Disclaimer: I do not own or profit from Inuyasha. (Had to change it up)

New timer when writing stories, also it is the first time doing any story. I read that people are very nice, and like Thumper says in Bambi "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all." I think that is where it comes from.

Summary: Sess/Kag Sesshomaru getting ready to go into heat but this year his yõkai is content with a woman and wants her. Kagome has been feeling something calling to her for the pasted week and is slowly losing control of not following the call. What will she do run home go to the call? Will he be able to control himself this year or lose it?

Thank you Golden-Eyed-Girl, for being my beta reader.



He could feel his yõkai clawing at his mental cage wanting to get out and have some fun, but not just any type of fun, fun with a good bitch. That is what his sire wanted. Getting up from his table and the mountain of paperwork, he went out to his balcony across the way and took a deep breath. He could smell it in the air, yõkai going into heat all around him.

Sighing as he smelled males and females losing control and hunting down mates was just too much for him. He turned to walk inside, only to stop short and stare into the lands below. 'How degrading these demons are for losing control to their yõkai so easily.'

'That is not a very nice thing to say, if I remember right you lost control a few times.'

'Sire, you will discontinue right there, I have never lost control when my heat came to me, this time will be no different.'

'Master, I would not be so sure about that, your heat has not passed just yet or even started for that matter. And there has never been a female that was worth our time.'

'What are you saying? That you think that you have someone in mind? Someone I do not know about, if there is someone I would definitely know it!'

'I do not think, I know. There is someone that I want, why do you not know? Let me out and I will show you her. I may even take some pleasure with her and you may see…'


Looking at his land for a moment and growling, he walked back into the palace that he calls home. Since Naraku tried to blackmail him with kidnapping Rin he had taken up permanent residence here. It was a good thing that he was back. It had been hard having Rin to deal with when walking his lands. He left his office to go to the hot springs to relax, his yõkai just had a way to get him so riled up.

'Master you may not need someone, but for now I will say if she is to be our soul-mate then we are calling her to us. The closer we get into heat, the stronger the call will be for her.'

'What did you do!?'

'Master…' his yõkai purrs '…if she is ours then you will lose control, this is all you will get out of me.'

Sesshomaru growled again walking down the hall into his private baths, his beast will be a problem he can just feel it. Taking off his kimono and his fundoshi he goes to the water. He slowly sinks into the warm depths and falls back in the bath and fully submerges himself under it to relieve some of the stress that his yõkai has been giving him to. He sat up and languidly lay his arms on the ledge and let the warm water roll down his shoulders, he closed his eyes.


For the thousandth time that day Kagome stares off into space, she just could not figure out this feeling that she needed to do something, but what was it. It was like a nagging feeling that made her skin prickle and the day feel like hell on earth.

'But what is it, why do I just want to get up and walk and not stop.' She thinks to herself still staring off at nothing.

"Damn it women, don't fuck up dinner those are my ramen!!" Inuyasha yells at Kagome, scaring her out of her thoughts.

"Sorry Inuyasha I was just thinking, besides keep it down, Shippo is sleeping." Kagome signed getting back to fixing dinner for everyone. "The rabbit should be ready now for everyone."

"You have been doing that a lot today, are you sure that you are okay, Lady Kagome?" Miroku asked staring at her over the fire picking up some of the rabbit.

"Miroku is right you have not been acting yourself for the passed few days." Sango stays sitting next to Miroku eating some of the rabbit.

"To tell you the truth I don't know; something just does not feel right. I keep feeling that there is something that I need to do or…." Kagome was not able to finish her thought as she takes the ramen off the burner for Inuyasha and giving it to him. "Here Inuyasha they are just fine so no worries. And I should be fine you guys if I still have it after a good night's sleep I'll go home to make sure that everything is alright. How does that sound?"

"That's good that you did not mess it up." Inuyasha stated as he jumped up the tree to be perched over the others to watch over them. Not caring about Kagome possibly going home tomorrow.

"Inuyasha, the next time you talk to me like that I will use the S-word on you… got me?" Kagome growls back. 'I mean come on, to think that I had a crush on him.'

Kagome sits back eating some of the rabbit on a stick just thinking about the weird feeling that she had been having lately. She moved over to her yellow bag and took her sleeping bag and her bathing bag out. Finishing up the rabbit she takes the stick out and puts it in the fire and stands up. "I'm going to take a bath to relax."

"I don't care, just don't get lost." Inuyasha griped.

"Yes, I think that would be a good idea. Would you like me to come with you?" Sango asks standing up.

"No, no, umm, not that I don't want you to, it's just I want some time to myself." Kagome blurts out as she waves her arms in front of her. Scratching her head she says sheepishly, "If you don't mind."

"Of course not, just be careful." Sango states as she sits down again just to have a hand hold her butt. *BANG* "Pervert!!"

"Ouch! That hurt, Sango my love…" Miroku says as Kagome walks away.

Sighing, she walked to the river that was close to the campsite but she didn't get undressed. She just untied her shoes and took off her socks. She sat down on a rock and protruded into the river, hanging her feet over the edge. Kagome started to relax to the current of the river on her skin. Closing her eyes she began to think on the feelings that she had been having for the day. She started to feel like she was moving, floating to something… being pulled to something.

Slowly she felt the warmth of water around her, opening her eyes she saw steam around her. As she moved around in the water, the stem began to clear. Moving her eyes around she saw she was in a pool of warm water.

'Where am I?' She looked around some more to see that she is some type of room, 'Oh My God, I am in a bath house, but how did I get here?' Turning around in the pool of water she sees a person. She moves closer to see if she could get some answers.

Moving closer she sees the silver hair and the maroon stripes on his checks and ribs and the crescent moon on his forehead.

'What the hell how did I get here with Sesshomaru, but is that really him he seems so different,' not being able to help her self she moves even closer.

'He must be asleep…' looking at him she had a need to touch him. 'He looks so peaceful, almost happy.' She puts her shaking hand out to move some of the wet hair off his face… a hand suddenly grabs her.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" Kagome screams waking up on the river bank.

"What the hell just happened to me?"


Sesshomaru jerks away from the waters edge, looking around the room. "What was that… a dream?" Looking down at his hand, 'but it felt so real.'

'Yes something like that, Master.'

"Beast what do you know? Why did I dream of that bitch being in my bath?"

'Well Master, it was like I was telling you earlier. I have something that I want.'

"Damn you!"


If you need help with some words:

Yõkai – Demon

Bitch – Female Dog

Sire – Male Dog

Kimono – Outfit

Fundoshi - Loincloth

I hope that you like the beginning, please review.