I've been thinking about this for a while, and decided to write it down. My god it wasn't fun sometimes. By the way the name 'Xander' comes from me trying to find a good name for Alex to use if he stayed with Scorpia. While I did use it in At Peace the fics aren't related. You know so Alexander can either be shortened to 'Alex' or 'Xander'. Just thought I'd explain…. Anyways fic time! Yay!

Tonight was not a good night for the Scorpia assassin known as Xander. To be fair it wasn't his fault, he had been given shoddy information. He had been told that this would be a quick job, just in, finish the assignment and out. There was no real sneaking around needing nor was he required to steal anything while he was at it. There was no need for him to make the death look staged or pass the blame on to someone. He didn't even have to make it obvious that Scorpia was behind it. The only thing he had to make sure was that the target was awake, so he knew why this was happening. But really all in all, a very simple job. At least in theory.

Fox clapped Wolf on the shoulder laughing.

"And then there was that, er, incident, in Barbados. Remember Eagle? My god I have never heard a man scream in such a high octave in my life!" Wolf shoved Fox's hand off his shoulder as the other three men burst into laughter.

"This isn't fair! You're all picking on me! What about Fox in Greece?" Wolf smirked as the team's attention was turned off of him and focused on Fox. He caught the waitress's attention and waved her over.

"Can we get another round? Thanks," Wolf asked politely. The red head blushed and picked up the men's now empty bottles. He stared after her for a couple of seconds.

"Awww, look at the Wolfman! Still charming all the ladies, I see" Eagle said throwing his arm around Wolf's shoulder. The older man rolled his eyes.

"Leave it alone Eagle,"

Snake frowned suddenly, looking up from the table.

"Do you guys remember Cub?" The other three men turned to Snake, surprised.

"Yeah the blonde kid from ages ago, why?" Eagle asked.

"Huh I was just wondering. He trained with us, what? Five, six years ago? I was just thinking about how old he would be now, you know. Hell, if he's even still alive," Snake went back to staring at the table. The good mood dissipated quickly from the group. Fox frowned, Alex had been fifteen the last time Ben had seen him. So now he was…

"Nineteen almost twenty now I guess," he said quietly.

"Shit, he was only fourteen when he trained with us?" Wolf remarked quickly. Eagle remained silent as the others talked. He still felt pretty guilty about being so cruel to Cub when he was training with the unit. Snake stood up.

"I gotta go guys. It's already twenty past twelve and I have a shift at the hospital tomorrow morning," The others nodded.

"See ya Dave," Wolf said before turning back to Fox and Eagle.

"You guys crashing at my place again?"

"Er yeah that ok?" Fox asked.

"Yeah me too there's no way I'm gonna make it home," Wolf nodded.

"It's fine, let's go," they each threw a few bills on the table to pay for the drinks and then left.

Xander sat on the train, it wasn't that he didn't have money for a cab he sometimes just chose to walk, or take the tube. It made him feel normal to a degree. He absentmindedly changed the song on his iPod and smiled at the cute brunette sitting opposite him. He relished these moments, times where he could briefly forgot about his work. But they never lasted long. Xander picked up his bag and stood up, swaying slightly as the train pulled to a stop. He stepped out onto the platform and threw his bag over his shoulder. The young man ran through his checklist as he jogged across the street. Gun? Check, one on his hip another strapped to his thigh. Knife? Check, one on his ankle and one on his belt. Lockpick? Check, back right pocket of his jeans. Phone? Check, left pocket of his jacket. Cover in case he got stopped by police? Check, in his backpack. He cut down a side alley next to the target's apartment. It was dark but Xander could see a way up if he could just get up onto the platform, from there he could climb the ladder leading up the side of the building to the roof. He threw his bag up and took a couple of steps run up before jumping. He managed to get a handhold on the edge of the platform. Scrambling up he wiped his hands on his jeans and looked around to make sure that no one was there and had seen him. He tested the ladder; once he was sure it was stable he started climbing up.

