I don't own Naruto.

Final chapter!!!!

"Ugh, I'm so hungry!" Temari yelled. She punched the wall next to her, leaving a rather large dent. The people around her stared and backed off a few steps.

Temari was having a bad day. She had left her wallet in her room that morning and when she went back to get it, she realized that she had also left her key in her room. Now she sat in the restaurant,staring at al the food she couldn't have.

"Damn it!" She yelled as her stomach growled again. She silently promised herself never to skip breakfast ever again.


Temari looked up to see Shikamaru holding out a bowl of—was that tofu soup?!

Temari's mouth watered at just the thought of eating it, but there was no way in hell she'd accept it from Shikamaru! But, she was really hungry.

She grabbed the bowl and was finished before Shikamaru could even put his hand back down. She slammed the bowl down on the counter and smiled.

"Ah, that hit the spot!" But then she glared at Shikamaru. "How'd you know I like tofu soup?"

Shikamaru shrugged. "Gaara told me."

Temari narrowed her eyes. "Where is Gaara, anyway?" She hadn't seen him all day but he wasn't here with Shikamaru as she had expected.


Of course, they're inseparable. Why would I ever think that Gaara wasn't with Shikamaru? "She sighed.

"You know, now you owe me a meal." Shikamaru said, pulling her out of her thoughts.


"But instead of a meal, why don't you just accept mine and Gaara's relationship?"

"Tch, yeah right." She turned away from him. "There's no way you're serious about him. You'll just dump him when you get bored."

"There's no way I'll ever get bored—I love him too much." Shikamaru said as he headed toward the back of the restaurant.

Temari glared after him, but she didn't say anything. She really had nothing against Shikamaru; it's just that she didn't want to see Gaara get hurt. Ino was still obsessed with him and Shikamaru could easily go back to her if he broke up with Gaara.

But Shikamaru had never said he was in love with anyone before—according to Ino, anyway—could he actually be serious about Gaara?

"You know, Temari." Temari looked up, realizing for the first time that Sakura was standing there, dressed as a waitress. "I think you should just accept it. Shikamaru's serious."

Temari stared at the pink-haired girl. "Aren't you Ino's best friend? Shouldn't you be completely against their relationship?"

Sakura sighed and sat down across from her. "Well, Ino's kind of . . .given up."

"What?" Temari was shocked. Ino give up? That's crazy. "Why?"

"I don't know, she said something about never being able to get him. But she's already got a new boyfriend."

"Really, who?"

"Naruto." Sakura growled. "I'm sure it's forced though."

Temari smiled. Sakura wouldn't admit that she liked Naruto, but it was kind of obvious. While Sakura complained, Temari thought about Gaara and Shikamaru. Maybe she should just accept it. Anyway, if Shikamaru broke Gaara's heart, she could always slice him to pieces with her fan and feed him to Kiba's dog.

"I don't get it—Temari, where are you going?" Sakura asked. Temari had suddenly stood up.

"I've gotta go threaten my little brother's boyfriend."


"Yeah, I've got to tell him that if he ever breaks Gaara's heart, I'm gonna rip him into little pieces and feed him to Akumaru." She smiled and headed off toward the men's restroom.


Please review!

I really don't like the idea of Naruto and Ino together, but it's kind of funny to imagine Naruto being dragged around by her and forced into a relationship^^