The X Files


Disclaimer: I do NOT own Criminal Minds, OR the X Files


Chapter 10

Morgan sighed and watched the man being shoved into the back of the police car. He blinked when his phone rang. He pulled it out of his pocket and flipped it open.

"Hey, Baby Girl. We got him." He said.

"Perfect timing, Hot Stuff. You need to get to the air strip. I'm on my way to the airport myself." Garcia said.

"You are? What for?"

"I just got off the phone with Hotch. Nagi Naoe paid a visit to the hospital." Garcia told him. Morgan's heart stopped in his chest and he whirled.

"GUYS! We gotta move! Nagi Naoe showed up at the hospital!" He roared. JJ, Rossi and Prentiss stared, then ran to the SUV and they all piled in. "Baby Girl, you're on speaker. What happened?"

"Is Spence okay?" JJ asked, anxiously.

"Calm down!" Garcia said, smiling. "Hotch says that Nagi took him into our Boy Wonder's head. He says they broke him out of the coma! Doctors confirmed it. Reid is showing signs that he's coming out of it!"

Hotch looked up when the door opened, and he smiled.

"Wow. That was fast." He commented when the team all but fell through the door.

"What happened?" Rossi demanded.

"Did he wake up?" JJ asked.

"Quiet down." Hotch said, calmly. The group stared at him as he sat by Reid's bed, running his fingers through the long chestnut locks with one hand, and holding Reid's hand in the other. The team settled in quietly, and Hotch told them everything.

"Ever since then, his brain activity has been increasing." Hotch said, looking up at the monitor linked to the sensors placed all over Reid's head. "And he's been twitching. She says he may wake up within the next day or two."

"… He didn't wake up when you broke him out of the coma?" Garcia asked, blinking.

"No." Hotch said. "He was freed from the coma but Nagi said that he has to wake up on his own, and he has to gather strength to do that. It will take time. Possibly another whole day or two. But I thought you all would want to be here when he wakes."

"We do." Garcia said, with a nod, reaching out and brushing strands of hair out of Reid's face, and the group all settled in.

It was seventeen hours later that Hotch lifted his head. He stared at Reid's hand in his, pale and delicate… The fingers twitched again. Hotch was immediately wide awake and alert. He stood and leaned over, reaching out and laying his palm on the boy's cheek. Thick eyelashes fluttered and Reid sighed softly. Hotch smiled slightly, and waited. Minutes crawled by. An hour passed. Fingers twitched again.

"Hotch?" Morgan yawned, opening his eyes.

"I think he's waking up." Hotch said, and Morgan stood and walked over to the bedside. "He's been moving around a bit over the last hour or so." Morgan nodded. He took Reid's other hand, and laid his other on Reid's shoulder.

"Reid…" He called. "Come on, Pretty Boy. It's time to wake up." Slowly, the rest of the team began to wake and gather around the bed.

"Come on, Reid." Prentiss said, gently running her hand up and down Reid's leg. "No more slacking off."

"… Give him a kiss, Hotch." JJ suggested.

"What?" Hotch asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Worked for Sleeping Beauty, man." Morgan agreed, grinning.

"Ohhh, jinkies!" Garcia giggled, obviously delighted with the idea. Hotch rolled his eyes and Rossi chuckled.

"Enough, all of you." He snorted, but they could all see the silent laughter sparkling in his eyes.

"Wake up, Spence…" JJ called.

"Come on, handsome." Garcia cooed, leaning over and kissing Reid's forehead. "Open those big beautiful eyes, baby…"

Hotch looked up at the woman, and at the rest of the team. And he couldn't help but think about what Nagi had said. About what Reid had told him. Reid had told Nagi that he had been lonely all his life and hadn't truly been happy until he found himself a family within his team. Hotch smiled. This team truly was the family that Reid needed.

