Author's Note: Hey, everyone! Here it is, the final instalment of this story. I can't believe we're finally at the end, it's been one hell of a ride. I know I've said it many times, but all of your support and input for this story has meant so much to me. I never knew just how many reviews this story would get, so thanks to all for making it happen. I hope you all you like : )

Disclaimer: I do not own iCarly or Kuch Kuch Hota Hai.

Two years later…

26 May, 2028

Summer had finally come to call in San Francisco on that particularly delightful Friday afternoon. The sun was shining brightly all around and there wasn't an ounce of cloud in the sky. It was the perfect day to be frolicking outside, especially when you were doing it with your family. It was lucky for Freddie Benson that he had just that very option available to him. He had completed all of his morning meetings and appointments at work and decided to leave early for the day to spend time with his loved ones. He had called ahead to Carly, asking if she, little Carly and Marissa still wanted to have a picnic on the beach as planned. The main reason for doing this was to get in an early celebration together as a family before little Carly's birthday, occurring two days later. But mostly, Freddie and Carly had some unexpected news that they wanted to share with the rest of the family. And a picnic seemed like just the way to do it.

While Marissa retrieved sun block, cloud block and a host of other things from the medicine cabinet, Freddie retrieved the big beach umbrella from the garage and packed it into the trunk of the newly acquired Benson Family Range Rover. Carly was busy in the kitchen, making the last of the meal they would be taking with them to the beach for lunch. Little Carly (who was now 10 years old) left the adults to fuss over the picnic preparations while she played in the garden on the swings.

"Hey, Carly, are you almost finished?" Freddie called out when he re-entered the house through the front door.

"Almost," Carly replied quickly.

Freddie entered the kitchen and stopped short. Carly was busy slaving away at the kitchen counter, her head bent intently over her work in progress. He leant against the kitchen door and just watched his wife with unrepressed delight. There was something about her standing there in the kitchen slicing bread and adding fillings to the sandwiches that just seemed right somehow. In a million years, Freddie had never imagined that he would ever feel as happy and content as he did right then. He strolled towards her slowly; he then wrapped his arms around her waist from behind and nuzzled her shoulder with his chin.

"Hey you," Carly greeted huskily with a small smile on her face when she felt her husband's hands on her body.

"Hey yourself. Need a hand?" Freddie asked gently while breathing in the wonderful scent of Carly's hair.

"Uh-uh. I'm almost finished." Carly reiterated patiently before tilting her head to the side and kissing Freddie gently on the lips.

"Anything else besides this that still needs to go into the car?" Freddie asked curiously while glancing around the kitchen.

"Just the cooler bag with the drinks in them." Carly informed him casually.

"Sweet. So what are you putting on the sandwiches anyway? Something good?" Freddie asked lightly as he continued standing behind Carly once more and peering over her shoulder.

"Oh you know, a little bit of this, a little bit of that," Carly teased coyly with a mysterious air.

"Oh yeah, like what?" Freddie pressed eagerly, his lips just millimetres away from Carly's right ear.

"A few cheese and cucumber sandwiches for Carly and your Mom, some peanut butter and banana ones for me, and some chicken mayo sandwiches for you. Why? Are you hungry already?" Carly asked expectantly.

"I am hungry, just not for the sandwiches." Freddie growled saucily while nibbling playfully on Carly's right ear.

Carly squealed when she felt herself being turned around right before Freddie hoisted her whole body on top of the kitchen counter. Before she could respond, he had engulfed her in a searing and passionate kiss that took her breath away.

"What about the sandwiches, Freddie?" Carly asked vaguely while Freddie began kissing her neck.

"They can watch," he answered slyly while his lips brushed lightly against Carly's skin.

Carly wrapped her arms around Freddie's neck and kissed him sensually, her nose brushing delicately against his. She gasped slightly at the feel of Freddie's hands moving along the planes of her supple thighs before they began roaming underneath her summer dress in a tantalising manner.

"Freddie, you have to stop." Carly mumbled painstakingly, even though her entire body was reacting contrary to her words.

