Red Hair
Chapter 2

AN: I don't own anything thanks for the reviews. Takes place after the last episode that aired after they get back home. The team goes out for drinks and they get to see Penelope's hair up close. Enjoy

"Where's Hotch at?" Emily asked coming up to the booth the team had in the back the bar. They'd ordered some food since they hadn't eaten in at least six or seven hours.

"He told us to have fun, but he was going home to Jack, he also offered to baby sit for us," Morgan said, "We didn't say no," he added.

"Sit down, Em, he said to have fun and that's what we're going to do," JJ said pulling Emily down beside her.

"Wow, somebody's in a good mood," Emily said with smile, "Hey Will," she added.

"We got a baby sitter that was willing to stay till one, we haven't been out the house together in month maybe three," Will said.

"Guess, me and you the only two without a date," Emily said to Reid with smile.

"The kid has his eye on that girl over there," Morgan said, "If he doesn't do something soon then I'll go over there and tell her he wants to dance," Derek teased Reid.

"You do and I'll let her punish you," Reid said looking over at Morgan.

"Spence, I don't think she'd punish him, more like reward him," JJ said with smile.

"Hey, no talking about our sex life, or we'll start in on yours, sis," Derek said.

"Behave you two," Penelope said, "If you do I might take you out on that dance floor," she said with smile.

"See I knew you'd get a attitude on you soon as I dyed your hair red," Morgan teased giving her a kiss.

"You're the one that dyed her hair?' Emily asked.

"Who you think has been doing it all these years, well except for that black hair spray incident that was not my fault," Morgan said.

"Oh my god I remember that, I about died laughing when you told me what happened," JJ said trying to swallow her water.

"I can laugh about it now, but lets just say never try and wash that stuff out less you're completely clothed, I doesn't leave a good feeling," Pen said shacking her head with smile.

"What happened?" Reid asked.

"You don't want to know," Emily said, "just don't ever use colored hair spray on your hair," she added.

"Why would I spray paint my hair?"
"No, hair spray, you know the stuff that makes it stiff as a poker, well at Halloween they have them in different colors," Penelope said, "Don't use them less you want to burn for week when you try and wash it out," she added.

Reid nodded before they went back to talking about other things besides hair dye and bad experiences with hair spray.

Half hour later they were headed to the front of the bar finding two tables and pushing them together before they went to ordered drinks. "I'm driving home so I'm not drinking," Derek said but he went up to the bar getting Pen drink, Will and Reid following him to get drinks for themselves, JJ and Emily.

"Spill woman," JJ said when the guys disappeared, "what did you two do before we left on this case because I thought your husband was going to come apart when he saw you on the screen," she teased.

"I don't kiss and tell, but I'll say this, I got few bruise in certain places," Pen said with smile.

"At least one of us is getting some," Emily stated.

"If JJ and Will hadn't offered to take Billy and Aaron we wouldn't have gotten that time alone," Pen said.

"Five years in you two should have a system," JJ stated.

"Ha, with our jobs, two five year old twin boys that have their dad's energy and love to run all over the place, tell me where we have the system at?" Penelope asked, "I still have to be the bad guy, I love Derek, but the word no is not in his vocabulary unless they do something to get themselves hurt, or close to it, but apparently it is okay to have food fight while I'm out with you two on Sunday afternoon and I get home they are all playing innocent till I find spaghetti sauce on Clooney," she said, "He was covered too," she added before they started laughing.

"Boys will be boys," Emily said.

"She's got three at home, I only have two," JJ said, "Which reminds me, you two been talking about more kids?" she asked.

Penelope smiled before nodding, "I couldn't believe it, I mean for so long we sorta silently agreed on two when we had the twins," she said, "But now, whenever we get moment alone we're all over each other again, reminds me of five years ago all over, and he said he wants twin girl this time, or triplets," she stated.

"Damn, you sure you're married to Derek Morgan?" JJ asked her, "Because I remember when Hotch and Haley brought Jack in to meet us, he said he was happy just practicing," she said.

"I know, but I guess him being dad changed all that," Pen said.

"What, can't a guy have little girl or girls that look like their mom?" Morgan asked handing her the drink wrapping his arms around her.

"See I told you, he's gone wild again," Penelope said pulling him around kissing him.

The others laughed before Morgan led her to the dance floor after setting her drink on the table. "You teasing me, Red?" he asked.

"Yes I am, my chocolate God," Pen said pulling him to her with a kiss before a new song started and he moved her hips with his dancing to the music not pulling out the kiss till they needed air.

"Good, because we got the house to ourselves again, I told Hotch we'd pick them up in the morning," Morgan said, "However, he said he'd keep them till tomorrow afternoon and that if we somehow managed to add to that family of ours, that would be payment enough," he said kissing her neck.

"We better get out of here then, if you plan on adding to this family, because I don't think we can do that on this dance floor, hot stuff," she said.

Derek pulled her closer kissing her keeping up with the beat of the song holding her bottom as he moved against her. "I don't think I can make it home, not in this condition," he said.

"Then we'll just have to get you cooled down some before we leave because I'm not having sex in the bathroom here, handsome," she said nipping at his ear as she wrapped her arms around his waist.

"Truck?" he asked.

"No, bed or not at all," Pen said.

Derek started moving them towards the exit, stopping long enough to tell the others bye before they took off.

They managed to get in the truck before they started kissing again. "Changed my mind, unzip your jeans," she said deepening the kiss her hands working his shirt buttons.

