Dear readers,

I really hate to say this...... but I am going to be taking a little break from writing.....

its not that i hit a writers block, because i havent....

it's just life.

I got a new puppy for Christmas... turns out shes fucking crazy.... and part goat, because she eats and chews up everything....

like laptop chargers....

My chapters are on the laptop that now has no charger, meaning.... I cant get into it now.


not only that, but i'm starting school in a couple of weeks and i need to be prepared....

My dad and i have a deal going on that when i start school, I have to maintain a C and he'll gladly help me move back to GA. So i really need to concentrate....

Shits just hectic, ya know?

and idk, when i'll be back. but i can promise I WILL BE BACK!

for the time being, ill be writing things old school.... on paper! wootwoot....

That way when i get a charger, i'll have chapters for you guys!






anyway, i should go.

....and hide under a rock, because you guys are surely going to come after me for this.....











...ill see ya when i see ya.












sorry.... again.