"Give me one good reason why," Freddie returned devilishly as he continued kissing Carly.

"I'll give you two. Your Mom or Carly could walk in here any minute and be permanently scarred for life." Carly answered deftly, even though she was reciprocating Freddie's kisses with similar enthusiasm.

With a groan of disappointment, Freddie finally disentangled himself from Carly and stopped kissing her.

"Okay, you're right. I don't wanna scar my daughter for life. But if my Mom got scarred for life, she'd deserve it after all the emotionally traumatising things she put me through as a kid like tick baths and mother and daughter synchronised swimming." Freddie teased lightly on the last part.

Carly gave Freddie a reproving look before laughing at his silliness.

"I can't help it if I find you so unbelievably…ravishing right now." Freddie murmured delicately in Carly's ear as he nuzzled her cheek gently with his nose.

"Really? And what is it about me that you find so…ravishing?" Carly asked demurely with a grin on her face.

"Hmm, let's see. I love that intelligent mind of yours. Then there's your perfect body too. Like your shoulders," Freddie murmured tantalisingly as he began rubbing Carly's shoulder blades lovingly.

Carly closed her eyes and sighed contentedly with Freddie's every touch.

"Your hands," Freddie continued as he entwined their fingers together and kissed Carly's knuckles one by one.

"And what's your favourite part of my body?" Carly asked coyly through half-lidded eyes.

"Right now, I'd have to say it's somewhere a little further south…" Freddie answered softly.

His hands left Carly's and travelled downwards until they were resting comfortably on the tiniest of bumps on Carly's belly through her dress.

"I still can't believe it," he murmured, transfixed by the sight of Carly's stomach.

"Me neither. I didn't think it was possible to be as happy in my life as I am right now. And it's all because of you." Carly responded sincerely right before kissing Freddie gently on the lips.

"And Sam," Freddie added knowingly.

"And Carly, and your Mom." Carly agreed readily.

"Oh, I didn't hurt you or the baby when I hoisted you onto the kitchen counter, did I?" Freddie asked anxiously as an afterthought.

"Freddie, it's okay. I'm only 3 months pregnant. A little kitchen counter action never hurt anybody," Carly purred slyly.

"Are you sure we should tell Carly and your Mom during the picnic?" she asked nervously a second later.

"Carly, this whole thing was your idea! You said it would be best to tell them both when we're all together, and you were right." Freddie chided laughingly.

"I know, but now I'm freaking out all over again. I think your Mom will be okay with the news, but what about Carly? I'm worried about how she'll react to getting a new baby sibling in a few months' time." Carly admitted despondently.

"There's nothing to worry about. Carly's going to be okay. Everything's going to be fine. Whatever happens, we're in this together. I promise." Freddie stated reassuringly while hugging Carly gently.

Carly rested her head on Freddie's shoulder and inhaled deeply, loving the enthralling scent of his cologne, which instantly put her at ease.

"I love you," she murmured gently when they finally broke apart.

"I love you too, and don't you forget it."


"Daddy! Carly! Grandma and I are gonna wait for you outside by the car!" Carly Marissa called out from the garden.

Carly and Freddie glanced at one another before chuckling lightly.

"Time to face the music," Carly remarked dryly as she hopped off the kitchen counter.

"Oh shoot, I forgot the beach towels upstairs," she added hurriedly as she strolled out of the kitchen.

"I'll put the rest of the sandwiches in the bag and meet you by the front door," Freddie called out to the back of Carly's head as she made her way upstairs.

After sealing the zip-lock bags containing the sandwiches, Freddie made his way out to the car with the sandwiches and the drinks and put them in the trunk. Then it was just a matter of backtracking towards the house as Carly descended the stairs with the beach towels. Just as they were about to head out, Freddie noticed an object resting on the coffee table in the living room that would've normally been located in his and Carly's bedroom.

"You took down Sam's bunny picture." Freddie noted with surprise while holding the drawing in his hands.

"I did," Carly answered, looking only slightly uncomfortable.

