A/N: What is there to say? I'm creepy and obsessed. There's no way to justify it.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything recognizable.


Amir sniffs the air.

"Trouble is a-leg, Jake," he announces solemnly.

"Afoot, silly," Jake says, laughing.

"Haha, yeah, that's what I said!" Amir laughs.

"Oh. Really? Must have misheard you."

"Yeah. I guess. You need to pay more attention, comprende!"

Jake laughs and looks back at his computer. A few seconds later, an IM window pops up.

Amir: Hi!

Jake: Hi!

Amir: What's uppp?

Jake: I'm working.

Amir: Cool, cool.

Jake: So, what's up on your end?

Amir: Nothing much. Just IMing you.

Jake: Hahaha, you're so funny.

Amir: Haha I know.

Jake: Hey, close the IM window. Ricky's coming.

Amir: He won't care.

Jake: Yeah he will! Jake has signed off.

"Why'd you close the window?" Amir whines.

"It looked like Ricky was coming over here, but then he left," Jake says.

"It doesn't matter! Ricky told us at that meeting yesterday that we need to communicate more, right?"

"Oh yeah!"

Amir laughs. "So, dinner tonight?"

"Sure!" Jake says.

Amir leans across the desk and whispers, "Do you wanna just leave right now?"

Jake looks at his computer. "It's only 5 o'clock, but hey, you only live once!"

"Yeah, sure!" Amir says. "Whatever that means!"

Jake laughs. He has a pretty laugh, but not in a girly way. Jake has a manly pretty laugh. Or something.

They both stand up and start walking toward the hallway. "Hey," Streeter says. "Where are you guys going?" Amir beams him with his laser eyes and he passes out cold. No one notices.

"Wait," Jake says as they step into the elevator, "I forgot my camera! How will we document our wildly fanatical dinner adventures now?!"

"It's okay," Amir says, reaching into his pocket. "I have it." He pulls out Jake's camera.

"Wow. You knew I was going to forget it and so you pre-empted me. You know me really well." Jake slings his arm around Amir's shoulders. The elevator beeps and the door opens. The Gullies For Life walk out onto the sunny street.

"Where are we going for dinner?" Jake asks as they walk hand-in-hand through the crowd of people.

"Before I tell you, I have to let you in on a really important secret," Amir says.

"Yay!" Jake shouts. "I love secrets! Especially really important secrets!"

Amir pulls Jake by the waist into an alcove. "What's the secret?" Jake asks excitedly.

Amir cups his hands around his mouth and presses them to Jake's ear.

Jake smells like a bonfire. Or strawberries. Or a pond. Or an unwashed blue plaid pillowcase with a kinda-broken zipper. Or something.

"What is it?" Jake asks again.

Amir draws a breath. The people walking down the street stop moving. It starts raining. Then it stops.

Amir exhales and tries again. "Well, I think I may kind of—"


"Agh! Sheesh, Jakey, your voice is really loud. Tone it down, down, dow-ow-ownnn—"

"Amir. Why are you lying on my desk wearing nothing but your underwear? Never mind, don't answer that. Just go away."

Amir sits up. "I was dreaming about you," he informs him.

"That's disgusting. Go away."

I was dreaming about you! Amir thinks. It was a good dream, too. He hops off Jake's desk. "Whateva, bro."

"Not whatever. Go put some clothes on," Jake says, exasperated.

Amir strolls out of the office. Jake sighs. He reaches behind his monitor to turn it on, and his fingers brush across paper. It's a post-it note stuck to his computer. He pulls it off and reads it.

Jake…well, I think I may kind of

"Huh?" Jake says out loud. He turns it over. There's nothing on the back. He reads it again. He doesn't recognize the handwriting.

Amir walks back in wearing a sweater, a scarf, and a pair of boxers. "Where is everybody?"

Jake doesn't bother commenting on the clothing choice. "It's 6 AM. I came early 'cause I have to finish some stuff. Do you know about this?" He shows Amir the note.

Amir reads it and scrunches up his face. I was dreaming…no…yes, I was. "No idea. Never seen that shiatsu before."

"All right," Jake says. He can't help but be curious, so he folds the note in half and puts it in his wallet.

"…Breakfast this morning?" Amir asks.