This is my first story I've written hope you like it!

My flock and I were flying, going know where in particular. Just flying. I smiled; my flock was happy and safe. Angel and total were giggling about something; Iggy and Gazzy were talking. I glanced over at Fang. MY fang, god I love him! He noticed me staring and raised an eyebrow, I shock my head and he sighed. I looked back, Nudge was slowing down and way far behind us.

I slowed down and when I was next her asked, "You okay Nudge?" she had been very quite too, which is weird since she usually never shuts up.

"My stomach hurts really bad. Can we land and stay at a hotel or something? Just like rest for a bit?"

I nodded; "Yeah we'll hang out at a hotel and when you feel better will leave, sound good?" she nodded. "Guys!" I called out, they turn around to face use. "Nudge isn't feeling good so we're gonna land and rest at a hotel until she feels better."

They all agreed. Angel slowed down a bit to fly next to nudge, that's nice I thought. Angel smiled back.

When we got to the hotel we rented two rooms, one for the guys and one for the girls. Once every one was settled in, I turned to fang. "Wanna go get something to eat?"

"Yeah I saw a McDonald's next door, we could go there."

"Okay sounds good."

We were all walking over to McDonald's, then bringing the food back to the hotel and eating there. I smiled when fang held my hand. I glanced at him he was smiling too. Wait Fang was smiling? Aw he must like holding my hand! I gave him a quick peck on the cheek, not caring if the flock saw. Fang squeezed my hand in response.

Once we were back at the hotel everyone was sprawled out in the girl's room in front of the tv. It was calm and relaxing to just sit there and not worry about anything. Nudge got off the floor and went to the bathroom. I hope she isn't sick, if she doesn't come out in two minutes I'll go check on her make sure she's okay.

Then from the bathroom I heard Nudge call out, "Max!"

I quickly hop off the bed and ran to the bathroom door, "Nudge you okay? Can I come in?"

"Yeah, hurry!"

I came in, closed the door, and locked it. Then came to sit by nudge, who was sitting on the title with her arms curled around her knees. "Nudge sweetie what's wrong?" Her face was streaked with tears.

"I… Think I started… my period…" She looked at me with sad eyes.

"Oh, Nudge its okay!" I wrapped her in a hug. "It's know big deal sweetie. We'll take of everything, stay here I'll go grab my bag and I'll be right back, okay?"

"Okay." She sniffles. "Just don't tell anyone."

"Okay, I'll be right back."

I ran out of the bathroom and grab my bag. Fang gave me a questioning look, which I ignored and ran back to the bathroom.

I usually would have told Nudge to women up, but this kind of thing could be traumatic if you don't know what it was. I learned from personal experience. Once Nudge was taking care of and I told her about everything she was okay with it I guess. We walked out of the bathroom. I sat next to Fang and Nudge was on the floor lying down.

Fang whispered, "What happen? Is Nudge okay?"

"She told me not to tell anyone."

He sighed. "Fine don't tell me."

I playfully elbowed him and replied, "Gladly."