
Neytiri spends the day setting her affairs in order. Everyone is surprised by what she is doing, but they are even more struck by the light in her eyes, the peace in her face, how much younger and happier she looks. Many who did not know her from before the great battle are surprised. They had thought she was simply a solemn, serious person by nature.

Mo'kriya is not surprised. Not really. Her mother looks the way she used to look while telling her father's avatar about joyous things, late at night when she thought nobody was watching. She has the same light in her eye, a thousand times amplified. The sight is uplifting, but Mo'kriya cannot help but feel a profound sadness nonetheless. The two of them hug for a very long time, wordlessly, with silent tears streaming down Mo'kriya's face. But she does not try to change Neytiri's mind.

Neytiri presents herself to Tsahik Selune and explains her vision: the significance of Toruk's death and how it had released the last fragment of Jake's soul to Eywa, allowing him to find her in sleep. She explains her plans for that night and gives instructions. A murmur of astonishment ripples through the crowd, but the purpose in Neytiri's eyes is clear and strong and immovable.

A ceremonial bed is prepared between two great tree roots, at the Tree of Souls. Very few people are granted the privilege of being buried here. At sunset, Jake's avatar is cleansed in the smoke of sacred herbs and moved from its place in Hometree to its final destination. Neytiri cleanses herself as well and join him there, face-to-face, curled like twins in a womb. She closes her eyes. The Tsahik says a few words, but keeps them brief; they will have time for a longer ceremony tomorrow. The assembled Omaticaya each murmur a few words of respect and farewell, then disperse without the usual placement of dirt clods into the grave. The occupants are still breathing —one awake, one asleep — but they will both be ready for burial in the morning.

Mo'kriya is the last to leave. "Sleep well, my mother, my father." She turns, and her soft foot-falls recede into the distance.

Neytiri opens her eyes and gazes at the avatar's face, its features illuminated by the peacefully swaying branches nearby. Then she makes the bond, feeling the restful trance enter her mind. She traces Jake's features with her fingertip once more, then closes her eyes to fall asleep for the last time. She is smiling, and her breathing is steady, matching that of the avatar's, fading away in measured steps like the ocean at low tide.

She awakens to find herself standing on the elevated dais, watching the day break in dazzling colors over the horizon. A figure forms a shadow against the light, gradually growing larger and larger until it explodes into the caldera in a storm of enormous wings, backlit by the fiery sunrise. A small figure dismounts, stroking the creature's neck and head like an old friend, then walks toward her, closing the distance with a purposeful stride that she could recognize anywhere.

Jake's eyes are alive with adventure, and Neytiri is ready for him. He offers his hand, she accepts it, and together they walk toward Toruk, who looks even more fierce and noble and beautiful than it had in life. It lets out an impatient roar, and Jake grins at Neytiri. They walk faster, then break into a jog, then laugh and sprint headlong toward the great beast before leaping onto its back, whooping. Jake makes tsaheylu with Toruk and wheels him toward the open sky. Then he hesitates, looks back over his shoulder at Neytiri, and grins wider. He hands Toruk's other antenna to her. She stares at him as she comprehends his intention, then hesitates briefly before taking her own queue and joining the link.

The sensation is overwhelming. The beast roars again, and she feels the thunder as though it is in her own chest. It stretches its wings and she can feel the yearning for flight, an urgent drive embodied in its pulsing heart and rushing lungs. The feeling is intense, larger-than-life... and familiar.

It is a lot like being linked to Jake.

Neytiri grips the antenna with one hand and wraps her other arm around Jake's waist. She lets out her hunting cry and hurls the three of them skyward with her mind. Toruk's savage pleasure echoes in her own mind, and behind it she can feel Jake's delight, reveling in her spirit, in the sensation of her arm around his waist, in the mighty beast carrying both of them straight toward the sun. The wings carry them far over the ground, before banking into a broad arc that causes the beautiful landscape to rush across their field of vision, in a sweeping panorama. It is unclear who initiated the banking turn –the man, the woman, or the beast — and it doesn't matter. They are one, together ni'awongay.

Author's note: And that's that. Thanks again to all readers and reviewers; you have been a great audience.

If you haven't left a review yet, do it now! Come on, I know there are more of you out there, but your reviews are my only tangible evidence that you exist. :-p Tell me your favorite chapter, or something. Even just a simple overall "thumbs up!" or "thumbs down!" is appreciated.

I'd like to thank Muugin for pointing me to the song "I Will Wait For You," sung by Connie Francis and featured in the "Jurassic Bark" episode of Futurama (the one about Fry's dog). I am very, very flattered that you found it a fitting match for this fic. The song is sung in a woman's voice, but really the sentiment could be coming from either one of them.


If it takes forever I will wait for you
For a thousand summers I will wait for you
Till you're back beside me, till I'm holding you
Till I hear you sigh here in my arms

Anywhere you wander, anywhere you go
Every day remember how I love you so
In your heart believe what in my heart I know
That forevermore I'll wait for you

The clock will tick away the hours one by one
Then the time will come when all the waiting's done
The time when you return and find me here and run
Straight to my waiting arms

If it takes forever I will wait for you
For a thousand summers I will wait for you
Till you're here beside me, till I'm touching you
And forevermore sharing your love