As Harry quietly walked to his car at the end of the day, he spotted Bella standing with the last one of Cullens. Edward, he had guessed by the way Bella was smiling at the inhumanly beautiful male. Edward's eyes suddenly met his, gold surprising green. Bella soon saw him as well and waved. Harry slowly walked over, his brain began working- at last; since when do human have golden eyes and are as pale as the Cullens were?

He sighed as he made his way to greet Bella and her beautiful boyfriend. He had come to Forks because he wanted to get away from the rather imaginary world of wizards, witches and magic. Yeah, like that's ever going to happen!

"Hey, Bella." Harry said, coming to a stop in front of the couple. He scanned Edward unintentionally yet purposely; standing so close to the other guy had ticked something off in his mind- there was something odd about him, and also about Alice, with Alice he was just too mentally spent to care about it. Harry could almost feel the dark feeling emitted from Edward as the bloke glared at him.

Well, isn't this nice. Harry thought and forced a smile. "Harry Potter, you must be Edward Cullen, Bella mentioned you." he said, not wanting to upset a person that might become his friend in this supposedly quiet nowhere. Edward nodded stiffly. "Yes, I am, Alice had mentioned you." he said hostilely, pulling Bella closer to him.

Harry didn't think Bella noticed the air becoming tense as she smiled. Well, wasn't she oblivious. "Alright… well, it was nice to meet you, but I have to leave." he said. Bella and Edward nodded at him, contrasting expressions on their faces. He turned and began walking to his car.

"Oh Merlin!" he swore when he saw the crowd standing around his car. The Mustang convertible stood out like a pink hippogriff in traffic. Harry wanted a nice fast car, but he didn't want to stand out too much. He had to tone it down from his original choice, the 2004 Mitsubishi Eclipse… yeah… well, there was no way he couldn't be noticed driving that car, so he decided to go with a Mustang Convertible. Well… that wasn't his brightest decision.

Coming to school this morning made him realize that the teens of Forks weren't as financially fixed as he was.

He made his way through the crowd, all of them practically drooling over his poor car.

"Oh man, what wouldn't I do for this car?"

"Yeah, this guy must be as rich as the Cullens."

"I think that England money is worth more than American."

Well yes, pound does equal more than American dollar, but a Gallon equals about five pounds. He thought disdainfully, thoroughly annoyed by the swarm of teenagers, not even bothering to ponder how he inquired such information of the currency between the magical money to the muggle one. He got to his car, nodding at a few people who asked his random questions, and slid in smoothly. The people had thankfully moved out of his way when he turned on the engine, letting him drive out of the parking space. He noticed Alice wave at him as he passed her standing by an expensive looking yellow car that somehow matched her image, and he waved back carefully, not so sure he could drive safely with only one hand on the wheel.

Yes, the famous Harry Potter had only got his bloody driver's licence about a month ago.


"I'm home." Harry called as he placed his bag on a chair in the dinning room. The house that he purchased and that Andromeda had persistently wanted to help pay for was a cosy one; it was moderately big, with five bedrooms, five bathrooms and a huge yard that was surrounded by the forest (that basically surrounded the whole property, making it seem very eco-friendly). There was a big playing room for Teddy and a nice cosy kitchen for Andromeda to enjoy. The living room had a big fireplace that was connected only to a network to Hermione and Ron, and the (various) Weasleys.

After Hedwig's death, Harry had decided he needed to buy an owl. Although leaving Hedwig behind was painful, he figured that was one episode of his life that was complete, and even though he always mourned for the loss of his beloved companion, as he would with all the others he had lost, he couldn't live in the past for his whole life. The new owl he bought was a north hawk owl, which was named Lumos by Teddy. (Teddy saw Harry cast Lumos and noticed that the owl's eyes were glowing in the darkness- he had called him Lumos ever since, the owl seemed to like it, as he nibbled Teddy's and Harry's fingers affectionately when they called him by his new name).

Lumos purred at Harry's entrance and the wizard went ahead and stroked his long body. "Hey Lumos, do you know where Dromeda and Teddy are?" he asked. The brown mixed owl was, like his late Hedwig, unbelievable clever. The bird purred again and flew through the house, leading Harry to the patio and landing on one of the tree branches in the forest. Outside, Andromeda was trying to wiped mud off of the toddler's face. Harry smiled warmly at the sight.

"Hey, I'm home." he said again, walking out of the kitchen. As soon as Teddy spotted him, the toddler pushed his grandma's hands away and rushed to meet Harry, hair changing to unruly black from the normal turquoise colour. "U'cle Harry!" he screeched happily, and Harry grinned and crouched down to collect his godchild in his arms. "Were you a good boy today, Teddy?" Harry cooed. Said toddler nodded enthusiastically. "Good." Harry tapped his nose, making Teddy giggle.

"Welcome home, Harry, how was school?" Andromeda Tonks, the brain power behind their move out of the messy England, smiled as she got up. Harry sighed. "Muggle teenagers are just like magical teenagers, only slightly less discreet." he said, tickling Teddy. Andromeda nodded.

