(AN: I am not Ally Carter. Sad but true.)

About five minutes later Bex and Grant came in fallowed by Liz and Jonas though I want to say I told you so because Grant totally had a black eye and Bex was looking way to triumphant even for her

"well hello" I Said as they sat down

"hey" Said Bex

"want to tell me the story" I asked

"later" she Said blushing

"ok then" Macey Said as they got up to go get food after they came back my mother stood up and started the pledge (AN: I don't know it so I'm just going to leave it at that)

"Welcome back Students" Said mom "now I have a couple special announcements to make" she Said "well most of you might have noticed the first fifteen boys from the blackthorn school will be joining us this semester, but what you don't know is that they will be choosing fifteen girls to accompany them to the blackthorn institute next semester along with winter break together in-between" after that there where a lot of WHATS!!!! "for the second announcement the we will be having a back to school dance" after that there where a lot of gasps "but don't worry this will not be a test it is for fun purely fun" now there where a lot of cheers and "hoorays" "but that also means you will have to get your own attire which mean a town trip tomorrow and the dance will be held on Friday night at dinner time now have a good night remember we will have school tomorrow but it will be compressed for the trip thank you and have a great night" after that we where all finished eating so we parted for our rooms as soon as we got there

"Spill" Said Macey forcing Bex onto a chair

"there is nothing to spill" She Said innocently

"oh why don't I believe that" Said Macey

"because that's the same tone of voice Cammie uses when she is hiding something" Said Liz

"I do not" I Said

"what ever" Said Macey "now spill"

"he challenged me to a match I accepted I won he kissed me" she Said rushing through the last part

"WHAT" Liz Said Macey and I kept silent "and why are you two so quite" she Said "and who am I to talk" at that we all Said


"oh fine I kissed Jonas" she Said and we all went silent

"wait" Said Bex oh no she figured it out "you kissed Zach didn't you"

"kinda" I Said he kissed me both times

"there isn't no kinda about it" Said Macey

"and how would you know that?" asked Liz

"snap" Said Macey

"SPILL" Said Bex pinning Macey once again

"I just saw her kissing Zach" Said Macey

"while you where kissing Travis!" I answered back

"WHAT!" Liz and Bex yelled right before I started to crack up

"what's so funny Cam" Liz Said

"I was just thinking about what the guys would be discussing right now" I Said and all four of us started to laugh

"what's so funny" Said Zach as he walked in our door fallowed by the others

"nothing" I Said in a musical tone

"what do you guys want anyway" Said Macey

"we want to finish our tours" Said Grant and we all started to crack up again

"what where you guys talking about?" Travis asked

"oh just random things" I Said

"girlie stuff mostly" Said Bex getting the drift

"yeah really just our summer what we have done lately……." Said Macey

"oh" Said Travis and Zach

"I don't get it" Said Grant and Bex went up and smacked the back of his head "what was that for"

"being so stupid" she Said

"oh I get it know" Jonas Said letting out a chuckle

"Ohhhh……" Said Grant "I get it now" at that we where all doubling over with laughter and Grant joined in

"wait really" Zach Said

"a huh" I replied

"you where talking about this" he sad as he leaned over and kissed me in front of all my friends

"well I'm pretty sure I could beat him but I would rather join him" Said Travis as he walked over to Macey you could tell she was about to say something but I'm pretty sure she was busy and one by one witty or sweet remarks came and one less of us was talking until

"eh hem" Said someone clearing her throat out side our door I let off and heard my friends doing the same

"hi mom" I Said shyly can you believe it a spy shy I know but still

"I would like all guides and boys to be in my office in five minutes no being late" she Said with a wink at me

"yes mother" o Said and there where a lot of yes mams from around me

"see you there" she Said

"we have to go it takes about four minutes to get to here office and she spent about one minute talking to us" Said Zach

"it dose" the girls and I Said trying and succeeding to sound shocked

"of course" said Jonas "three minutes and twenty one seconds to be exact"

"really" Said Bex as I got up and walked over to our bookshelf and flipped the light switch that appears to do nothing unless you know where to look then Macey got up and pushed the book shelf to the side

"it comes out right at the hall of history" Said Liz and only takes one minute to get there but we better get going any way we don't want to be late."

"fine" Said the guys soon we where of into the not so secret anymore passage

"when did you find that passage" asked Jonas we sure had a curios mind

"I found it when I was wondering around are room first year it was a couple days before school started" I Said

"and we found it when we where unpacking" Said Liz

"one of Liz's oopsy daisy moments knocked the light switch and made me fall into the bookcase" Said Bex

"they just told me about it one day when we woke up late and had one minute to get to her office" Said Macey

"that's pretty much our stories" I Said "well at least when it comes to this passageway" I Said upsizing the this as we walked out of the bookcase in the hall of history and into my mothers office

"hello" my mother Said with a wink of course she knows about that passage way too

"hey" I Said and there was a chores of hellos and hi s behind me we were not late I knew that we still had half a minute to spare

"welcome" she Said "and no your not late" she finished

"I am" Said Mr. Solomon walking in