Wolf had finally managed to get the door open in dark and the three men were now chatting in the living room of Wolf's apartment. They hadn't drunk that much and were still pretty alert. Eagle had drawn the short straw and was sitting on the floor while Fox sat next to Wolf on the couch. Some random action movie was playing but none of them were really watching it. They were just talking.

Xander crouched silently on the windowsill, one hand was keeping him from falling to his death, the other using a knife to jimmy the simple window latch open. He almost had it….there. He winced as the latch flicked open with an audible click. He waited for almost ten minutes to be sure that the target wasn't awakened. Once he was sure the young man gently opened the window and slipped inside. All when well until just as he turned to close the window a gust of wind blew through and the window slammed shut, loudly.

"Shit," Xander whispered. Normally he didn't swear but this wasn't good. He looked around quickly and jumped into a tiny room that looked like a laundry. He pressed himself against the wall hoping nothing would happen. But tonight was not Xander's lucky night.

Wolf jumped up at the sound of something slamming. He turned to Eagle with an eyebrow raised.

"Still gonna tell me it's just a cat?" Eagle shook his head.

"Course not, I'm not dumb,"

"Well that's debateable," muttered Fox. Wolf snickered as Eagle glared at Fox.

Xander was not happy, he was hearing voices from another room. Which meant three things; 1, his target was not asleep, 2, he wasn't alone and 3, there was an informant out there that he needed to kill.

Wolf listened for a while before turning to the other two.

"I think it's a person, I reckon they're still here hiding somewhere," he whispered. Eagle stood up quietly.

"Yeah well they picked the wrong place to rob," Wolf gestured to the cabinet that held two handguns.

"You guys take those, just in case. Follow me," Wolf walked out of the living room and into the hallway that lead to the bedroom, bathroom and laundry, right at the end. The window at the end of the hallway was unlocked and every so often banging open and closed. Wolf continued to the end of the hallway and stuck his end out of the window checking for someone in the street. Seeing no one he closed the window and relocked it.

Xander risked moving to peer out of the thin gap between the door and the wall. After the man closed the window and locked it he turned around. Xander gasped and stumbled backwards kicking over what sounded like an empty bucket. God damn, it was Wolf. Shit. This was not good. He stepped in to the shadows behind the door again.

Wolf's head snapped around at the sound of a bucket being kicked over. Someone was hiding in his laundry. He cautiously reached out a hand and started pushing the door open.

Xander bit his lip and forced himself to get ready. He needed to get out of there as fast as possible. If they caught him… Better to not even think about it. As the door started to open he watched the shadows on the floor. As Wolf stepped in the door the light from the hallway was broken and Xander slammed his body against the door, smashing it into Wolf's face. He heard a satisfying crack of the older man's nose breaking. In an instance the blonde was out of the tiny room and by the window. Damn Wolf had locked it, Xander didn't have time for this. He raised his foot to kick out the window but got wrenched back and thrown onto the floor before he could. He looked up to see Wolf's bloodied face and now-crooked nose.

"Brat," the older man growled. Xander just rolled his eyes and violently lashed out straight up with his leg into a particularly sensitive spot on his opponent. Wolf fell over moaning in pain. Xander flipped back onto his feet and moved over to the window again.

"Hey kid!" he turned instinctively to the shout. The shots came so fast he didn't even have time to move. He was hit twice once in his shoulder and another in his stomach. He was spun around and fell to the ground only just managing not to scream in pain.

"Son of a bitch," Xander coughed. Eagle ran to help Wolf as Fox keep his gun trained on the blonde. Fox nudged the would-be-robber with his foot moving the kid onto his back.

"Holy shit. Alex?" Fox gasped. The kid glanced at him quickly before coughing out a laugh.

"Just my fucking luck," he muttered. Wolf and Eagle watched the quick exchange obviously confused.

"Ben you know this kid?" Eagle asked. Fox looked at the boy lying on the ground struggling to get his breath back.

"Yeah, or at least, I did,"

Quick note. Right now this is a one shot. I do have a vague idea of where this story could go, but I'm also quite happy to leave it as a oneshot. It's all up to you guys. Please review with whether you want it to continue, or advice, or possible future storylines. Anything…seriously…It makes me feel loved. :D