A Glitch in Time

Prologue: the Twins who Live

It was a late Halloween night in Godric's Hallow when a man, who was very much snake like, came walking up the steps to the Potter's. This man whose very name strikes fear in the heart of men and woman is cruel beyond belief. The witches and wizards don't even say his name when referring to him. They just call him He Who Shall Not Be Named or You Know Who. This man had a very different name he went by the name of Lord Voldemort.

With a wave of his wand and a burst of light the door was unlocked. He pushed it wide open to reveal a small kitchen with a smirk on his lipless face. He stepped in and walked across the wooden flooring into the hall. As he stepped in to the living room he heard a voice.

"Lily run! Take the twins and just run." cried James Potter to his wife. "I'll hold him off."

Lily ran up the stairs her hair flying back behind her as she sees a blinding flash of green light. She threw herself in front of her children once she was in the nursery.

"Don't kill them, please don't kill them." Lily begged. "Please show mercy, don't kill them. Kill me instead, take me not them."

"Move aside you stupid girl." Lord Voldemort said in his cruel voice.

"Please don't kill them!" she continued to beg with him.

"You can thank your so called friend Wormtail for this." Lord Voldemort said with a red glint in his eyes. There was another flash of light and she was gone. "Now it is your turn to die." He said gleefully turning to two little one year olds starring at him while holding hands. He lifts his wand up and a flash of light engulfs his body and he disappears.


The house exploded as he disappears in the explosion leaving behind two babies in the rubble crying while holding each other. If you looked closely at their foreheads you would see a red lightning bolt scar sitting there. If you looked even close at the baby girl you would see an emerald necklace that matches her and her brother's eyes glowing faintly.