Okay one shot between Kaname and Zero. I don't really think I need to say anything else. Read, Review and Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I don't own Vampire Knight or its character, blah, bah, blah…


Zero shook his head a little, feeling the back of his head roll across the hard stone. The cold surface extended down to the floor he was sitting on.

"Zero." The clear smooth voice tried breaking through his conscious again.

He groaned this time, in a bit of frustration of trying to get a grip on his thoughts and his inability to do so. He snarled as he tried gathering enough of himself to open his eyes, but something was inhibiting him. It was something deep telling him not to open his eyes. That he had fallen into his deep sleep for a reason and getting out is something he didn't want at all.

"Zero." The voice said again and this time reached him forcefully.

His silver eyes snapped open, but in the same moment he knew exactly why he shouldn't have woken.

The feeling hit like a wrecking ball was colliding with a cement wall. It seared through his veins, ripping through his self induced coma, leaving it in shreds. His eyes widened as it gripped his consciousness. His whole thought process was being redirected and forced on one thing. He shook his head trying to rid himself of the awful want. But want was the wrong word. Something stronger than want. His need. He hissed and starting thrashing. His already raw wrists clawed at the shackles holding him to the wall. It only got worse as the dull ache set in to his throat. But wait, no, no it wasn't dull anymore. It had been at one time in his life. Yes, at one point that is all it had been. But now, oh now it was more than that. It was painful. And to him almost unbearably so.

His silver eyes quickly followed suit at the feeling changing to a horrible blood red. They started darting around the room looking for anything. Anything, from which he could drink from. If that thing was alive or dead he didn't care. He needed that deep crimson liquid. He craved it. He longed for it to slide down his throat if only in no more than drops.

He heard a sigh in the corner immediately he looked to it. But his prison cell was too dark. He saw nothing he simply heard.

"Oh, what the Association has done to you."

Zero hissed in to the darkness. He wanted them to show themselves. Even more he wanted them to get close. Or at least close enough to grab a hold of.

"Tell me, Zero, how long have you been like this?"

Zero cocked his head a bit, but did not answer. The words processed through his mind, but they still meant nothing to him. The only thing that meant anything now was red. Deep red blood.

The voice seemed to sigh again. Zero, on the other hand, only seemed to grow more irate. He let out a second hiss. This one only worse. Like a scream screeched out like nails to a chalkboard. A truly horrible sound only one in his condition could accomplish.

"It seems as if they have stripped even your comprehension from you." He heard the slight rustling of clothing followed by the voice again. "I was going to save this for after, but I seemed to overestimate your ability to control yourself yet again." Glass connected with the stone and a long thin vial rolled suddenly out from the darkness. The dark red liquid in it sloshing with the movement.

Almost instantly Zero's red eyes followed the vial's movement. It rolled to his side, clicking as it hit the stone of the wall. Zero quickly, his mind only on that liquid, picked it up tearing the cork out with his teeth and spit it across the room before lifting the vial to his lips and drinking.

The substance tasted amazing sliding past his tongue and down his throat. The pained feel stopped then, if only for those brief seconds he felt nourishment. As the vial was finished his tongue snaked up the glass tube trying to retrieve even the slight trace the blood might have left. Giving up finally after a moment he spit the glass vial out onto the floor. It smashed into oblivion across the stone. The pain wasn't totally gone, but at least now held at bay. His now more focused red eyes turned to the darkness as he tried again to find whoever was lurking there.

"How long has it been, Zero?" at this finally Zero knew he was speaking to.

"I'll kill you, bastard!" he snarled and lunged out at him. Of course the chains at his wrists caught and he was yanked back against the stone wall. Groaning and snarling out a menacing growl he pulled himself back in a sitting position glaring in to the shadows. "What are you doing here?"

With a confident smile Kaname took two long steps crossing a portion of the room. His pristine white suit seemed to shine in the gloomy cell. Zero simply glared on. The contrast between the two was shocking. Zero's once white button up was dirty with age and ripped at the mid sleeves. His jeans worn out and ripped as well. Then there were the scars. The frantic scars he had created in his attempt for blood. None of it had done any good though. He was still here, thirty and starving. His eyes ran over Kaname's body. Tall, strong shoulders, broad and probably well toned. He looked healthy and perfect as always. Zero maintained his glare trying to maintain his pride. But he knew he looked famished. He was thankful he had had enough sense to keep the shirt. The piece of clothing hung from his depleted shoulders, but they covered his ever shriveling body. His bare ribs weren't the only bones that could be seen, even down to his jeans, his pelvic bones jutting out of him continuing down to now almost skin and bone legs.