He looked down when the fingers in his hand twitched, then slowly curled. Reid was weakly holding Hotch's hand. Minutes continued to creep by… And then, the boy turned his head ever so slightly. His brow furrowed and he gave a weak moan. The team stood around watching, holding their breathes. It felt like an eternity, but then, eyelashes fluttered and brown eyes cracked open. They closed again for a moment, and then opened once more. A mass exhale of relief went around the circle surrounding Reid's bed, and he found himself greeted by smiles, and in some cases, joyful tears.

"Oh, God… Spence…" JJ sniffled. Reid stared at her, then slowly smiled.

"JJ… hi…" He whispered, his voice dry and weak. He turned his head. "Hotch… D'we get'm?" He mumbled.

"… No." Hotch said, softly. Reid closed his eyes and let out a sigh of disappointment and frustration. "They're gone. For good." Reid opened his eyes again and looked at Hotch.

"… For good?"

"They left the country." Garcia said. "And… all evidence of their existence has been… destroyed."

"What?" Reid gasped, suddenly looking much more awake. "How?" And he began to move around, as if trying to sit up.

"Spencer, no." Hotch said, and he and Rossi firmly pressed Reid down onto the bed. "Rest. You need to take it slow and easy."

"How long have I been out?" Reid asked, his voice getting stronger. The team glanced around at each other, nervously.

"… I'll get the doctor…" Rossi mumbled, and left the room. Reid blinked after him, then looked at Hotch expectantly.

"You've been in a coma for three weeks." Hotch said, getting straight to the point. Reid's eyes widened and he stared at him.

"What?" He breathed, looking stunned.

"By all rights, you should still be in it, kid." Morgan said.

"Nagi was here a day and a half ago." Hotch said. "He went into your mind and broke you free. It's… thanks to him that you're awake. Otherwise… you may have never come out of it."

The door opened and Dr. McKay rushed in. "My God…" She gasped, staring at Reid. "It's nothing short of a miracle!" She walked over, grinning widely. "Welcome back, Dr. Reid. You're one of the luckiest young men I've ever seen." She turned to the team. "I know he just woke, but I must ask you to leave while I check him over."

The team grumbled but filed out, after Garcia planted another big kiss onto Reid's forehead.

A week later saw the team on the jet, flying home to Quantico. Hotch was sitting on the couch reading over the case that the team had finished without him. Reid was napping with his head in the man's lap. When the plane landed, they found someone waiting for them.

"… Agent Mulder. Agent Scully." Hotch said, surprised. The pair smiled at the BAU team.

"We heard that you were bringing Dr. Reid home today." Scully said. Reid grinned.

"Hi!" He said, limping off of the plane.

"You're walking?" Mulder asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah." Reid said with a shrug. "The doctors couldn't figure out how I healed so quickly."

"A certain psychic woke him from his coma." Hotch said with a smirk. "I have a feeling that his abilities may have… helped and encouraged the healing process."

"… Nagi Naoe brought him out of the coma?" Scully asked.

"He did." Hotch said. "He took us into Reid's mind and… we broke him out."

And an hour later, the group was sitting around a large table at a family style Italian restaurant, and Hotch had just finished telling the story of the journey into Reid's mind once more. The team had heard it already, but Mulder, Scully and Reid hung onto Hotch's every word. Reid looked a bit unnerved at the part where he was locked in a padded cell in a straight jacket, but overall he was fascinated. At the end of the story, Hotch looked at Reid.

"He asked me to pass on a message to you." Hotch said, looking at Reid. "Nagi told me to tell you that he said… Thank you. And that he's sorry. And he asked me to tell you goodbye for him." Reid stared at Hotch, then looked down and poked at his fettuccini alfredo.

Scully reached across the table and laid her hand on Reid's. He blinked and looked up at her, and offered her a tentative smile.

"You know…" She said. "It's not like we could have charged him with the murders. Who would have believed it? All evidence would have been circumstantial. There was no forensic evidence. And this is if we even managed to catch AND HOLD him."

"I guess." Reid said. "You know… in a way… I'm kind of glad that he got away. He touched my mind. And I touched his. He's not a bad person. He's just… lost."

