Poseidon got a new fish! YAY!

commented 4 hours ago

Hades Unfair!

Zeus I agree with Hades! How did you get something new?!

Athena You guys are so immature! And besides, if anyone deserved something new it should have been me!

Zeus Yeah right! You got a city named after you! It's time to let other Gods have the nice things!

Poseidon Your negative energy is upsetting my new fish!

Athena Fine! I was just leaving anyway.

Zeus What's wrong with sinyorita smartie pants?

Hades Period pains.

Poseidon That explains soooooo much.

Anabeth I got a new book on architecture! EEEP!

commented 2 minutes ago

Percy Stop going on about that stupid book!

Grover It's all you talk about!

Anabeth Go chew a can!

Grover Gladly!

Dionysus I am so drunk I can't even stand

commented 10 minutes ago

Ares The how come you can type?????

Dionysus Unlike some Gods (Ares) I can hold my drink

Demeter But then how come you can't stand????

Dionysus Do I have to say?

Ares Dude! Even saying, "Do I have to say?" is too much information! Now I feel sick!

Demeter Ditto!

Travis What idiot made permanent make up?!

commented 15 minutes ago

Connor At least you cloths fit you! I can barley move!

Percy What happened?

Connor The golden mango happened

Percy I don't think I wanna know

Travis You will when you see us at dinner

Connor The Ares cabin is gonna beat us up so bad

Travis But it was so worth it :D

Connor :D

Clarisse WTF are you two talking about?

Travis Just wait and see!