"You didn't answer my question, Zero." Kaname spoke in his strong voice.

"I don't owe you any answers." Zero sneered.

Kaname smiled. "It wasn't me who put you here."

Zero shot a particularly nasty glare. "You didn't stop them!"

"Was it my responsibility to do so?" Kaname asked innocently.

Zero looked to the floor. He didn't answer. He had little pride left as it was. And the ache was coming back with a force. A wave hit and his hands flew to his throat.

"How long?" Kaname asked again.

Zero groaned and tore at a breath of air. "You bastard, you know how long."

Kaname smiled. "No, Zero, in fact I don't." he stepped closer crouching on his haunches to study the withering creature in front of him. "All I know is when they took you. I have no idea how long you've been like this."

Zero shot him a glare again. "How long do you think?"

At this Kaname was genuinely surprised. "You're not saying?" his eyes then narrowed, "that's not possible."

"Really? I guess I have done the impossible."

"But, no!" Kaname said confused. "Three hundred years?" he asked more himself if it was possible then Zero.

Zero let out a deep sigh. "Is that really how long it's been?"

Kaname's still confused magenta eyes looked up at Zero. "You mean you're not sure?"

Zero just stared at him.

Kaname looked around the room for a moment then returned his gaze to the Vampire who was literally almost wilting in front of him. "How long have you been asleep?"

Zero shook his head. "I don't... I lost track of time a long time ago."

"You mean you were keeping time at one point?"

Zero gestured to the walls. Kaname looked. At first he saw nothing, but then they all started to appear tally marks at the bottom they were long deep carved in to the stone, but as they went up they became smaller, more shallow, finally by the end they were very close together, about the length of a finger nail and barely impressed in to the stone.

"How did you—why did you stop?" Kaname was shocked now. Whatever he had expected it hadn't been this.

Zero let his head lull against the stone. "At first it was because I didn't have the strength, but it quickly just turned to the fact I didn't care any longer."

Kaname looked at Zero now. He had a new light in his eyes now as he looked at him. Something foreign in his gaze. Something that bordered on the lines of respect.

"You should be dust by now." Kaname said.

Zero shifted his red eyes to look at the man in front of him. "I have the blood of three purebloods running through me. There is no death for me."

Kaname gave a crooked smile. "Yes I guess so." Kaname moved closer. "I believe I underestimated you then. You've done, as much as I hate to admit it, far better than I would have imagined. I never would have thought you would put yourself in to a coma."

Zero nodded taking the compliment with what little bits and pieces of dignity he still feebly held on to.

Abruptly Kaname moved forward to Zero. He straddled Zeros almost stick legs and moved closer to him. At the same moment Zero was abruptly hit with Kaname's sent. Not the expensive cologne he had dabbed on his neck, no over so long without blood Zero could pick up the sent now without even more than a trace. And with Kaname so close now he almost felt it. He took a breath instantly stopping. He could almost taste it in the air. He held his breath and turned his head from the pureblood. No, he wouldn't give in. But Kaname simply kept moving closer. Zero willed his body to stop. But he couldn't! He felt the blood so close to him. He heard that powerful heart pounding, sending shoots of blood out to all places in his body. Oh, that warm body. It was so close. He only had to reach out to bite into the supple smooth flesh. Let his long fangs easily slice in and—

"NO!" Zero cried, trying as hard as he could to melt into the wall. "Kaname!" he hissed in warning.

Kaname was occupied elsewhere though. He hadn't meant to rub his hand across Zero's side, but he had reached for the wall and his hand had brushed it. Mortified with what he felt he now couldn't resist. He slowly pressed his fingers to Zero's side running his hand up, counting the ribs as he continued. Zero was absolutely nothing, but a skeleton!

"What have they done to you?" the pureblood whispered.

"Kaname, please!" Zero gasped out. He was completely unaware of the caress he was receiving from his former enemy. His nails dug into the stone as he turned his head even more in to the wall. He planted his bare, now almost skeletal looking feet trying so hard not to give in.

Kaname hadn't been listening to Zero though. Kneeling between the man's legs he slid even closer. His fingers flew to Zero's shirt. The fabric was thin from age and what once was white had now become a dingy gray. The first button he threaded through the hole easily, but the second at his bare touch broke off, the thread almost nothing. Kaname's eyes widened as he looked at the bits of exposed flesh appearing more and more as each button gave. Truly what had they done to him? Every bone, every contour of bone was showing. Zero's extremely emaciated form looked so fragile now. Kaname couldn't believe he had even let this happen now. How? They were his own kind!