"You know, you don't have to go to a muggle school, you've already finished your education." she said, taking Teddy from the tired teen, wetting the handkerchief in her hand with her saliva before rubbing it on Teddy's mud covered cheek.

Harry shrugged, it was only theoretical that he had finished his magical education; after all, he hadn't attended his seventh year in Hogwarts. "I kind of want to experience what it is to be a normal teenager, and besides, it's normal eighteen year old to attend high school in the muggle society, I don't feel like attracting more attention than I already have." he ruffled Teddy's hair, calming the boy's struggling to ones of an obedient puppy.

"U'cle Harry!" Teddy said when he was finally released from the two older wizards. "Can we getta puppy?" he asked, using his still unknown and unexplored talent of making the most innocent puppy eyes at Harry. Andromeda sighed.

"He saw a commercial with a puppy on the television and was set on asking you to get him one." she explained. Harry shrugged with a smile, amused over the fact that Teddy began 'watching' the telly only a short while ago and the device was already corrupting the toddler's mind. Harry was willing to place 10 sickles that Teddy already learnt words he shouldn't know.

"Is it okay if we get a dog, Dromeda?" he asked her, not wanting to bother the older woman further, as she was the one to take care of Teddy for most of the day, But she smiled at him.

"A dog would be a nice companion and a good playmate for Teddy, after all, I can't run after him for a long time." she said.

Harry smile and nodded at Teddy. He wondered if Andromeda was really as old as he saw her; he knew she was a grandmother, but to a toddler of two years old. She was also a pure blooded witch, and he understood that the wizardry world, despite being old fashioned, have a longer lifespan than the muggle world. He wasn't so sure Andy was just playing it old or not. For all he knew, maybe she wanted a dog as well.

"You hear that, Teddy-bear, you are going to get a puppy." he said and Teddy jumped in happiness, squealing like only a two year old could.

Harry made a mental note to do some research about dogs, since this would be his first dog ever. He also made a note to look into the Cullens' odd characteristics, he didn't know what was bothering him; he just knew there was something exceptionally odd, maybe even magical about the inhumanly beautiful teens.


The Cullen bunch(*) all arrived home after school. Jasper dropped by with Alice's Porsche to pick her up, since Edward had decided he would give Bella a ride home in his Volvo, as he brought her to school. Emmett and Rosalie joined Jasper as Emmett was anxious to visit the high school he graduated from ever since he eavesdropped on Alice's declaration of someone new. The irony, he wouldn't glance twice at any of the students that gawked at him for a two years yet he would so eagerly decide to visit high school for a human he had never met before.

Jasper had to calm him down, but was eventually overwhelmed by the excitement as well. The three of them, as Rosalie was swept by Jasper's emotional loss of control, joined by Alice, made an incredible sight to see; four beautiful beings chatting so animatedly and happily, any student of Forks high would have gotten a heart attack by seeing them so inspired.

"Emmett, you saw him, isn't he just wonderful?!" Alice giggled as she danced around the giant of a vampire, contrasting her tiny figure. Emmett laughed mischievously with Alice's choice of words.

"You say he's going to be another human to play around with, so we are going to have two of them around now?" he asked. Alice nodded happily in response.

Emmett laughed again, this time, agreeing with his little sister. "Yes, that's great!"

Jasper sighed. "Don't encourage her, Emmett, for all we know this one is going to be as problematic as Bella is." He said, looking knowingly at his petite wife, who was grinning beautifully at the rest of their siblings. Sometimes he wondered how her mind works, although he was glad he couldn't really understand her perception of things, he had enough of his unnerving emphatic powers to try and unravel her precognitive mind.

Emmett smirked wildly, seeing a chance to start a war with his brother. "Do you mean this one is going to be in love with one of us as well? I thought you liked that feeling, Jazz." he teased, making Jasper punch his arm.

"No, I mean that he would also discover the fact that we aren't exactly humans, as Alice dearest pointed him out so merrily" the blonde male retorted carefully, obviously thinking over the consequences of another human getting close to their family a little more critically than the rest of his family. He swiftly avoided the punch sent from his burly brother.

"Well, he might be exceptionally weird, or just really stupid." Rosalie said as she sat down.

"Oh Rose, you are just upset he didn't get to be stuck down by your extreme hotness." Emmett said through clenched teeth as he tried to make another pass at Jasper, who kept avoiding him. Rosalie scoffed angrily as Emmett was right, the boy hadn't even noticed her blonde hair or her beautiful face, all he took notice of was Alice by their Porsche.

"It wasn't like he was that pretty." she snapped.

Alice giggled as she floated to her sister. "Are you delusional, he is a doll (**) amongst the humans we saw." she said.

