Me: This is sure to be a hit!!

Mai: What makes you say that?

Me: It's ShizNat and it's rated M!!

Mai: ....good point -amazed-

Me: -nods- :3 I know the internet... Its full of perverts and sickos!!

Mai: That explains why your here

Me: -pouts- Shut up Mai.... Oh and as a warning!! The beginning is kind of...depressing. But it gets so much better!

Chapter 1 - Starting Line


The wooden door slammed in the girl's face with the force of a thousand hateful bitches. The bluenette on the receiving end sighed and turned to her friend that was now shivering in the cold Autumn air. "Mai, we didn't have enough money. We can't stay here either."

The taller, bustier, and older girl smiled sadly and pulled her friend into a hug. Natsuki stood there rigid for a moment before wrapping her arms around her friend and burying her face in the woman's neck. Mai pet the girl's hair and held her as the girl shook with hidden sobs. She could feel the chill of tears running down her neck, and held her friend tighter, "Come on Natsuki, its okay. You worked for the money we have so there's no reason to be sad... I don't mind sleeping in the subway again, I swear."

Natsuki pulled back from her friend and shook her head, wiping her tears on her jacket sleeve. Mai was so much stronger than she was; well emotionally anyway. She had no idea what she would have done without Mai by her side throughout the years. It was Mai that kept her away from stealing and other bad things, and now Natsuki had to make up for that. "No Mai. Our baby will not be sleeping in that freezing place again. You're sleeping in a nice warm bed and you're eating a great breakfast with all the works!"

The woman placed a hand on her stomach, cringing at the memory of why she was carrying a child. If she ever saw that man again... well Natsuki would kill him first. But she would have a good laugh too. A strong gust of air flew by, causing the woman to wrap her arms around herself and shiver. Her teeth chattered until a warm cloth covered her shoulders.

Mai looked up and saw Natsuki placing her jacket on her shoulders. She was about to protest but the working girl just shook her head and smiled, "Come on. Lets go uptown where the rich people live. The... subway is nicer, cleaner up there. We can get there before sunset if we hurry."

Nodding in agreement, Mai walked side by side with her partner as they walked up from downtown.

They had been living like this for a while. After all, they were only rats. Street rats that lived in one place, took what they could for as long as they could, than left to scurry off to the next victim. Maybe they would be parasites instead of rats. No parasites just sounds nasty; they were rats. They had both escaped from the same orphanage around the age of 9 (Natsuki) and 11 (Mai). In the beginning, they fed off people that pitied them because they were children. They stayed in a library all day and learned as much as they could from donated school books.

As they got older, they became more street smart than anything and Natsuki took on the male role. She got jobs very early on; nothing big, just enough to get them rooms and food for the night. For years she worked, and because she had absolutely nothing she would usually get a job because of pity. That was when she was 13. Now 19, there was no pity.

People would pay no mind to a begging girl and her friend on the street. They scoffed and turned their heads, doing nothing to help the women.

A little over two months ago, He happened. Mai got a boyfriend that gave her a place to stay. She would sneak Natsuki in and give her friend food, and for a while it was fine. That was until the boy became more demanding of a sex life. Mai would always refuse; and still being a virgin her was proud to do so! Until he snapped. He locked Natsuki outside and raped Mai. The worst part? No protection. Oh wait, it gets worse, Natsuki tired to help but could only watch in horror as her best friend was violated.

Worse than that? Impossible you say? Oh, very possible indeed! He kicked her out and took all her stuff, leaving them with no food, money, clothes, and a baby to come. His Name: Tate. Tate Yuuchi and he was Lucifer in douchebag form.

After that, Natsuki got a knife. It was a sharp double bladed, double sided, LeatherMan knife and it was deadly. She kept it in her right pocket at all times and slept with it in her right hand. Of course Mai was against the whole thing, but with her friend she felt protected and safe. Very safe indeed.

Now the girls were just looking for a break. That's what they were doing uptown at the moment. It was nicer. Rich people lived here, so it was clean and crime free. They turned onto a nice street and stopped at the corner, looking around them. Natsuki looked at the now setting sun and glared at it, wishing they had more time. "Mai... let's go up this street instead. Maybe its faster, you know?" she suggested, taking her friend's hand and looking at her pleadingly.

Mai couldn't resist the puppy pout and nodded, allowing her friend to pull her down the road. It was a total 180. They went from nice 2 story houses to places that must have been 3 story mansions! It was insane! Both woman gazed up in wonder as they passed field after field of large green grassy areas that all lead up to white stone mansions.