"I thought you said that Sam asked you in that dream of yours if you could keep it on the wall above our bed, so that she could watch over us." Freddie stated wonderingly while making air quotes.

"She did." Carly replied more uncomfortably this time.

"So why did you take it down?" Freddie questioned seriously.

"Okay, don't laugh. I was cleaning up in our bedroom a few days ago and I was dusting around the picture. That's when I realised that it wasn't properly protected. So I went out and got a picture frame." Carly explained sheepishly.

With that, she handed Freddie a shiny picture frame that she had placed inside the drawer attached beneath the coffee table.

"You bought this?" Freddie asked incredulously when he noticed the inscription repeated several times along the edges.

"I bought the picture frame. Then I went to an art gallery down town and asked this artist who worked there to put the inscription on it." Carly responded stoically.

She took the bunny picture gently out of Freddie's hand and put it into its new picture frame. Freddie grinned widely at Sam's bunny picture, which was now protected with a glass cover. Along the outer edges of the wooden black frame repeated in silver calligraphy several times was the inscription, 'Sam the Ninja'.

"This is amazing, Carly. Sam would've loved…she would really love this." Freddie answered truthfully while gazing back at Carly.

"Thanks, Freddie. I just wanted something else that would remind us of her every day. I'll put it back on the wall as soon as we get back from the beach." Carly stated sincerely.

"That will be nice. Then we've definitely gotta show Carly and my mom. They're gonna get a kick out of that new glass frame." Freddie murmured eagerly as he and Carly moved towards the front door.

"The glass frame just made practical sense. And it looks like I got to the picture just in time too; there was an orange stain at the bottom of the page that I had to snip out so that the rest of the picture wouldn't spoil before I was able to buy the right-sized frame." Carly noted quickly.

Freddie's smile vanished at the mention of the orange stain.

"Yeah, that was Carly. I keep telling her not to eat pizza near Sam's bunny picture," he muttered feebly.

Carly glanced quizzically at Freddie's sudden discomfort, but shrugged nonchalantly a second later.

Freddie locked the front door behind Carly as she stepped outside and the two of them linked hands as they walked towards the car. They found both Marissa and little Carly leaning against the hood of the car, both sporting wide-rimmed sunglasses and staring absent-mindedly up at the sky.

"How come you two aren't sitting in the car? I unlocked it 15 minutes ago." Freddie noted in confusion.

"Just soaking up the sun, honey." Marissa answered nonchalantly, her eyes still trained on the sky overhead.

"Yeah, we're just chilling." Carly Marissa added casually, which made Freddie smirk.

"Sorry we took so long," Carly stated sheepishly with a quick glance at Freddie.

"It's okay, no sweat off our backs." Marissa answered stoically, causing Carly to chuckle ever so slightly.

"Yeah, we just figured you and Dad were doing 'married couple' stuff or something to do with the 'big secret'." Carly Marissa added knowingly.

Both Freddie and Carly glanced nervously at one another before facing Carly Marissa once more. Carly wasn't sure whether to feel more uncomfortable about the fact that little Carly already had some inkling about what it was that married couples did, or about the mention of a 'big secret' hanging in the air about them.

"What 'big secret'?" Marissa asked in bewilderment, finally taking her eyes off the sky to look at her granddaughter.

"Oh you know, that thing that Carly and Daddy have been whispering about for at least two weeks now." Carly Marissa responded matter-of-factly.

Carly literally felt like she was sweating bullets at the penetrating stare she received from her younger counterpart. Freddie certainly didn't look as nonplussed as usual when his daughter turned her penetrating stare onto him in turn.

"Oh God, Freddie. I can't wait till the picnic. We have to tell them now and just get it over with." Carly stammered hurriedly.

Freddie nodded resignedly and placed his arms on Carly's shoulder in a reassuring manner.

"Okay, gang. We have some really wonderful news to tell you." Freddie began with a wide smile on his face while he stood behind Carly, holding her all the while.

"I'm pregnant." Carly announced meekly with a small smile on her face.