Rosalie growled. Even she could see the brilliant green eyes hiding under those old round glasses. The boy's wild black hair was soft looking while in contrast, his skin was flawlessly semi-tanned and clear. He was also on the short and slim side, giving him a vulnerable appearance while he held his back straight, unlike most of those weak humans- who were curled down as a withering flower. She snorted again when she realized that that Potter boy might actually look like a human 'doll', held up by strings, polished with the finest of polishes and hair brushed soft by gently hands.

Alice giggled at her. "And here I thought Edward was the one who can hear my thoughts." the blonde beauty said grumpily, knowing that Alice had realized what she was thinking of.

"Well, I knew that you would see it as well." The mini vampire said as she hopped off the couch and to the front door, opening it just when Edward strode in. His eyes were set in a glare. Alice giggled again, closed the door, and practically skipped behind Edward back into the living room.

"That Harry Potter suspects something about us." Edward said bluntly, his tone gravely emotionless. However, Alice and Emmett supplied Jasper with enough jolliness to overrule Edward's intense stress and anxiety.

"Everybody in the school suspected us of something." Emmett said, finally managing to land a punch on Jasper.

"Well, he doesn't know what he felt, but he felt something off from Alice and I." Edward scowled at his mountain of a brother, knowing Emmett wasn't taking things severely into consideration.

Rosalie snorted. "You're worried about that? What could he possibly feel to help figure out what's really wrong with us?" she asked, exchanging looks with Alice, who grinned mischievously. "After all," she continued. "No human being is going to immediately assume creatures such as us are truly vampires."

Edward growled, feeling he wasn't taken seriously. "Something is off about that Potter kid." He warned, moving to the music room.

"I like him, and I'm the one who can see the future!" Alice called from the living room, making Edward scuff angrily, answering he with "I'm the one who can hear thoughts."

His four siblings heard him and snickered.


The next day started out good for Harry. He'd woken up a minute before his alarm, so he didn't have to hear the annoying sound first thing on the morning. He got dressed and ready, and then went to Teddy's room to wake his godson up, only to discover that the toddler was already awake and was downstairs with Andromeda, preparing breakfast- pancakes, waffles and French toast. After an abnormally large cup of hot chocolate and a secretly eaten chocolate frog, Harry had time to talk to Andy and then be questioned about the puppy he was going to get by Teddy.

"U'cle Harry, is puppy pretty?"

"U'cle Harry, is puppy coote?"

"U'cle Harry, is puppy shmart?"

"U'cle Harry, is puppy big?"

The answers were as following: Yes, Yes, Yes, it will grow to be. They made Teddy giggle cutely and squeeze Harry's neck in an excited hug.

Then he'd left for school, after receiving Andy's home made tart pie for lunch. Delish. He thanked god he had her to cook real food for him, he wasn't sure he would be able to stand buying anymore of the cafeteria food, which look rather sickening in comparison to any of Hogwarts's meals. Well, the food looked awful in comparison to any food there was. But Harry guessed it was like this in every muggle high school.

Yes, it was looking like a pretty excellent day.

"Hey Harry!" a spiky hairdo entered his peripheral vision and he looked down at the pixie like girl.

"Good morning Alice." He answered with a small smile.

"So you remember you're sitting with us today?" she asked, a wide grin stretched on her face. Harry nodded solemnly. "But I hope you don't plan on feeding me or something, I've got a lunch today." He said, remembering what Alice said the day before, about him being too skinny.

"I know, I know." She said knowingly, earning a raised eyebrow from the wizard. She just smiled playfully.

"Edward doesn't really like you." She suddenly said, and Harry shrugged.

"I got the feeling he didn't yesterday." He agreed with her, but didn't mention the fact that he got another feeling besides the strong dislike from her brother. He didn't want to arouse any problems already, for all he knew the Cullen siblings were completely normal, after all, he had never heard or read of a being that has the characteristics the two had.

"Don't worry about it, he will." Alice patted his arm, and Harry could feel her cold touch through his jacket. He wasn't' sure if he should comment on it or ask her if she was okay. He smiled at her with confusion, not really understanding what she meant by 'he will'.

"Oh," she smiled cheekily. "I can see the future." She waved her fingers mysteriously in front of her face, and twirled away towards her first class.

Harry stood there in shock, for a moment wondering if he was to believe her or was she playing a joke on him, since he could never know with where he came from. The fact was that Alice had, strangely enough, reminded him of Luna Lovegood in her mysterious yet knowing words, she was confident in herself and did not find anything she was saying odd as any normal person would.

It made Harry only fonder of her, and after a long moment of pondering, in which the bell rang and Lauren's arm found its way around his for a moment –before he dismissed it from his hold, he decided that there was no way Alice was serious with her words, and felt a little silly for thinking about it.

Hopefully, with Lauren's arm away from his, this would continue to be a great day.

Thanks for all the wonderful reviews and the amazing readers who have added this story to their alert and favourite lists, it's really awesome to get one of those messages saying that someone likes the story.

Sorry for the late update, I'm not going to give any excuses, since I know they are extremely annoying, I'll just say that I will try to update more frequently.

Thanks again. Danielle.