(DISCLAMER Ally Carter Owns Everything well almost everything that is)

"Cammie I know your in here" I heard someone with a very thick British accent say Bex how I missed my sisters

"come out come out or we will just have to send Zach in" Said Macy

"what" I jumped out of my spot out of the view of my sisters and almost into Liz

"ha I knew it" Said Macy "I knew you still liked him" she Said with a triumphant look on her face

"I do not" I Said just a bit to loudly for Tina Walters to happen to be walking past the door

"you don't what???" she Said I could already see the gossip columnist in her eager for something to start a back to school rumor on

"nothing Tina" I Said and I sent a IF-you-say-anything-you-are-dead glare to my friends who took it just as I wanted them to they stepped back and stayed quiet

"ok" she Said "if you say so" as she walked out the door I knew I was going to some truth sorting out at the back to school dinner

"I do" is all I remarked because I knew if I Said anything more I was going to be tackled by her for more information

"she's gone now can we talk about it"

"there is nothing to talk about" I answered "or take notes about" I Said directing my stare at Liz how like always was leaning on everything Macy Said, well about boys that is

"if you say so" Said Liz

"I do" I replied

"can we start unpacking or are we just going to stand here glaring all day" Bex Said

"fine" I Said

One HOUR Later

"Done" Said Macy

"finally" Liz Said she might have patience when it comes to teachers and lectures but NOT Macy and unpacking

"Sorry" she Said "its not my fault these closets are so small"

"never mind" I Said "we still have two hours before the welcome back dinner what……


"Come In" Said Macy

"hello girls" Said my mom headmistress of the academy

"hey mom" I Said

"hello Mrs. Morgan" they all Said

"good to see you all back this year

"its good to be back mam" Said Bex her accent still thick

"there is something you girls should know though.." she Said leading off

"yes" Bex pressed you could tell she wanted it to be about Grant but not like she was going to admit that

"well its about blackthorn.." she Said leading off again now she's done it

"Yes" Macy Said persisting an answer

"well they will becoming back this year but this time spending a semester here and then taking fifteen girls of their choosing back to blackthorn for the next semester while spending winter brake with these same girls" she finally finished

"WHAT!!!" we all yelled

"they will be arriving right before dinner and I would like you four to accompany four of the boys this semester" she Said "if there is a problem please tell me"

"no problem at all" Said Macy

"I'm glad meet me in my office at six since the dinner starts at seven so you can meet the boys and all though I'm sure you girls, well all but Macy know which boy you would like to accompany" she Said and Bex Liz and I all started blushing

"tin my office eleven other girls will meet up to divide with a boy" she Said "I hope to see you there ten or fifteen minutes early" she Said and we all knew there was some major hinting going on

"thanks mom" I Said as she walked out the door

"well that answers your question" Said Macy

"it dose" asked Liz

"oh no" I Said

"you got that right" Said Macy as she walked to the closet along with Bex and they started trowing accessories together for are uniforms and if I do say so myself which I do at the end of one hour and a half of pain we ALL LOOKED CUTE!!!

"now we just have to go"

"Macy it doesn't take half an hour to get to my mothers office"

"well she Said to get there fifteen minutes early" Liz Said

"true" Said Bex

"fine" I Said "lets go. Its better this then more makeup fun" I Said sarcastically

"YEAH" Macy Said

"hey Macy?" I asked "which boy do you have in mind"

"oh" she Said and started to blush majorly

"WHO!!!" Bex Said almost pining Macy down

"fine, fine just don't mess up my hair!!" Said Macy as Bex let her up "his name is Travis" she Said admittingly

"now was that so bad" I Said

"oh you just wait" she Said "I would sleep with one eye open tonight" she Said right before a maniacal laugh

"very good Macy" Said Bex "your getting better at this every day"

"thanks" she Said back in her normal happy state "oh no" she Said

"what" I Said I was afraid she forgot something

"We ARE GOING TO BE LATE!!!" she Said

"no we are not I discovered tons of new passage ways during my couple weeks back so we are going to be fifteen minutes early" I Said as I walked out of the dorm and dorm to the grand staircase turned the nob three times to the right then two times to the left a bookshelf slide to the side and I Said "right this way to the hall of history"

"wow Cammie your good" Said Macy

"thanks" I Said trying not to be to full of myself

"Come In Girls" Said mom as we stepped out from behind a book case

"Coming" we coursed as we walked over to and opened the door

"you girls are right on time" she Said "we where just going up to the helicopter pad to get the boys, now I cant stop you from using a secret passage and getting there before they land but who am I to give you such an outlandish idea" she finished and stepped out into the hall and I fallowed

"coming" I asked as they kept walking after I stopped right outside the door

"no way" Said Liz

"you found another one" Said Bex

"more like another thirty" Macy Said and I just smiled and removed a book halfway from a bookshelf and it slide to the side reviling a staircase going up to the helicopter pad I just walked in and started up the stairs they fallowed and we where up in a matter of seconds the passage way closed and the helicopter was landing and not to are surprise fifteen boys came out four of which looked totally shocked first of all that we where here and second of all that we where dumb enough to where mini skirts to a helicopter landing and had to hold down our skirts all the time and third where amazed enough to see Macy looking at another boy who I later got told was Travis the boy Macy told us about and we was definitely Macy type

(AN: if you like it review if you don't review please please please please review if no one reviews or dose anything i might cry and every one knows its impossible for a vampire to cry)