I'm letting you go

Mai's POV

I saw you again and I know you saw me. I walked passed you but you ignore me,

My heart begins to throbbed, hoping that you would talk to me again

But it seems that it would never happen. That even a glance you wouldn't do,

As I turned back again I saw you with her, at our usual place,

I fight the tears that are threatening to fall,

I'm fighting the urge to cry then and there. Watching as you two talked and embraces each other,

I couldn't help it any longer I cried silently surpassing the silly sobs that's escaping my lips. Then you smiled at her the thing you said you'll only do to me. I can see that you're happy being with her. I should be happy too, right?

I failed to make you happy.

I love you Naru... I should let you go now. I will always love you, be happy.

So how was it? Reviews would be very much appreciated.. ^.^
