
Cat sat back in her chair and smirked at her two creations. She knew how much her OCs disliked Pokémon. Cat, however, loved it. Eighteen years old, and she still tuned into Cartoon Network to catch whatever episode was playing that day. The games were highly addictive; every time she went to her cousin's house she would borrow a different game and play it for hours on end. This weekend, it was Pokémon Coliseum. And her creations' worst nightmares.

Now, Cat didn't generally consider herself a mean person, no one ever does. She always tried her best to be polite and friendly to everyone, and she didn't really look mean in general. With long blonde hair tied back in a pink bandanna and slate-blue eyes, she might have potentially been pretty – that is, if she lost a few pounds and wore stuff other that jeans and baggy sweatshirts.

But all that Lili and Tiku could see was pure, unadulterated evil radiating from the depths of her soul. And both of them could tell: Something was very, very wrong.

"Lili" was short for "Liliana". Last name, Cortez. She was a fifteen-year-old magician in training from a faraway planet. Her blue eyes glinted with anger as she regarded her creator. Cat had created Lili based on how she herself wanted to appear: thin and pretty, with long flowing hair streaked with pink and elegant curves accentuated by a pink tank top and a long black skirt that lightly touched the top of her black and pink sandals.

"Tiku" wasn't short for anything; that was his full name. Last name, Takeda. He was eighteen, and also a magician in training. Like his friend, he was a blond, and he was wearing a tank top, although his short and hairstreaks were green. He was wearing long black pants that touched his sandals, colored black and green. The fierce look in his green eyes perfectly matched his companion's.

"You CAN'T be serious about this," Lili almost yelled.

"You only started playing the game yesterday at your cousin's house!" Tiku jumped in. "You don't know that much about the game, you hadn't even visited Agate Town for the first time yet! What makes you think you can write an effective fanfiction about it?"

Cat smiled knowingly. "Because of this right here," she proclaimed, pointing to her computer. Hitting the large button on her modem, she began the start-up process. The slowly brightening light from the monitor caused the silver emblems on their chests to sparkle and gleam – Lili's was a large star, and Tiku's was a crescent moon.

"Oh, and one more thing," Cat said. The gleam in her eye grew more pronounced as she savored this next sentence. "You can't use magic in this story."

Lili and Tiku's eyes bugged out. "WHAT?!"

"What do you mean, no magic?! What are you trying to prove here?!" Lili screamed.

"We've never been used in a fanfiction before without our magic! You can't do that to us!" Tiku yelled.

"Yes, I can, actually. And what I'm trying to prove is that you two can get along. You two are always fighting each other and causing problems for my friends and THEIR original characters. This is to teach you two a lesson." Cat opened a Word Document and started typing. "Now, Lili, if you wouldn't mind, it's time for you to be kidnapped by Team Snag'Em." A bright light appeared, and Lili disappeared.

"HEY! NO, LILI-CHAN!!" Tiku yelled. He turned around to face Cat. "What is wrong with you?!"

"Oh, Tiku, you're still here. Shouldn't you be starting the plot?" Cat grinned evilly and typed some more, and Tiku disappeared as well.

A few seconds passed, and then Cat slumped over on the floor unconscious. A man stepped out of the shadows and dragged her to her bedroom before permitting himself an evil chuckle. "Excellent," the man whispered to himself. "Keep up the good work, my beautiful Shadow Lugia. With the power of this young girl, I will be able to use her creative mind to spread my Lugia's hypnotism to every pathetic little boy and girl in this website! And then I will have access to every Pokémon in existence. Then...the world will be mine, or my name isn't...MIROR B."

On top of the roof of her house, a large bird took perch. Lifting its head to the darkening sky, it opened its beak and let out a piercing shriek.

A/N: Kinda short, I know, but perfectly acceptable for a prologue, I believe. Pokémon and all of it's respective trademarks belong to GameFreak...or Nintendo, or whoever holds the copyrights. Should I continue? Let me know, please and thank you!