatrists had told her.

If JJ gets scared, you've got to remind her that she's not back there. JJ's psychiatrist's words came to her mind.

Derek will do anything to protect JJ, if he feels she is threatened-Garcia shook her head, forcing herself to focus on the matter at hand. Luckily, for right now at least, she had Derek on her side.

Because right now, JJ stood wielding a knife in the direction of her and Derek.

"Jayje. It's okay." Penelope held up her hands to appear non-threatening, and took a step backward. "You're safe here, remember?"

But JJ's eyes were wild and terrified. "JJ." Derek stepped towards her, seemingly unworried about the large knife in her hands, "put it down. It's okay."

"But they're here.They're watching." JJ sobbed emphatically, her eyes darting around, scanning the room as if at any instant unforeseen assailants might appear. "It will never be over."

Garcia bit her lip. Some nights were better, some nights, it was like a big giant sleepover with her best friends. But most nights were just like this. Most nights consisted of one or both of her friends reliving the terrors that she had never attempted to have them define. It was times like these, where JJ's blanched countenance made the scar across her throat seem even more prominent that Penelope felt the gravity of the situation overcoming her.

"It is over, I promise." Derek insisted, taking another step closer. JJ looked past him, continuing to scan the apartment. "Hand me the knife JJ."

"I just want this to be over." JJ cried, her arm going limp as she crumpled into the corner of the kitchen. "I just wish it would end."

Biting back tears, Garcia knew this was her time to step in, before something happened. "Derek-" She held out her hand, requesting the knife and praying that she didn't have to try to convince him further. The last thing she wanted to do was go to work in the morning and admit that she couldn't handle them. She sighed in relief as she felt the warm plastic placed softly in her hand.

Looking on as Derek slid down the cabinets to sit across from JJ, Garcia felt her heart break even more as she realized the truth of JJ's words.

Because they needed her.

And as much as others may question it, she needed them just as much as they needed her. Because she had to know they were safe; and she couldn't bear to let them think that another person in this world had given up on them.

But it would never be over.