"You're pregnant?!" Marissa exclaimed in amazement.

Carly laughed and nodded incessantly.

Freddie had to cover his ears when Marissa began screaming manically and doing a crazy dance at their announcement. He began laughing uproariously when Marissa came towards Carly and hugged her tightly and kissed her on both cheeks.

"You're really pregnant?!" Marissa demanded eagerly while grasping Carly's shoulders.

"I'm really pregnant." Carly answered stoically.

"Oh my God, this is amazing! Well, what about doctors' appointments? Prenatal care? Sex of the baby?!" Marissa squealed excitedly.

"Mom, time-out! Carly's only had one appointment so far. And it's way too soon to tell what the sex of the baby is." Freddie chided laughingly.

"Carly, how did you know that your dad and I were keeping a 'big secret'?" Carly asked wonderingly of her younger counter-part.

"Nothing gets past me. Plus, I heard you telling Aunt Kelly about it on the phone last week." Carly Marissa offered mischievously on the last part.

"I thought you were downstairs watching cartoons that day!" Carly spluttered indignantly.

"What can I say? I've got moves like a ninja." Carly Marissa replied meekly.

This caused the adults to chuckle audibly. Carly politely disentangled herself from Marissa's grasp and came to stand in front of her younger counterpart with a pensive expression on her face.

"Are you okay with this?" Carly asked seriously.

"Tell you what. I'll give you and Daddy my blessing if you do the same for me." Carly Marissa stated mysteriously.

"What do you mean?" Freddie asked suspiciously.

"You and Carly kept the pregnancy a secret for a few weeks. Well, the truth is that I've been keeping a secret of my own too." Carly Marissa admitted meekly.

"And just what secret might that be, Young Lady?" Marissa asked pointedly.

"You know that trip we took to LA last year for summer vacation with Uncle Gibby, Uncle Shane, Uncle Reuben and Matthew?" Carly Marissa asked tentatively.

"Yeah?" Carly asked expectantly.

"Well, when Matthew and I were building our sandcastle on the beach, he kinda kissed me again." Carly Marissa admitted slowly.

"He did what?!" Carly, Marissa and Freddie exclaimed all at once.

"It's okay, I didn't hit him this time. I sorta kissed him back instead." Carly Marissa admitted shyly.

"You did what?!" Freddie fumed indignantly.

"Just on the cheek, Daddy!" Carly Marissa returned defensively.

Just as Freddie was about to launch into an irate tirade, Carly decided to step in.

"Freddie, honey, it doesn't sound that bad in all honesty. I mean, it was just a harmless kiss on the cheek. It's not like they're gonna run away to Vegas and get married, right?" Carly asked gently while glancing furtively at Carly Marissa.

"No ways! We're much too young for that. I'd give it another 5 years or so." Carly Marissa answered rapidly.

"Over my dead body," Freddie quipped audibly, but looked slightly more mollified.

"Thanks for being so cool about my secret, Carly. And just so you know, I'm happy about you being pregnant." Carly Marissa replied sincerely.

"Really?" Carly asked her in bewilderment.

"Sure. Since I found out last week, I've had a lot of time to think about it. And I've realised that having a kid brother or sister could be really cool." Carly Marissa concluded with a wide smile on her face.

Carly looked on the verge of tears as she engulfed Carly Marissa in a tight bear hug and kissed her on the nose.

"Carly Marissa, you are by far the coolest daughter ever." Carly murmured genuinely while cupping her younger counter part's cheeks gently in her hands.

"Thanks…Mom." Carly Marissa returned, drawing out the last word syllable by syllable.

A surprised look appeared on Carly's face, only to be replaced with one of contentment a second later as she bowed her head slightly. Then she leant in once more and hugged Carly Marissa again.

"Thank you," she whispered tentatively in the young girl's ear.

"You're welcome. But just so we're clear, I'm not changing any diapers." Carly Marissa responded matter-of-factly, causing everyone else to laugh.

"Alright, I think we've had enough truth-telling for one day. Now, let's head to the beach before it gets late." Marissa interjected hurriedly.

