Ah, the sequel to "Torn Between Beliefs". I know you people have been waiting on pins and needles for this...

I'm not J.K. Rowling. Therefor, I don't own Harry Potter.

~*~*~Chapter One: Planning~*~*~

Larisa traced her finger up the handle of her new broomstick. A Nimbus 2001.

"Ready?" Draco asked, coming over to her, his Nimbus 2001 in hand. Larisa grinned.

"Yep." She mounted her broomstick and kicked off the ground hard, and she shot into the air. She zipped around in the air for a bit, then halted in midair as Draco rose up, quaffle in hand.

"You know you have to have very good eyesight for this?" Draco asked. Larisa nodded. She had been slashed over the right eye by her mother a month ago, when Lord Voldemort had returned, and Larisa had recovered extremely fast. Sadly, her right eye had turned blood red, and it looked extremely creepy because of it's contrast to her blue eye.

"I can see just fine, Draco." She called. Draco threw the quaffle to Larisa's left, and she shot out towards it and caught it one-handed, then zipped as fast as she could past Draco towards the other end of the yard. Draco followed, but was unable to catch up to her. He did catch up with her once she had stopped, and she handed him the quaffle.

"I think you have the Chasing position locked up, Lari." He said, shaking his head. Suddenly, the front door of Malfoy Manor opened and Narcissa stepped out.

"Larisa!" She called, looking around. Larisa flew down towards the ground, and landed neatly by the path.

"Yes Mrs. Malfoy?" She asked, walking over to her.

"The Auror that's escorting you to see Bellatrix is going to be here shortly." Narcissa explained, stepping aside so Larisa could walk in the house.

"Oh. Alright." Larisa said quickly, hurrying into the house. She dashed up the stairs to the third floor, then hurried down the hallway until she reached her room. She opened the door, and walked into her small bedroom. She went over to the wardrobe and opened it. Quickly, she place her broomstick in, then grabbed her long black cloak. Then, she reached over to her nightstand and picked her wand up, and slipped it into her pocket before walking out the door.


Again, the massive fortress that was Azkaban towered over Larisa. She remembered how last year she had come when she had been branded with the Dark Mark. Larisa absentmindedly traced her finger across the slash over her eye, then followed the Auror up the steps and into the huge lobby. Larisa felt the chill of dementors, but she followed the Auror to the lifts, and they went down a few levels. They entered a small office, where one of the guards was sitting at a small desk.

"Name?" He asked dryly.

"Larisa Helena Rei. I'm here to see Bellatrix Lestrange." Larisa said calmly. The guard looked through a book, and nodded.

"Alright. Follow me." He stood up, and Larisa, the guard, and the Auror walked from the room and down to the other end of the hallway and into a lift. They lowered down until they reached the bottom level, and then they walked out of the lift. Dementors were posted at the end of the hallway. They walked quickly down the hallway, and then the guard opened the door, and Larisa stepped inside. Bellatrix looked up at her and clapped a hand over her mouth.

"Hi Bella." Larisa said meekly, walking over to her. Bellatrix stood up and pulled Larisa into a hug.

"Oh my God, you look awful..." She sighed.

"You're one to talk, Bella." Larisa said as Bellatrix held Larisa at arms length. Bellatrix was extremely thin, and her hair looked completely insane.

"At least I'm not covered in scars..." Bellatrix whispered. "You've grown quite a bit..."

"Four inches." Larisa said proudly.

"Does your eye hurt?" Bellatrix asked as they sat down.

"Not anymore. Just a very nasty scar..." Larisa explained. Bellatrix shut her eyes.

"Just wait until I get a hold of Sophia..." She muttered. Larisa rolled her eyes.

"Can I help?" She asked. Bellatrix's eyes flew open and she stared at Larisa.

"Did Sophia blow a different personality into you, or something?" She asked.

"No idea...She did blow enough rage into me that could have sent the Dark Lord skittering for cover, though. I think he probably would have if he saw what was going on..." Larisa said. Bellatrix burst into fits of laughter and clutched at her stomach, laughing hysterically. She wiped tears from her eyes.

"I could see that happening...Listen, though, I need to ask you something." Bellatrix said, suddenly becoming very serious. "Sophia said that you were hit full on by the Killing Curse, and you survived..."