"Zero." He whispered as he slid his hand in between the pieces of fabric. He spread his palm over Zeros now shallow chest. He felt the feeble beats of his heart against his palm. No wonder he had taken so long to wake him. His heart felt so weak. The coma he was in must have been to conserve energy and fight back the thirst. His other hand started at Zeros shoulder moving the shirt off it.

"Kaname, Stop it!" Zero suddenly screamed.

Kaname's eyes shifted up at the pale silver haired man.

"Please." Zero gasped in a whisper. His body was starting to shake as he held himself as flat against the wall as he could. As Kaname had gotten closer he had worked as hard as he could not to get any closer. He wanted to melt then into the wall. He wanted nothing more than to just disappear. Especially now. Kaname had seen what he had become now. His feeble and pathetic form that housed what little of Zero's mind he could control. But there was no escape now. With Kaname inches from him and the cold stone wall pressed to his back there was no getting out of it.

"Kaname, please," Zero pleaded looking at the dark haired man. "I can't control it if you're this close."

Kaname cocked his head at this confession; it looked to be very fascinating to him. Then he lunged forward his lips colliding with Zero's. Zero's eyes shot wide and his hands flew to push the pureblood away. But Kaname was faster with one powerful hand clamped on to Zero's throat and chin and forcing his head still. Zero clenched his mouth shut then determined not to drink from Kaname again. He felt Kaname's arm wind around Zero's torso and his mouth opened over Zero's. He scrapped his long fangs over Zero's defiantly closed lips. Zero shivered as the sharp k-9's slid across his sensitive lips then Kaname's long tongue over the lips.

"Don't fight it Zero," Kaname whispered against his lips. He gave another long lick at the closed entrance. "Let me help you."

Zero didn't open his mouth to answer he simply tried turning his head. Kaname's strong hand wrenched his head back to face him promptly. His palm hit the stone wall close to Zero's head a second latter making him wince. Kaname let his intoxicating breathe slowly waif over Zero's face. Zero closed his eyes his defense's quickly starting to crumble.

"I hate you." He said softly as he slowly let his mouth open.

"I know." Kaname replied and attacked his lips. Immediately Zero's eyes snapped open as he felt Kaname's blood slowly start to leak in to his mouth. And then he couldn't stop himself. His hand that had been previously clawing at the wall struck out latching on to the white suit coat hauling Kaname to him. He let out a feral growl as he himself found he was attacking Kaname now. He dug his tongue into Kaname's mouth and drank. He felt that Kaname was letting him have this blood, he felt he knew it and still he drank, he devoured every drop Kaname would let him have from this blood kiss.

Kaname smiled into the kiss as Zero drank deeply from him. The man was clawing at his shirt. He wanted to tell the man to have some patients, but instead he simply slipped the suit coat from his shoulders and let it slid off his arms tossing it. Zero's hands were almost in milliseconds at Kaname's shirt. The man had no idea what he really wanted, Kaname thought to himself as he worked at the tie. As the red silk fabric slipped off his neck Zero started clawing. Kaname let him and let another smile interfere with Zero's frantic kissing. No, no patience what so ever.

Zero couldn't stand it. He wanted every part of Kaname. His nails dug through Kaname's shirt his teeth now scrapping at Kaname's lips. Three hundred fucking years! The taste, the smell, oh, the feeling it was so amazing sliding down his throat, filling his mouth, bathing his tongue. And oh, how it settled in his stomach filling it leaving a radiating warmth. Blood was perfect, absolutely perfect!

Kaname slipped his vest off and started on his shirt as Zero finally gasping for breath broke their kiss. The man was panting and sputtering, a single drop of blood slowly making its way down his chin from the corner of his mouth. Kaname smiled,

"Done already?" He asked sarcastically. He had the shirt off now and pulled it from his arms. He tossed it in to the darkness as Zero caught his breath. Kaname leaned in pulling Zero by the shoulders to him. He saw the blood lust spark again as Zero flashed his sharp fangs. Time had done nothing but make those long teeth more deadly. Kaname didn't even wince as Zero holding no force back lunged his massively long fangs sinking in to Kaname's neck.

"That's it. Take as much as you want." Kaname whispered to the pale haired man. At the same moment his hand slipped between the two he slowly started working at the button at Zero's jeans. It came a second later and he slid down the zipper. Zero was completely lost at this point and Kaname knew it, three hundred years without blood and there was no way Zero wouldn't drink until he was completely filed.