A car zoomed passed then, getting their attention. It stopped in front of the next house. Mai grabbed Natsuki's wrist and held the girl back, pointing to the car, "Natsuki, they must be loaded. Please, just this once. Swallow your pride and ask for money, and help! Please!"

Natsuki growled and watched the driver get out, hurrying to the back door and opening it. "F-Fine." she reluctantly agreed. Mai hugged her and pushed the girl forward, looking hopeful. Two months ago and Natsuki would have told her a good flat out NO! But... there was about to be a third person to the party and Natsuki had to take care of them both.

She jogged forward in time to see a woman step out of the black car. The brunette in front of her came out in a cream business suit and large sunglasses. Following her was a man with shaggy black hair and a formal suit of his own. Natsuki stood in front of the two, and bowed deeply while drinking her pride and swallowing hard, "Excuse m-me, Miss? Could you help me and my friend over there? We have no place to stay."

"Shizuru, ignore her." the man spoke. Still bowing, Natsuki cursed under her breath and stood up, looking at the two people like they were her last life line. The man scoffed and pushed past her and came up to the gate that surrounded the home. Pushing a small buzzing button, the gate near them opened.

The woman stood there and stared Natsuki down. The bluenette wished she knew what the woman was thinking, or at least that her face looked like! Stupid huge glasses. "Shizuru? You coming?!" the man asked again, looking very irritated.

"No Reito-san, please go on ahead." The woman said, shooing the man away with a flick of her wrist. The man sneered, but obeyed and left the two women there to themselves. Natsuki decided now would be a good time was ever to really look at this chick. She has brown hair that went below her shoulders, a heart shaped face and very shapely body that couldn't have been two inches taller than her own. Shizuru smiled and bowed a bit, "Ara, how rude of me. Shizuru Fujino. Pleased to meet you, Stranger-kun."

'Fujino?! This girl owns the biggest biz in Fuuka! She's fucking loaded!!' Natsuki thought, gaping at the young woman. Than Shizuru took off her glasses and placed them in her pocket, opening her eyes. Natsuki gazed into the deep pools of crimson staring at her and suddenly felt her face get hot. Her heart did a flip and her stomach fell out of her ass. She was thinking it, so why not say it, "B-You're beautiful..."

Shizuru giggled and nodded in appreciation, "Ara, thank you Stranger-kun. It's nice to compliment a girl, but please ask me out correctly."

Natsuki shook her head, turning a much darker tinge of red, "N-No! That's not what I meant!" she yelled, her anger getting the best of her. She remembered where she was and who she was talking to and immediately got herself in check, "I'm sorry about that. And my name is Kuga. Natsuki Kuga. I was wondering if you had money to spare, anything please, my friend and I need help." she said, trying to sound sincere. Mai needed help; Natsuki would get on her knees and beg if she had to. Anything for Mai.

The rich one stood there for a moment, tapping her chin as if in thought. All the while she was watching Natsuki who was blushing to the bone. If is wasn't embarrassing and irritating enough that she had to swallow her pride and ask another girl for help, but she was begging. She was beggar. Nothing was worse than this.

Seeming to have made up her mind, Shizuru smiled at the younger girl and waved Mai over. The busty one came over in an instant, standing close by Natsuki's side. Shizuru smiled wider; there two had chemistry. "I'm sorry, but I have no money or food to spare that the moment. But come inside for a cup of tea and we may talk."

"Sure." Natsuki said, shrugging and grabbing Mai's hand to walk inside.

"Not Sure! And show some respect." Mai yelled, holding the girl back. She turned to Shizuru and bowed to her, "Thank you, but it's too much. We couldn't really."

Natsuki growled and placed her hand on Mai's stomach, "Mai." she said in a deadpan voice. Shizuru simply watched the girls talk it out. Mai knew what this motion meant. Natsuki was more worried about her and the baby than anything else in the world, and she wanted them to be safe. That's what it meant. Mai sighed and placed her hand on top of Natsuki's, intertwining their fingers. She looked back up at Shizuru with a small smile and nodded, "Change of heart. May we please come in?"

Shizuru stared that their connected hands for a bit. It wasn't long, bit long enough for Natsuki to notice and step in front of Mai. She had to protect Mai, no matter what. She even went to far as to glare at the woman in front of her with hate in her eyes, "Don't look at her like that. She's mine to protect."