"We are in a parking lot, right beside JJ and Will's vehicle," Derek said.

"Don't care, I'm horny and I want my husband, unzip your jeans or I'll do it for you."

"Yes, Red, anything you say," Morgan said with smile.

Penelope leaned over making sure the truck doors were locked. No way did she want somebody coming over and opening the doors on them. "You want me here, or you want me to get you off?" she asked taking him into her hand.

"You keep teasing me like this and I'm going spank your ass when I cum woman, do something I can't drive like this," Derek said, he had no intentions of crashing his truck because she was giving him a blow job going down the road. She'd done that to him before, two years ago and the Nickelback song Animals about came true when they said almost drove into a ditch, he about ran into their mailbox, he'd been driving her car then though and thank god he'd stopped the car because when she got that wicked idea in her mind, she wasn't going to stop till he was cumming with her name on his lips.

"You should know better by now to tell me to do something about you being hard, hot stuff," Pen said, before telling him to move over, "Good thing I'm wearing a skirt and no panties," she said kissing him sinking down on his erection making him moan into the kiss, allowing her access to his mouth. She deepened the kiss battling with his tongue as she moved rocking back and forth.

"Take the jacket off," Derek said.

"No, I'm not getting completely naked in here," she replied before he took hold of her hands in on his unzipped the jacket with smile on his face, "So those panties are the only thing you're not wearing woman, you don't got shirt or bra on under here," he said, "When did you change?" he asked before she thrust down again making him moan again.

"Who says I was wearing any today?" She asked kissing his neck biting and nipping whimpering as he held her hips thrusting up hitting all the right spots at this angle.

Derek pulled her skirt up so he could have her bare bottom in his hands. He pushed the jacket away before using his teeth to pull her nipple into his mouth. Making her moan before switching to the other one, "I'm waiting on you," he said blowing on her breast making her whimper. She was so close, but she was far away at the same time.

"Touch me, handsome," she said.

"Where?" he asked, holding her hips still not letting her move at all now.

"Anywhere, just touch me," she pleaded.

"Not till you say where," he replied.

Instead of telling him she took hold of his hand moving it to where she was begging to be touched, but he pulled away making her groan she needed that last bit contact and he was denying her. She held onto the back the seat before moving again slamming back down on him three times before he came his head went back against the seat as she continued to ride him. Her body was starting to shack but she still couldn't get the release she needed, she needed his hands touching her too, not just his cock.

Derek gave in kissing her as he started stroking her clit he knew how to get her to beg, for what she wanted, and he knew how to make her cum screaming if he wanted to, the only person that knew the secret was him, touch that little bundle of nerves hidden between her sex, it was her undoing. He covered her mouth with his own again kissing her as she came moving against him faster as she rode the waves out before she slumped against him, whimpering as he continued to stroke her clit until she was squirming against his hand cumming a second time as she closed her eyes against the moisture that was building up. "Fuck, baby oh god," she couldn't take much more of this he wasn't letting up and she started moving to relive the tension, "Derek please," she was going to explode and she couldn't stop moving against his fingers, she'd be sore later, but didn't care as she bit down against his neck as she came screaming moving against him until he exploded with her.

Morgan pulled his fingers away running his hand up and down her back, kissing away the tears of pleasure that were running down her face, "Shouldn't have told me how to make you cum screaming, Red," he said capturing her lips moving his hand in soothing circles over her back as her body slowly came down.

"I didn't think you'd use it against me every time we had sex," she said pulling away for air.

"I told you I'm relentless long time ago, that sound you make, it turns me on, and the way you look afterwards, god I want to take you all over again licking you out till you're screaming my name, but I'll wait," Derek said kissing her before she moved off him wincing slightly at the pain that went through her leg from being in that position for so long. "When we get home I'll give you a massage,"

"Bath first and you're joining me, because I'm going to need some TLC after this and you're the only one that can make me feel better," she said kissing him.

"You're the only one that makes me feel better too," Derek said kissing her before they fixed their clothes and she got dressed again.

Ten months later

Derek walked in the house with his sons' right behind him; they'd been outside tossing the football back and forth for the last hour. It was almost lunch and they'd come in to eat.

"Go wash your hands," he said before going to find Penelope, "Hey, you want hot pockets or burritos for lunch?" he asked when he found her.

"Hot pockets, the pepperoni pizza ones," Pen said with smile as he wrapped his arms around her.

"I'm glad I was right," he said kissing her neck.

"You do know that it was probably that night in the truck?" She asked.

"I know, baby girl, and no we can tell these two little girls when they're older just where they were conceived at," Derek said looking down as his twin daughters sleeping in their cribs.

"Oh so you're going to tell our sons, they were conceived on the BAU's jet?" She asked with grin before turning around to face him, "I thought Reid was going to faint when he opened the door finding us in the bathroom having sex," she said.

"We are wild and crazy together," he said kissing her.

"That reminds me, I'm thinking about dyeing my hair red again," she said.

"Go right ahead, I don't mind, but I'm warning you, my Goddess, you might just be finding two more mini me's around here," he teased.

"I better wait another year then," she teased right back before they went to eat lunch with their twin boys.

The End

AN: Okay that's all till the new story tomorrow afternoon, thanks for all the reviews and hope you enjoyed this chapter as well. Hot and steamy, just the way you like it my readers along with two more mini P's and Derek's.