"Well then." Rossi murmured, and lifted his glass. "Here's to that kid finding his way." One by one, all the Agents lifted their glasses.

"Here's to him finding himself." Reid said.

"And here's to his doing the right thing at the end." Mulder added, lifting his glass to Reid.

"To him bringing our boy genius back to us." Garcia said with a smile, seizing Reid and nearly crushing him in a big hug to her chest (his cries of protest were muffled by her breasts, to his embarrassment) and she planted a big kiss on the top of his head.

Hotch was the last to lift his glass. "Nagi."

And they drank.

Hotch and Reid slowly climbed the stairs up to Reid's loft apartment over a little coffee shop and a bakery. Hotch's hand rested gently in the small of Reid's back.

"You know…" Reid said, as they stepped into the loft and closed the door behind them. "When we first agreed to take that case, I thought to myself… if I ever had to leave the BAU… maybe I could transfer to the X Files."

"You're kidding, right?" Hotch asked, laughing slightly.

"No. I did think that."


"… I think I would lose my sanity. I am NOT cut out for what Mulder and Scully do. I think I'll stick to profiling." Reid said with a slight smile. "They may not have the title SPECIAL Agent, but it takes a special kind of Agent to do what they do." Hotch chuckled.

"If you talk to most agents in the Bureau, they all believe that Fox Mulder is a 'Special' Agent." He said.

Reid gave Hotch a look. "Agent Mulder is a good man. He just has different views of things." Reid said indignantly.

"I never said I believe that! But I'm sure the Bureau is full of skeptics. Of course they'll not take him seriously if they don't believe. But just because THEY don't believe, it doesn't mean that the things he investigates aren't true. I wasn't a believer. Then I worked this case. Now I have to re-work my beliefs. Seeing is believing."

"… 'For those who believe, no proof is necessary. For those who don't believe, no proof is enough'…" Reid mused. (AN: used in 4x14, Cold Comfort. Love that quote.)

"I'm gonna grab a shower." Hotch said, and Reid nodded. When Hotch got out, Reid was curled up on the sofa. He smiled at Hotch and stood, heading into the bathroom for his turn for the shower. Hotch kissed the boy's cheek as he passed, then dropped onto the sofa himself.

Reid returned quickly and walked across the loft, rubbing his hair dry with a towel, already in his pajamas. Hotch smiled at him.

"Come here." He said. Reid smiled and walked over, sitting down beside Hotch and allowing the man to wrap an arm around him.

"You know… part of me is glad that we couldn't bring Nagi in." Reid sighed. "And… I hope that his team can be a family for him, but… I seriously doubt it."

"He's a lot like you." Hotch said. "A kid with an amazing gift. All alone. No one to rely on. You empathize with him."

"Why the hell do I always end up relating to the bad guy?" Reid blurted. Hotch chuckled.

"Shhhh… There's nothing wrong with that." The man said, kissing Reid's forehead. Reid sighed and leaned against Hotch, resting his head on the man's shoulder. Hotch smiled, tilting his head to the side and resting his cheek on Reid's damp hair.

"So… Aaron." Reid said, slowly. "When he was doing his illusion trick… what was Mulder doing to me?" Hotch's face deadpanned and he slowly lifted his head and looked down. Grinning, Reid lifted his eyes and stared up at his lover, face alight with mischief.

"… Don't make me fire you." Hotch growled and Reid burst into laughter, delighted at his success of ruffling Hotch's feathers. "Oh, laugh it up, kid." Hotch snorted, but smiled and wrapped his arms around Reid and pulled him into his lap. "I owe that boy everything…" Hotch breathed. "He brought you back to me…" The elder murmured. "God… I can't lose you, baby… I love you so much… I can't lose you… And I was so scared that I had… The idea that all I would ever have was… years of sitting by your side while you… slept… unable to wake…" He shook his head, closing his eyes. Reid sighed, curling his arms around the man and drawing him into a comforting embrace. Hotch rested his head on the boy's thin chest and listened to the soft rhythm of his heart. Reid turned his head and the man felt the youth's warm breath on the nape of his neck and thin arms holding him.