"Natsuki, be nice!" Mai scolded, yanking her arm down to get Natsuki's attention. The girl snorted and held Mai's hand tighter in her own, moving aside for Mai.

Being as gracious as ever, Shizuru smiled yet again and pushing the buzzing button and not a second late the gate started to open. "Please, this way. We can have tea in my office and talk things out."

Natsuki and Mai both nodded, moving together through the gate and onto the small estate. It wasn't as elaborate as the others in front, but it was nice. It certainly looked like a Louisiana farm home, only bigger. They followed the rich one up a cobble stone path that was maybe 50 feet long until they reached a large double wooden door. Shizuru opened it and held it open to the two girls as they stepped inside, filled with wonder.

Natsuki was expecting lines of maids bowing and saying something stupid like "Welcome home, Master!" but there was none. Which was odd because this place was, literally, sparkling clean. Marble floors started and went throughout the bottom of the house. The room they were in now seemed to be a living room of sorts, but only because there were two couches and a fireplace that looked seriously under used.

"This way, please." A velvet voice called out. Both girls stopped gaping and followed her up a wooden stair case and down a very long hall. They walked quickly on the dark red carpet for some reason, like they shouldn't be there. "By the way, I never got your name, other Stranger-san." Shizuru said, looking over her shoulder at Mai.

Mai nodded like an obedient puppy and blushed a bit, "I'm sorry. My name is Tokiha Mai, Fujino-sama." She said, bowing her head as they walked. Natsuki could feel Mai squeeze her hand and knew the woman was either nervous of uncomfortable. Closed doors lines the white hallways as the three women came to a cracked door.

Shizuru pushed open the door and stepped inside, motioning to the girls to follow her. "Please, come in. Sit anywhere and make your self at home, I'll have the tea ready in a few minutes."

Mai hesitated, but Natsuki stepped inside like she had been doing it all her life and pulled the other in with her. She quickly flopped onto a large leather chair and leaned back, tipping her feet up onto the office desk in front of her. Mai scoffed and pushed the feet down, glaring at her friend, "Natsuki, this isn't yours! Treat this place with some respect!"

"Maaaai! She said make ourselves at home! This is what I would do at home, if we had one!" Natsuki whined, putting her feet back up onto the desk. Mai gave her the look and pushed the feet down again. It was a look Natsuki quickly returned, swinging her old converse back onto the desk and crossing her arms over her chest like stubborn child.

Shizuru watched the two closely and she poured the already steaming water into the cups of tea. These two obviously had a history. They acted as if they had either grown up together as sisters, or they were lovers. And they acted a bit too close to just be friends. She guessed that Mai was older and more motherly while Natsuki was the one that protected them, and they were obviously poor so it must have been a large job.

She knew she should have been less caring towards the girls, but she couldn't help it. Although she was instantly wary of Mai, there was an obvious and strong attraction to the blue haired woman. There was something different about her. Most people treated her like a queen and gave her whatever she wanted while this one girl had the courage to glare at her and talk to her like a normal person. It took all her will power not to blush when the younger woman called her beautiful. It was hard not to jump her right then and there, and now that the woman was in her own office, Shizuru didn't want to let her go! She couldn't let the girl back onto the streets, not now and not ever.

She picked up the silver tray that the cups rested on and carried them over to the desk, clearing her throat. Mai and Natsuki both looked over, the latter taking her feet off the desk and blushing a bit. 'So cute...' Shizuru thought, placing the tray down, "Jasmine is okay, right?"

"Perfect." Mai said, bowing her head and picking up two of the cups. She placed one in front of Natsuki and took a sip of her own.

Shizuru took a long drink of hers and set the cup down, looking intent on getting some answers about the girl's relationship. She looked to them and smiled half heartedly, "So then, how long have you two been together?" she asked as innocently as possible.

Mai choked on her tea. Natsuki set her cup down and patted the blushing girl's back quickly, taking her hand in her own again. She turned to Shizuru with a small smile in place, "We've been together almost ten years now."

Mai coughed again and looked at her friend in disbelief. Natsuki sensed that she was alright and relaxed in her own chair again, looking bored as Mai just gaped with a flush red face. Shizuru raised her brows at this; so then Natsuki was the seme(1) in the relationship? "Ara... and I suppose you sleep together, yes?"

