Final Chapter:

So you wondered what happened to Takara and Alex? Well to pass the boring year of College, they would move to Lilycove City. Takara, now age 23, took a job in the department store and watched over their apartment. Alex however took an opportunity to go to the Unova region. He left Blaziken and Charlie to care for Takara till he came back. It has been a few months.

We now meet Takara who is working as a Cashier at the Pokemart. Her shift was almost over when two co-workers walked up to her.

"Hey Takara! Do you want to go to a club? I bet Alex abandoned you." One of the girls asked. Takara shook her head, a smile still on her face. She looked at the temporary ring she made herself.

"No. I promised Alex that I will wait for him. No matter what." with that, she took her leave to her apartment. Blaziken was trying to clean up the mess that the now older Charlie left. He was still the same Bachuru as before. Blaziken looked up at Takara.

"Oh, Takara. I am sorry. Charlie was trying to eat the cord to the Television." Blaziken explained, while Charlie hopped on Takara's head. Grabbing in with force.

"Mom. Blaze shooed Charlie off the black rope! I wanted to nibble!" Charlie told his side, Takara sighing. She took Charlie off her head and moved him to Blaziken's head.

"Charlie. I told you time and time again, not to chew any cords. But if you behave... I may buy an extension cord for you as a treat." Charlie was hopping with excitement. To her, Charlie and Blaziken are her children. She noticed a message on the machine, playing it back.

"Hey Takara, it's Maria. I know I should not brag but... Mack popped the question! Well it was more that I Popped it but yeah, We are getting hitched! Our wedding is happening on the Eight of June. I am so excited! It's all thanks to you. Oh yeah, I want you to be my best woman or whatever they are called. See you next month for our monthly visit!"

The message ended, Takara wiping a tear. She talked to herself "That is one thing she beat me to. Marriage." happy as to hear her voice so excited again.

She would cook dinner when the phone rang. Blaziken took the liberty of finishing it up, letting Charlie sneak on his shoulder to watch.

Takara picked the phone up.

"This is the Makeos. Who is calling?"

"Hey Takara. Glad to see you are still fine." It was Alex. He usually called every chance he could to talk to his future wife.

"Alex. Have you seen anything interesting?"

"Yeah. But before I tell you, how about a joke?"

Takara questioned his offer, but took it.

"Okay tell me."

At that moment, when Alex said "Knock Knock", Two knocks followed. Takara approached the door, asking on the phone "Who's There?"

"Will ya."

"Will ya who?" Takara slowly opened the door to a kneeling Alex with a ring already out. He ended the joke in person with "Will ya marry me, Takara Makeo?"

As corny as it looked, Takara could not react. She stood there with tears building and a smile.

"I could not stand being away from you a moment longer. I had to take a plane back and cancel that trip. I need you in my life at all times!" The two would embrace in a tight hug and a passionate kiss. Blaziken putting a hand over Charlie's face to hide his vision.

Takara managed to reply to his request...
"I will Alex. But you did not have to do something so corny." Alex grinned.

"Well I wanted it to- HEY! I never wanted to do something like that! I wanted to surprise her at a karaoke bar!"

And then that is where I think the story should end. Cause the director can not keep up with the fourth wall being broken in a romantic story -_-


Takara Makeo

Alex Hiz

Mack Telo

Maria Pohn

Parth Makeo

Lillian Makeo

Student #1

Student #2

Student #3

Bully 1

Bully 2

Bully 3

Charlie the Bachuru


Alex's Father

Teacher 1

Teacher 2

Special thanks to you all for enduring this trip.

As well, Happy 21st Birthday to me! I will see you all around the net.

-See you later Space Cowboy