"Yes. I remember the look on her face when she was celebrating my death, and then I spoke. Wow, she was near having a heart attack." Bellatrix again burst out laughing, Larisa joining in this time. "The Ministry doesn't believe that the Dark Lord is back..."

"They'll have to face the truth eventually...Oh, Larisa, there's something I need to tell you. Did you receive a box of memories last year?"

"Yes. Who sent them?"

"Well...Me." Bellatrix stated calmly.

"I had a feeling you did...And I may be able to use the last one to get you out of here..."

"Don't get your hopes up, Lari. Fudge is really hard-headed."

"Kinda figured that. Oh, Bella, I have a question from Dumbledore..." Larisa explained, looking at her feet. "You know the Order of the Phoenix?"

"I'm well aware of them...I considered getting help from them, but you probably know how insane that Moody is..."

"Yes. I am. Anyway, Dumbledore knows that you're innocent, and he wants to know if you'd be interested in joining the Order? He says that we could always use more Death Eater spies...We have three so far..."

"Depends. Can Dumbledore get me out of here?" Bellatrix asked, looking at the ceiling.

"He'll try...The Dark Lord is probably going to get you out at some point, though...If I don't succeed first..."

"Let's hope so...If I do get out of here, then yes, I'll join."

"Y-" Larisa began to say, when Bellatrix held up her hand.

"Quick question...Who are the three spies?"

"Me, Severus, and Lucius. Narcissa's joining also, but she's not really a Death Eater...Draco's too young to join-" Larisa began to round off, when Bellatrix gave her a shocked look.

"You're underage as well, Larisa..."

"Yes, but I'm already a Death Eater, and I'm not standing for what the Dark Lord is doing, so I might as well help Dumbledore..."

"I see your point."


As soon as Larisa got back to Malfoy Manor, she went running up to her room. She quickly locked the door, then slid to her desk and pulled some parchment out. She grabbed her quill and ink, and began to write a letter.


Dear Professor Dumbledore,

It worked! I went to Azkaban to talk to Bellatrix, and
she says that she'll join the Order! You probably know that
Lucius and Narcissa have already joined up, so we're all

See you soon,


Larisa rolled the letter up and unlocked Claire's cage. Larisa clicked her tounge, and Claire fluttered down and came to rest on Larisa's shoulder.

"Take this to Dumbledore, then come right back. Got it?" Larisa asked, handing the letter to Claire, who clamped it tightly in her beak. Larisa walked over to the window and opened it up. "Of you go, then!" Quickly, Claire zipped out the window and into the setting sun, and Larisa leaned out the window a little. A warm breeze blew by, ruffling her hair.

"Larisa, it's time for dinner!" Narcissa called. Larisa sighed a little, then closed the window and walked out of her room.


Larisa shot awake. She thought she had heard a tapping on the window. Quickly, she walked over to see a snowy owl tapping impatiently. Quickly, Larisa thrust the window open, and the owl came fluttering in.

"Hedwig! God, Harry would only be writing to me if he was in serious trouble..." Larisa murmured as the owl dropped a letter into her hand. Quickly, Larisa rolled it open.


Dear Larisa,

I'm in trouble. I got expelled from Hogwarts for using the Patronus
Charm when two dementors attacked me and my cousin, Dudley. I have a

hearing at the Ministry on August 12th. I haven't been hearing anything,
and I want to know what's going on.

I'm stuck in my room, my aunt locked me in here.



Larisa read the letter over a few times. Hedwig hooted softly as Larisa turned the letter over and saw a phone number written on it. Larisa began to pace back and forth, formulating a plan. She had some muggle money, she could go into town and use a pay telephone, she knew how to work one. Quickly, she copied the number down onto a piece of parchment, then scribbled her reply onto Harry's letter before giving it to Hedwig. Larisa opened the window again, and Hedwig shot out into the night. Larisa grabbed another piece of parchment and wrote a letter to Harry's aunt, and she planned on changing it into a Howler.

Well, there you have it. The first chapter of the sequel. I'm putting a question up in the poll, and I want everyone to vote in it. (Read&Review, people!)