Just something I wrote from Tink's point of view. Enjoy!


There was once a time, a long time ago

When I was lost in this big wide world

And I remember that bright September I saw him

The normal day when it was impossible to ignore him

The light seemed to shine from the outline around him

My vision was grey until my eyes found him

And an air of freedom would simply surround him

His dark messy hair and his pale perfect skin

And his face which's thin and more beautiful than I've ever seen

Even in a dream, I almost wanted to scream because no one could see

See what this boy was, see how much he could mean.

A good day was just being able to see him

If he talked to me it was a bonus, a plus, a rare treat

For he did not notice me

But then why should he?

And I found, before I knew it, before I had the choice

I was pocket-sized and I wore a green dress. Neverland.

For now I was here I could do nothing but adore him

Somehow every tear I cried was always for him

I was never bold enough to beg or implore him

His affection, for at first it belonged purely to Wendy

Who was better looking and cool and I almost offended her

But she was bubbly and crazy and I willingly befriended her

And when their relationship ended and she heard of my feelings

She showed her friendship by backing away

And even asking him casually if he would like me one day

Then along came Tigerlily. The cheap, beautiful, tart

And she'd stolen away this Peterpan's heart

And he had finally made her his, he was hers, she was his

And I found he loved her so much so that it hurt

To think he was so devoted to a girl I thought as dirt

I recall his reaction when they told him she cheated

His anger that he tried to hide, the conversation so unheated

No one quite knew what to say to him as the lost boys all competed

In a playful wrestling game that we regularly repeated

Neverland was in turmoil, how could this girl even contemplate

Wanting anything more when she had Peter's heart on a plate?

How could she hurt him so? Did she have no moral template?

Watching his reaction had made me hate her forever

Had spurred me on in my hopeless endeavour

She was thinner and nicer and stunning but I never

Would consider anything that would ever harm this boy in any way.

Tigerlily cheated and cheated and cheated again

But he loved her so much he couldn't bring it to an end

He couldn't cope with losing this particular girlfriend

I found watching him be made a fool of unbearable

And strayed from Neverland, reluctant to watch

This remarkable boy be tortured so much

He deserved so much better, he deserved to be treated

With love and devotion, above this commotion

I was walking away, my wings torn and tattered

To try and find something, anything that mattered

When I stumbled upon someone, a human at least

Who appeared to love me, and at once I was released

And I loved him back in the real world, no Peterpan

He hardly crossed my mind in that whole 6 month span

Of time that it took me to fall in and back out

Of love with this other boy who my life was about

But he hurt me you see, he was the one boy I trusted

And he gave it all up just because he lusted

After me too much and the first time I was forgiving

But when he did it again I felt this life not worth living

So then he was gone, it was over, finished.

And after just one week I walked back to Neverland

Where nothing had changed and nothing ever will

Where these broken wings are a burden to me still

And I know if he ever loves me, all my flaws will repair

And I could find myself flying high up in the air

And who knows maybe some pixie dust will help him fly too

So Peterpan, if you ever read this, I'd like to say

I love you.

"You know that place between sleep and awake, the place where you can still remember dreaming? That's where I'll always love you, Peter Pan. That's where I'll be waiting."