Heyyyyy! Well, im gonna make this the last chapterrrrrr, cuz I just got a short story idea, and I have to write that before I go to bed, which is soon, and plus, after what I have planned in this chapter, there's not gonna be a storyboard for any other chapter ideas, so here we go!

"Well, I was saying that I kinda…" Pepper said, as I watched her get up from her seat and whisper something in Tony's ear. I smiled as I knew what she was saying. Tony whispered something back into her ear that seemed to make her smile. I payed close attention to what was going to happen next. Then Rhodey approached me.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"Playing matchmaker with the two lovebirds over there. Now shut up!" I answered, not even looking back. I needed to see them kiss now. Rhodey gasped, and I quickly flew my hand over his mouth and directed his vision to Tony and Pepper just in time to see them start to lean in, closer and closer, until the very little space in between them was filled. I removed my hand from Rhodey's mouth to reveal that he was smiling as widely as I was. I looked at the time and saw that the bell was almost over, so I ran down the stairs and into the school. I grabbed Rhodey by the arm and made him follow my lead.

"Don't let them see that you were there, or I'll get busted for sure! And by busted, I mean they'll figure out that I was spying on them, and that I was playing matchmaker. Don't say a word, or I will tear your head right off your shoulders, got it, frat boy?" I threatened, incorrectly nicknaming him, grabbing his shirt as I spoke. After I was finished, I let my hand go to my side. He simply nodded.

"Man, you can be aggressive!" He said, rubbing his shirt at the spot I grabbed him.

"Yeah, and you're weak, dude. Get over it." I said, walking off. I proceeded on my way to my locker, to get my books for my next class, when I heard a voice behind me startle me. The voice poked me in my tummy as they tried to attract my attention. I whipped around, hand flying before me, right into their shoulder, as my automatic reaction took over me. I ended up whacking their shoulder. When I turned around to see who it was, I saw a girl with short blonde hair that was pulled up into a ponytail standing there, rubbing her shoulder. She was wearing an orange v-neck sweater with a white cami underneath it and some dark denim jeans, then a pair of chestnut colored boots.

"OUCH! What was that for? I was just being friendly!" The girl said, still rubbing her shoulder.

"Oh, I'm SOOOOO sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you, it's just when people surprise me like that, and poke me there, I have an automatic response. I really hope I didn't hurt you too badly. I'm Cara." I apologized, feeling very guilty now.

"Oh, it's okay. I'm fine, my name is Halley. I just wanted to ask you how you got that aggressiveness, because I saw you with Rhodes over there. Jeez, everyone knows you here, you've been here for a week and a half, everyone is starting to really like you, but no one knew you were aggressive. You're a pretty impressive girl, Cara." Halley complimented.

"Really? Thanks! It's a different side of me, I know. I only use that side on people who annoy me, though. I have a short temper." I said. The two of us became fast friends, as I was becoming fast friends with everyone at this new school of mine.

For once, life was starting to look more in my direction. I felt that even though I didn't really belong on earth, it was sure a place I didn't mind being. I knew that for the time remaining, I can just chill here and make do with my surroundings until it's my time to go to my real mother. I felt happy for once.

As for Tony and Pepper, after they came back down off the roof, Rhodey stood in front of them smiling. He pretty much squeezed the truth out of them. Then it became a fast growing fact around school that Tony and Pepper were finally going out. I see that I've changed everyone's life here at the Tomorrow academy, and I plan on staying here for a long time to come.

The end! IK its short, but there's nothing else to write!! Sorry! Well, review! BYEEE [: