Isa Hiwatari: Ok so I hope you enjoy the update and remember if you don't like this I really hope you stopped reading a long time ago, ok enjoy.


Normal POV

Jacob and Alice were in the kitchen trying to make a cake for the twins, and it was proving far more difficult than they thought it would be, Alice sat on the floor covered in powder, and Jacob was well covered in eggs that she threw at him.

"Alice this is hopeless, I can't believe you never made a birthday cake before."

"It's not fault, it's not like anyone in the house could have eaten it!", she tossed another egg at him which he dodged and landed on Bella who was walking in the kitchen with a grocery bag. Which she then dropped and screamed, the twins came to see what the commotion was, and burst out laughing. They darted out the kitchen before Jacob could grab them and cover them in egg.

"What the hell are you two doing in here?" Bella wiped egg from her face.

"Jacob doesn't know how to make cakes!" Jacob gave her the finger.

"And Alice can't read directions."

She stuck her tongue out at him, Bella started laughing, they both stared at her like they were offended hard to tell when one is covered in egg or flour.

"You poor things, I bought cake mix, cause I wasn't sure if you could do it… I'm sooooo glad I was right!"

She laughed more and bent to pick up the boxes, chocolate and strawberry, they both growled in frustration. "Bella you could have told us you were being helpful." Alice stood up and dusted herself off.

Bella snickered and handed Alice the cake mix and the frosting, fudge, she shrugged and went to the bathroom to get cleaned up, and that resulted in her slipping and falling, and the twins getting to laugh at her all over again.

Seth came in and mouth dropped at the mess, he was more of a neat freak than originally thought.

"What have you two done to the kitchen?"

They laughed more at his pained expression, they didn't get to offer to help clean up he shoved them out the kitchen to where a now egg free Bella was walking out of the bathroom. Within an hour the kitchen was cleaned, and Edward had taken the kids to the Cullen's house where the party would be held.

The cake came out lovely, with not only pink and white frosting roses for Amelia but a large chocolate race car going through them for Chris. The house was decorated in pink and blue, streamers were everywhere and music filled the house, plenty of presents were there to entertain them. When Jacob, Alice, Seth, and Bella arrived with the finished cake, the party had started and Amelia and Chris were running around their presents begging to open them.

Once everyone had feasted (well not the vamps I guess) on ribs, steak, chicken and plenty of other foods, Edward let the twins go to their presents.

Amelia got to go first: a CD player, two new skirts, a new doll, new shoes sized for her growth spurt, a cell phone, make-up (much to Jacob's demise), and a black teddy bear.

Chris: a CD player (green for him, pink for Amelia), some sized tennis shoes, a watch, a cell phone (again green for him, pink for Amelia), a stuffed crocodile, and a yellow race car.

Still kids they thanked everyone and immediately went to go play with their new toys as opposed to the stuff they got for being older. Everyone helped clean up, Jacob went outside to talk to Edward.

"Hey Ed."


"So about the new bab…." Edward cut him off.

He looked around and then moved his hand from Jacob's mouth, "Are you crazy? Bringing up the….package, you know I'll never hear the end of it, and quite frankly I'm too tired to be bombarded."

Jacob laughed and hugged Edward, who looked pained "What is it Ed?"

"Jacob…I don't think this one is yours."

Jacob and Edward stared at each other, both at a loss for words.


ok yeah so this isn't as supernatural as the twins conception but whatever hehe, reviews are good for the soul