Disclaimer-I don't own Percy Jackson, if that wasn't obvious.

Just to get a sense of where this is all coming from, it's a year after TLO. Percy and Annabeth have grown apart, and they only communicate by letters.

This story alternates between Percy and Annabeth's POV.

Chapter 1

It was a bright, sunny afternoon, out on campus. The air smelled like freshly mowed grass, and I was happy. I walked to my mailbox to see if the mailman had dropped anything off.

He had.

There was one envelope inside. There was no return address, but my name and current address was printed in relatively sloppy handwriting. I smiled. I knew whom this was from. I raced inside, tearing it open as I ran.

From the envelope I pulled out a letter. It was only about half a page long, but my smile widened. I flopped down onto my silver bedspread, and began to read.

Dear Annabeth,

Thanks for your last letter. Sorry I took so long to respond. I had a LOT of things to take care of. Not that you aren't important, it's just that… Ugh. Let me start over.

Hey Annabeth! What's up? Anything new happen in college between now and your last letter?

My job is awesome, thanks for asking. I mean, nothing can beat being the son of Poseidon AND a marine biologist, right? Do you have a job? Or is Miss Wise Girl too busy to work like the rest of us non-brainiacs?

I just moved into my new apartment. It's right next to Central Park.

How's life in general? How're the parents?

Could you send a picture of yourself? We haven't seen each other in, like, a year, and I want to see what you look like. There's one of me in the envelope, too.

I hope you respond soon!



I smiled again. Though we'd broken up months ago, I still liked to talk to Percy, but there was no way other than letters.

"Whatcha all happy about?"

I hadn't noticed my roommate come in. Her name was Melissa. She had straight light blonde hair, almost white, with pale blue eyes, and extremely pale skin. She noticed the letter in my hand.

"Letter from Percy?"

I nodded. I told Melissa everything, even about Camp. She was half-blood herself, daughter of Aurora, Goddess of the Dawn. She'd never gone to Camp though. Now that Kronos was defeated, there were no monsters, so we did not need to learn to fight.

"You're so still in love with him," Melissa said accusingly.

I glared at her. "I do NOT. We ended our relationship for a reason."

"Whatever you say, honey, whatever you say." She collapsed onto a chair and started reading a magazine.

There was an awkward silence.

"You know, you never told me why you and Percy broke up," Melissa said quietly.

"I might tell you some time."



"Do you ever even THINK about that day?"


But I was lost in thought, about that day. It was so long ago…

"Percy? Where are you?"

The woods were filled with silence.

He hadn't been in his cabin all day, and I wanted to tell him that dinner was starting. I could have sworn that I'd seen him run this way before, so I followed.

I walked for a long time, until I was sure that there was nothing there. I was about to turn back, when I walked into a clearing. What I saw there made my heart stop.

There were two people, sitting on a tree stump, making out. The girl was sitting on the guy's lap, and they seemed really into it. I smiled. I'll just leave them in peace.

But then, I saw that the guy had those unmistakable green eyes.


I screamed.

"Hellooo? Earth to Annabeth?"


"You were zoning out for a second there."

"Really? Huh."

"What were you thinking about?"

Crap. "Oh, nothing."

"You sure?"



We were silent yet again. I remembered that Percy had sent a photo along with his letter. I shook the envelope, and out came fluttering a small slip of paper. I picked it up and inspected it.

Percy had changed a lot. He wasn't the Seaweed Brain I knew. He'd lost all of his baby fat, so his features had gotten more chiseled. His eyes were the same, though. In the picture, he was in the ocean, with water molded into a crown and trident, which he was holding. I grinned. I wondered who had taken that photo. Hopefully not a mortal. Hah.

I pulled myself off of the bed and walked to the desk over-looking the campus. I sat down, pulled out a sheet of paper and my favorite silver pen, and started writing him a reply.

A/N- Well, I'm back!!! This story is completely different from my other one. I am more of an adventure writer. Love… not so much. But I'll try. So please review, and stuff. :-D.

And there'll be more details about Percy and Annabeth's break up later.