Kaname moved as little as possible as he moved to his own clothing. A second later naked in front of Zero he started to work the jeans off of his now very slender hips. The task wasn't hard. Discarding the ugly old jeans on the floor Kaname slid his spread knees up under Zero's legs. Smiling he reached between their two bodies. Zero jolted as Kaname's hand made contact with his shaft, but like Kaname had predicted he was too far gone to concern himself with anything, but filling himself with the delicious blood offered to him.

Kaname traced his fingers up the man's shaft and down it, glad as he started getting hard. He had been worried that his emaciation might somehow hinder his plans. He gave a wicked grin he couldn't have that now could he.

Zero. Scratched and tore at Kaname's offered neck as his jaws moved constantly to get as much blood from him as possible. He felt something odd though. Something he hadn't felt in a long time. A slight twinge in his lower region. Something was happening to his body that was foreign, and yet he knew it. He didn't care though as he wrapped an arm around Kaname's neck. Oh no, he didn't give it even a second thought right now.

Kaname smiled as he slowly palmed Zero's member. It was coming to life rather fast he thought, but he doubted Zero had ever in the last three hundred years even attempted to relieve himself. His fingers ran over the swelling flesh. He played with the tip and chuckled as Zero pulled him closer. He winced a bit as the man dug his fangs in more. But he didn't stop as his hand rubbed against the man's member. He slowly wrapped his long fingers around him and started pumping. Slow at first but gaining speed for sure.

Zero's eyes went wide as suddenly he realized what he was feeling. He pulled his fangs out and wide eyes looked down as Kaname's hand pumped his cock.

"Finished?" Kaname whispered in Zero's ear his lips touching his skin.

Zero didn't answer. He wasn't sure if he could answer. Kaname gave an extra squeeze and Zero gasped out a moan. His nails dug in to Kaname's shoulders and he tried to breath. The blood lust had been conquered, but now Kaname was awakening feelings with in him he had thought could no longer exist.

Kaname smirked at Zero's reaction. He started pumping faster and harder as he felt the slickness of precum over his member. He glanced at his own fully erect member and was struck. He let go of Zero's member with a pained groan from the offended and bumped his hips to Zero's. He got a moan form this as his long member rubbed against the pale haired mans. He circled his hips adding to the friction. Zero threw his head back and let out a pained cry of want. Kaname ground in to the boy forcing his back straight against the wall and increased the friction.

This wasn't all Kaname wanted though. No. He found his balance as he leaned forward his hands reaching under Zero's knees and hoisting him up. He wanted him to bend for him. He forced his shoulders against the stone as he moved up and under him . Zero cried out as Kaname put more pressure on him. He bent his legs up and hauled him up farther.

"Kaname!" Zero snarled.

Kaname reached down then and forced a finger in.

Zero gasped for air and started clawing at the man in front of him.

"Ka—Kaname!" Zero cried out again this time in worse pain. Zero felt torn in to from the intrusion and like he was going to snap in half from Kaname forcing him in to such a position. "What?" he couldn't even think through the pain.

"What am I doing?" Kaname asked in a his smooth calm voice as easy as ever. "Well Zero I thought that was rather obvious."

Zero didn't answer, his reason having to do with the second finger digging its way in to his entrance. The two fingers scissor and rubbed against his walls. Was Kaname trying to kill him? He gulped as his wide eyes stared at nothing, but the ceiling. He let out another hiss as Kaname moved his legs again. Damn he almost had the man in a bal. a few more inches and he would have his legs on his shoulders. Zero didn't think he could bare to bend that much.

A third finger started its wiggling way in and Zero thought he would snap for sure. "No!" he pleaded. "Please, don'taaaahhhhhh!" his begging turned to a scream as Kaname forced not only the third finger in, but he fourth also.

"Kaname, please." He said his eyes sight trying to focus.

"It'll be alright Zero." Kaname whispered almost lovingly, softly, gently in his ear. "Ssshhhhh. It's all be fine." He pulled his fingers out. And Zero relieved breathed a sigh of relief. Relaxing as he pulled his arms around Kaname.

"Kaname." He said softly.

"Yes?" the older man asked. Just as he bucked his hips up. Zeros accompanying scream was enough to tell Kaname the boy wasn't answering him. He gave a crooked smile and bucked again sending him deeper. Zero was absolutely frantic as he clawed and Kaname's chest. He bit at the man and swore in every language he knew and some Kaname was sure he dint' know. Kaname then made the last tug on Zero's legs getting them on his shoulders. Oh his screams were sweet at that. Zero was dazed and confused with pain.

