Avatar: The Last Airbender: Continued

A/N: These people are kind of young for their jobs, but too bad, it makes a good story! The first 5 chapters will be one with Toph, the next with Katara, the next with Sokka, then Zuko, then lastly, Aang. The first few chapters might (probably) be kind of short.

Toph was now Earth Queen, Katara was now Empress of both tribes, Sokka was now co-head of the Water Nation with his dad, Zuko is working with the Fire Nation to fix all the damage that was caused by them as Firelord, and Aang… is well… nobody knows. He said he was going somewhere and he said he would return soon. But that was all he said. No other information.

Chapter 1: The Earth Kingdom

Kids were in school practicing their Earthbending, adults were doing their jobs, and Toph was sitting in her throne bouncing around. Just a normal day in the Earth Nation.

"I'm bored! What to do?" Toph was like a frog in her seat, up and down, up and down.

"Servants!" she snapped. "I'm bored..."

"I suggest you fulfill these requests," said one of the servants, holding up a scroll.

"Give it here," she said slouching down.

The servant gave the scroll to her and opened it reluctantly. There were about 100 requests that were supposed to be fulfilled. She groaned and looked for one to do. There was one that said that someone wanted more room for the school. She picked that one.

She met the headmaster of the school later that day.

"How much more land do you want?" asked Toph.

"Just maybe one more strong building of average size." he said. "I'll go get some tea and when I get back the building should be done," his mouth fell open.

Toph was done making the building.

Never underestimate the capabilities of a kid Earth Queen.