"I'm here, Aaron." Reid whispered into his ear. "I'm okay. I'm right here with you… I love you."

"I love you too…"

"But now, I have a challenge for you."

"Oh?" Hotch asked, looking up at Reid. And immediately, he frowned at the look on Reid's face. "… Reid…" He said in a warning tone.

"… Judging by your refusal to answer me… and how defensive you get when I bring it up… I would say that in the illusion, Agent Mulder was doing one hell of a job on me." Hotch GLARED. "I'm challenging you to top that."

"… Be careful what you wish for…" Hotch hissed, taking Reid into his arms and carrying him across the loft. "You'd better be damn grateful that you're still on medical leave. Because when I'm done with you, you won't be able to get out of the fucking bed in the morning!"

"Hotch!" Reid squealed, squirming and giggling as Hotch threw him onto the bed.

"Don't you start complaining now…" Hotch growled and pounced Reid, kissing and groping and fumbling at his clothes. "YOU started this. And now, I am fucking you… and I am fucking you long, and hard… over and over and over again until you won't be able to get out of bed for a month… which works for me because then I can fuck you again any time I want…"

"Aaron!" Reid gasped, starring at Hotch with wide eyes and a red face sporting a scandalized expression.

"Don't you get SHY on me now, EITHER!" Hotch snapped and grabbed Reid's shirt before ripping it straight down the middle. Reid gasped and stared up at Hotch with wide apprehensive eyes and trembled, quite intimidated by Hotch's sudden animalistic demeanor. "Just remember… you ASKED for this…" And he gripped Reid's pants and jerked them down, another rip being heard. Reid squeaked and squirmed as Hotch raked his gaze down over his body. Reid blushed and averted his eyes.

"I love you, Spencer." Hotch said suddenly, making Reid smile slightly, which brought a smile from Hotch. He stroked Reid's cheek and turned his face upwards, then leaned down and kissed him. Reid cooed at that, making Hotch smile and curl his arms around the boy, lifting him into his chest and cradling him with the most gentle, loving tenderness that he could muster.

"You are… more than I ever dreamed I could have… And more than I have ever deserved…" The man breathed into Reid's ear. "I lost Haley… Dammit, I'm not going to lose you…"

"I love you." The boy cooed softly in response, curling his legs around Hotch's waist as he ended up in the elder's lap. Hotch smirked and stared at Reid, thoughtfully.

"What?" Reid asked, cocking his head.

"Just trying to decide how to fuck you." He said, and Reid blinked, then smirked.

"However you want." He purred, and Hotch grinned.

"Perfect." He said, then flattened Reid to the bed and smothered him with kisses while he groped around for a bottle of lube in the bedside table.

Part of this scene has been removed due to explicit content

"…. I love you, Aaron…" Came the soft coo.

"… I love you too, baby…" Hotch sighed, holding Reid close. Reid smiled and nuzzled into Hotch's chest, sighing and relaxing. Hotch smiled back sleepily and drew the blankets up over them, flicking out the light. He moved to withdraw from Reid's body, but the boy stopped him.

"Don't… please… stay there…" He said softly. Hotch nodded and stroked Reid's hair.

"I love you, baby…" He whispered.

"Mmmm…" Reid sighed in answer, and Hotch smiled. Less than a minute later, Reid was fast asleep. Hotch waited another few minutes or so before rolling off of the boy, feeling a slight sense of loss as his spent member slipped out of Reid's body. Reid whimpered and pouted. Hotch smiled and rested on his side behind Reid, pulling the boy into his chest, spooning against his back. His fingers gently rubbed up and down Reid's chest and belly, and Reid relaxed again. Hotch buried his nose into Reid's damp hair and closed his eyes, letting himself drift away…

My apologies for all of the removed scene. The site admin is cracking down on explicit content. If you wish to read the story in its entirety, you will be able to find it soon on adult fan fiction . net. Remove the spaces from that... site admin also doesn't allow links on this site... For the full story on this current crack down, please visit my profile.

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