Kaname smiled and slowly pulled out then abruptly thrust back in aiming directly up. Zero screamed and dug his nails in more blood dripping down Kaname's chest now.

"Stop." The pale haired man hissed out in a whisper.

"Stop?" Kaname repeated. "But I've only started." He thrust again and then again in quick succession.

"You're hurting me." Zero hissed again.

"I know." Kaname said and started trusting hard in to the man. He was aiming up still until a bit off beat he felt it. In Zero more than anything. The other man tightened at the thrust and bucked in to him. Kaname smiled. He had found it. He thrust again hitting Zero's prostate and making him whimper.

"Much better." Kaname said and started hitting it repeatedly. He built speed with each thrust and tried to hit hard every time.

Zero whimpered now and instead of clawing started to cling pulling Kaname's head to his wrapping his arms around his neck and letting his whimpers out closer to Kaname's ear's. Groaning and starting to buck himself in to the older and now bigger man he wanted nothing more than him. Funny how wants can change so fast. How one moment you want only one thing and the next you want the one thing you thought was pure anguish.

Kaname pound in to him and slowly he thread his hand between the two again pumping Zero again. He got a bit louder whimper as his hand made contact. He smiled their climax was soon at hand. He continued to pump in times with his thrusts as Zero continued to whine and whimper. Kaname thought of pushing this. He thought of making the man crawl to him. He thought of making Zero get on his knees in front of him. He thought of finishing in the boys mouth and making the boy milk him. The thoughts made him smile as he thrust, but the twinge in his abdomen told him that would have to wait.

Zero came first letting out a scream as his white essence spilled over their stomachs. A second later Kaname came as well spilling inside the boy and softly kissing him as he did. Zero accepted the kiss and let his arms around his neck hold true.

Kaname slowly pulled out of Zero, not breaking the kiss as he did so. Zero moaned in to the kiss as Kaname let his legs down. He broke it then breathing hard.

"Is this why you came?" he asked.

Kaname smiled. "yes."

Zero's brow furrowed. Kaname stood then retrieved his cloths from the floor pulling them back on. Zero watched and tried standing. He groaned as the metal of the shackles touched his now bleeding wrists. Kaname didn't look at him as he refastened the belt around his hips and picked up the shirt.

"What about Yuuki?" Zero suddenly asked.

"What about her?" Kaname said as cold as an ice cube.

This spiked zero's curiosity. Half infuriating him and half confusing him. "Well where is she?"

"Two cells to the left of here." He still sounded cold completely void of emotion.

"Then why haven't you gone after her?" Zero was definitely enraged now.

Kaname looked up now. "She's dead."

Zero's heart sank to his stomach and he looked to the floor. "What? How?" his eyes traveled back up to magenta ones.

Kaname sighed and pulled the shirt on buttoning it as he spoke. "I killed her."

Zero was shocked. He was completely shocked. "But why?" He wasn't mad so much as confused. He had killed Yuuki than come and had sex with him? How could that be?

Kaname answer even more nonchalant. "She came to rescue me, and I drank her dry."

"Rescue? What do you—"

Kaname shot him a venomous look. Zero let his voice fade closing his mouth.

"You weren't the only one that was taken against your will." He searched around his pocket for a second then drew out a small key. He tossed it at the floor very near Zero. It hit with a small metallic clank. "I'll be waiting outside. Come if you want to. If not stay here and rot." With that he retrieved his suit coat and opened the cell door. He threw one last look back at Zero before striding through.

Zero still quiet distraught looked down at the metal key. He didn't know what he wanted to do now.

When Zero emerged from the cell he quickly shielded his eyes. Light poured in from the stairs leading up. He looked around. The halls on either side were completely dark. He looked to his left for a more lingering moment before stepping forward and starting up the stairs. The light on his sensitive eyes was almost painful as he immerged. He gasped as he looked around him though. It was like a war had completely obliterated this place. For at least a mile all the way around he saw no trace of building nor brick. And even in the distance only the faint outline of a few ruined looking buildings. He stood amazed at the sight as wind blew the dirt underneath his feet and the dust rose to the sky.

"Are you ready?" Kaname asked. Zero craned his neck behind him. Kaname looking as sophisticated and composed as ever stood leaning against a black car.

Zero nodded.

"Well get in then." Kaname said and zero obeyed. Kaname stepped in to the car promptly and Zero went around to the passenger side. He opened the door and took one last look.

One last look at the sunrise.

Hope you liked it. Like I Said Read, Review and Enjoy!