Blushing even harder, Mai shook her head and was about to step in, but Natsuki cut her off, "Yes every night. Mai doesn't sleep with anyone but me, and she's always by my side. I live to please her."

Shizuru nodded and smirked slightly. Natsuki seemed totally oblivious as to the answers she was giving while Mai looked like she was about to erupt from embarrassment. One more question should set them off of deep end... "And may I ask why you came to me to ask for help this fine evening?"

Mai sighed happily at the seemingly normal question and finally got her question in check. 'Natsuki can answer this. I mean how embarrassing could her answer be? I hope Fujino-san doesn't think badly of us after all those perverted answers...' she thought. Natsuki smiled sadly and knew the answer to the question immediately, "I have to take care of my child."

Both Mai and Shizuru gaped at her with flushed faces. Mai's mind went blank at that moment, making it so that she could do nothing but sit there and blush. Shizuru quickly composed herself, a bit, and looked at the bluenette in disbelief, "Y-Your child? As in..." she asked, looking to Mai. The hand on the stomach thing... Why didn't she see it before?!

Natsuki nodded strongly and looked at Mai lovingly, "Yes, Mai is pregnant. And I have to make sure that the baby grows up to live a happy life."

Shizuru couldn't believe it. To conceive a child through two women was very rare. It had happened before throughout the years in Fuuka, but this was amazing. Yet sad... such a poor couple with a baby on the way was never a good thing. Shizuru felt her heart go out to these two women. She had to help. To get closer to Natsuki was her goal, no matter what obsticles lay ahead.

Mai finally came to and smacked Natsuki upside the head, glaring at the bluenette, "Natsuki?! How could you!?"

"The hell?!" Natsuki yelled, rubbing the back of her head and returning the glare. "What did I do?! What?!"

"And answered all those questions as if we are a couple!!" Mai yelled back, beginning to blush again.

It took a few moments, but it finally clicked in Natsuki's mind about the things she said. She flushed harder than anyone ever before and stood up quickly, shaking her head and looking at Shizuru with desperate eyes. "I didn't mean any of that! Me and Mai are friends, nothing more! A-And it's not my baby! It's some guys baby and I only wish to protect Mai! You have to believe me!"

It felt as though a huge weight was taken off Shizuru's chest. They weren't a couple, which meant that Natsuki was available. And She had never seen such a blush in her life... 'I wonder if I can make her blush like that sometime...' "Of course I believe you, Kuga-san. I'm sorry for asking such misleading questions."

Natsuki sighed and nodded, sitting down on the chair again, "It's fine. And call me Natsuki, I hate formalities."

"Very well, Natsuki-chan." Shizuru said in a very flirty voice, causing the bluenette to lightly blush and looked away towards a window. Mai rolled her eyes at this.

Then Shizuru felt as thought a light bulb should go off over her head. This was perfect!! "If I'm not mistaken, you two need jobs right?" she asked. Both girls nodded sadly, which gave her a way not only to her help them out, but to get closer to Natsuki. "Then I have the perfect thing. You see, we used to have three maids here, and they each worked to perfection on keeping each and every room clean, cooking, and just keeping us company. Living in this house is my father, Me, and my cousin Reito Kanazaki who you saw before and we've each had a personal maid.

"But a little over a month ago, we found out that each were lying in their own way. My father's maid had been stealing money from around his room for months and she managed to ease out a nice bundle of 100,000yen. Reito's maid had been having an affair with him which was restricted from the beginning. My maid was... stealing my panties."

Natsuki let out a hearty laugh at that, causing the two other woman to look at her. She continued laughing and pointed at Shizuru with a very amused face, "She... She stole your panties?! Oh wow, how many pairs? That's priceless!" she yelled, nearly falling back in her chair.

Mai glared at her and slapped her thigh, making the bluenette stop to narrow her eyes at her. Mai smiled and nodded, "Please Miss Fujino, continue."

"Well as I was saying," Shizuru started, quirking her brow at Natsuki who blushed and looked away, "All three maids have been fired and this house has been eerily empty since then, now here is my proposition. What if you two come to w-"

"Shizuru-bear? You in here?" a raspy voice called out. The door opened to reveal an older man in a very nice business suit holding the door open. He had short gray hair and bit of a black and gray goatee, hands worn down from years of work, honest eyes and a face wrinkled from the years. He smiled at the sight of his daughter, but raised a brow at the other two. "Ummm... 'Zuru-bear, are these friends of yours?"

