Chapter 1: The Sleeping Angel

Disclaimer: I do not own Disgaea, never and ever and impossible I own Disgaea…. (^_^)

AN (Author Note): Sorry for bad grammar, I really want someone repair my grammar because my sister already have someone repair her grammar… please help me!!!!!

"Urgggg, why I need do all this damn paper work?" mumbling Laharl.

Flonne only look at Laharl with sad looking eyes. Look like she worrying about something…

"Hey love freak, where Etna?" asked Laharl turning to Flonne.

Flonne silent only all day, she didn't hear Laharl talking to her. Laharl start angry with Flonne because many days she likes that.

"HEY LOVE FREAK, I'M TALKING TO YOU!!!!" shout Laharl to Flonne angrily.

"EKKKK, what wrong Laharl – san?" asked Flonne looking at Laharl.

"That is question I want to asking you, what wrong with you?!" shout Laharl angrily.

"I'm alright just tired" said Flonne trying to make Laharl don't worry about her.

"If alright I asking again, where Etna?" asked Laharl again.

"She outside, playing game called 'Kick the prinny'" said Flonne.

"Don't waste my time!" shout Laharl going outside to see Etna.


"Oh prince, where Flonne – chan?" asked Etna seeing Laharl came toward to her.

"Just ignore her, what are you doing?" asked Laharl.

"Oh, I playing game kicking the prinny" said Etna.

"Order the prinnies cooks my food now, I hungry" said Laharl going toward to inside.

"A…alright" said Etna strange with her prince.

"You make prince food, I want go see Flonne – chan" said Etna going inside.

"Alright dood!" shout the prinnies.

"Flonne – chan where are you?" shout Etna searching Flonne.

"Oh…Etna - san" said Flonne from inside her room.

"Can I in Flonne – chan?" asked Etna knocking Flonne room.

"A…alright" said Flonne with a slow voice.

"I in" Etna opening Flonne room.

"Etna – san, what wrong want see me?" asked Flonne.

"Are you alright Flonne – chan? You look sick" said Etna going toward to Flonne.

"I alright, just tired and have headache" said Flonne, she don't want Etna worrying about her.

"If you sick tell me, I will help" smile Etna.

"Thank you but me really alright…" said Flonne.

"You sure?"

"Yeah, I sure. If I need help I will ask you" said Flonne.

"Alright, I will go but you need rest!" said Etna opening door.


"See ya" Etna going outside.

"Hmm, should I tell prince?" mumbling Etna.

"Who knows right" smile Etna going toward to the prinnies...

Day by day Flonne lock herself in her room, Etna thought nothing happen but Flonne have a long time lock herself at her room. Etna start worrying about her and visit Flonne.

"Flonne – chan, can I in?" Etna knocking Flonne room but no answer.

"Flonne – chan, are you there?" asked Etna knocking her room again, but no answer.

"Prinnies, gather!!" shout Etna. The prinnies running toward to Etna and waiting for order.

"I want you break this door, so I can in" said Etna.

"Alright dood!" shout the prinnies.

The prinny try to break the door but can't, they try many time but still can't

"DO IT FASTER BASTARD!!" shout Etna angrily.

"SORRY DOOD!!" shouts the prinny.

The prinny keep doing until they break the door. The prinny go inside and open the door. Etna in Flonne room but saw Flonne still sleeping, she don't think anything until she call her many time and no respond.

"Flonne – chan?"

Etna go toward to Flonne but still no respond. She still sleeping and won't woke up….like the Sleeping Beauty.

"Master Flonne won't wake up dood!!" shout the prinny.

"Oh great"

"Call prince now!!!" shout Etna order the prinny.

"Alright dood!!!"

"What happen…seriously, what is happening?!" asked Etna look at sky.

To Be Continued

AN: I want someone make correction at my grammar…Beta Reader wanted!!!