"Wait, they're not gonna fire you from work for being pregnant, right?" Carly Marissa asked anxiously as an afterthought while addressing Carly.

"Why would they?" Carly asked curiously.

"I don't know, maybe being pregnant is a bad image for the station since you're practically a celebrity." Carly Marissa answered haphazardly.

"Hmm, I don't know about the 'celebrity' part, but I don't think it'll be a problem, sweetheart. Maybe if I was a talk show host on TV; I don't think it's such a big deal since I'm only just a radio DJ at the moment." Carly stated reasonably.

Upon finally moving down to San Francisco just before she and Freddie had gotten married, Carly had quit her job at Random House as a junior book editor and decided to go after her dream of becoming a talk show host and eventually having her own show. She had made progress in just a few months' and become a popular radio DJ on WILD 94.9, one of San Francisco's most popular radio stations. She had become quite a hit with the city youth due to her bubbly personality and natural charisma, even though she wasn't technically speaking in front of a live camera anymore.

Carly had been surprised by some of the older callers who had called into her show, "Cruisin' With Carly Shay" (which aired from 6-9am on weekdays), saying that they remembered her from her 'iCarly' days and had enjoyed hers, Sam's and Freddie's web show immensely. Every time Carly received a call like that, it made her smile as she recalled certain events from the past involving her two best friends and their various exploits. As it turned out, Carly was scheduled to go for an interview in a week's time at a local TV network that was interested in having her host one of their shows. The thought that all her wildest dreams were about to come true both thrilled and terrified Carly all at once.

"Only a radio DJ at the moment. But if you ace that interview, you could have your very own TV show any day now." Freddie stated proudly.

"Nothing's set in stone yet, Freddie." Carly mumbled self-consciously.

"Not yet, but it's only a matter of time. Even if it doesn't happen right away, you're gonna have your own TV show one of these days, I just know it. You're a natural." Freddie continued on sincerely.

"Thanks, honey. Alright, enough 'work talk'. Marissa's right, we should get going." Carly announced rapidly and began ushering everyone towards the car.

With that, Freddie retrieved his car keys and got into the driver's seat. He turned the key in the ignition and backed the Range Rover out of the Benson driveway. It wasn't long before the four of them were driving slowly down Baker Street, singing along to the radio without a care in the world. There was no need to rush now. And as it turned out, the universe always had more than one plan ready and waiting for those only too eager to find what had previously been lost.


Author's Note: Sniff, it's really over now. But if anyone else is as nostalgic as me, there's still the additional chapters for 'iFind And Keep You' to look forward to, which will provide some snippets into Freddie and Carly's married life as well as their general family life. I would just like to take the time to list all of the reviewers who have ever reviewed this story from beginning to end, every single one of you are awesome:

deano912345 (first ever reviewer!), Creddie, OMG, I Sedd Creddie!!, Fic-Reader, I'm inCREDDIEble, Miss Creativity, woundedhearts, FinaleUltimacian, Captain Krueger, sockstar, milkywaters, iHeartCreddie, purpleheart10, Vadercat, Maddie-the-Cattie, aisforangelaaa, iLive iBreathe iCarly, Lionheart316, Silentdeath01, mrmuscle, Man of Faith, baronvonmilo, Wow, silverphoenix, PerennialKillJoy, fbnk-luv, StriderHiryu, Kristen, metalheart, Josh, meh (a bit rude, but still a review nonetheless), 12 Withering Roses, John, EddieVF, Me!!, TheLionESS-232, Creddieforever, TooPiAr, iChloe328, Keenlost, ix3SuJu, Cobalt45, Shannon, creddie dude, Kweeniej12, MzSCAgurlliee, Jen and bLoo21.

Whoo, I had to stop for food and water while typing that list ; ) But it was well worth it, words can't express how grateful I am to all of you for giving my story a chance. Well, I'll be seeing all of you around. Until next time, this has been your host, Snapplelinz, for another session of 'Random Author's Notes'. So long and goodnight!