The brunette cleared her throat and stood up a bit straighter in her chair. "Father, please don't call me that in front of Natsuki-chan and her friend."

No doubt a blush erupted on said woman's cheeks. The old man nodded in understanding and smiled at the two woman, "I see my 'Zuru-bear has found someone!" he said proudly, coming into the room and putting a hand on Natsuki's shoulder. Natsuki blushed and looked between Mai, Natsuki, and Shizuru. "So then, how long have you two been together?"

Shizuru stayed silent, as if waiting for Natsuki to answer. The bluenette opened and closed her mouth a few times before shaking her head, "I-I... W-We.." she started. Would it be bad to disappoint very rich and powerful man? Not that she had anything to lose...

"They're not together." Mai said, scooting closer and placing her hand on Natsuki's thigh. The bluenette blushed harder but still sighed happily and looked at Mai like she was her savior. The old man stood there awkwardly before moving to stand beside Shizuru on the other side of the desk. Mai leaned over and whispered into Natsuki's ear, "What the hell was that?! You froze up!"

"I'm sorry, I don't do well under pressure! You know that..."

"Yea well let's not freeze up in front of the billionaire that might as well control our futures!"

"Sorry Mai. I really am... but... could you move your hand?"

"Of course." Mai responded. She grinned evilly as her hand sneaked further up the thigh towards the woman's center, her fingers drumming as she went. Natsuki froze and grabbed the offending hand, lacing their fingers in order to stop the sensations running through her lower body at the moment. Mai: 27 - Natsuki: 15. It was a small game they played with each other. Who ever could turn the other on more in a month. It being the middle of August, it was a slow game so far.

Mai snorted and turned to face the Fujino's who were whispering amongst themselves. Soon enough, both stopped and turned to the girl's with wide smiles in place. Mr. Fujino nodded at them both – while looking at their interlaced hands – and grinned, "Congratulations, you both got the job."

"Eh?" both girl's answered.

Shizuru giggled and spoke to them, though she only looked at Natsuki, "The story about the maids wasn't for fun. I was about to ask if you would want a job working here as live in maids."

Both girl's gasped. Mr. Fujino smiled again and nodded, "Of course since this is a very large house, you shall get paid a large sum each month, but only once a month. And as an added bonus and thank you, you may each get your own room. Unless you would like to share one..." he said, motioning to their joined hands.

Mai was about to protest, but Natsuki's grip on her hand tightened and the woman spoke up, "Thank you, we would love to share a room." Natsuki said, standing up and taking Mai with her. She looked at Mai and the woman could see that Natsuki's eyes were sparkling; although she didn't have an explanation to her happiness, she didn't question it.

Mr. Fujino led them to their rooms and gave them a basic run down on the rules a long the way. It really was basic. Only leave the house to get supplies from down town or if they were using their day off. Every Saturday they had the rest of the day off after noon. They had to keep it down (snicker snicker). And no relations with his children.

He left them at their room with 3 extra keys. Natsuki looked around the room in amazement and grinned. A large queen sized bed, a dresser, a closet, their own bathroom!! This was... everything she every wanted! After years and years on the streets, working for a check that was never really hers, and giving everything she had in order to survive, everything was going right! She could protect Mai! She saw Mai standing near the bed and tackled her. "Nats-!" Mai screamed before she crashed into the fluffy bed.

Mai turned over and glared at her friend, but saw that Natsuki was grinning at her, teary eyed. Her eyes softened at the sight, "Natsuki..."

Natsuki wiped her face and sat next to her friend. Mai sat up and saw that Natsuki was biting her lip, "Mai... I did it! I got us a place to stay, I got us a home and a well paying job! You can be safe here and have the baby... It'll all be okay. It's okay now, Mai. It's okay." she said.

Mai pulled the girl into a tight hug and patted the girl's back as Natsuki cried happily into her chest. "Yes Natsuki, it's okay. We're home, for now."

1 - Seme is a term for who's on top during sex pretty much. Or who's in control of a relationship


Me: Told you it'd get happy!

Natsuki: Yea, less depressing

Mai: Natsuki's so fun to tease

Shizuru: Ara... that's true

Natsuki: -blushes-

Me: Well there you go folks!!

Shizuru: Oh and, Shu spent her time writing this instead of the next chapter of ALostKitten

Me: o.o ZURU!!!

Shizuru: -smiles innocently-

Me: Pleeeeeeeeeeeeease REVIEW!!