So I'm going to give you an update on this story, finally. Happy reading!


Jacob and Charlie both saw me off at the airport the next morning as I boarded the two hour flight to Spokane.

When I landed in Spokane, there was no need for me to catch a taxi from the airport to town, because the airport was basically in town.

I walked down the street, hoping to run into some people who knew my father. I also tried to find people who knew Aunt Rose.

There was a group of teenagers and one woman who looked to be my mom's age in the street, wearing singlets and shorts even though it was about forty degrees.

"Excuse me," I asked the woman, "You wouldn't happen to know Rosalie Hale or anyone with the surname Cullen, do you?" I asked her.

I expected the woman to answer, but the teenagers answered for me.

"Rosalie Hale? She's hot," one of the guys answered.

"And so are the Cullen guys. Dr Cullen's not too bad looking either, but he's old," one of the girls said. Dr Cullen. Charlie said something about my other grandfather being a doctor.

"Do you have their address? Because I really need to see them," I said. One of the girls scribbled an address on a piece of paper and gave it to me. I smiled a thankyou and went to the edge of the street to hail a taxi.

When one finally pulled over, I handed him the piece of paper with their address on it and threw a twenty over the seat.

"Keep the change," I said. Money wasn't an issue if I was about to meet my father.

The driver pulled into a forest hidden driveway that had overgrown trees surrounding either side of it. It looked creepy and I was beginning to think that those kids gave me a shitty address to some paedophile's house.

But just as I finished that thought, the taxi driver rounded one more corner and came to a stop in front of a big white house. I looked in awe then got out of the taxi, which sped away as soon as I had shut the door.

I went up to the huge big double doors and twisted the handle. It was open.

I pushed the door open and found the house empty. I walked through the off-white hallway with perfectly polished wooden floors, feeling more and more creeped out. There were no photos in the hallway, just an end table with a big bunch of dahlias in an intricate crystal vase.

I kept walking up the long hallway, my heart rate spiking when I trod on a squeaky floorboard. I stopped in fright, and as I realised what it was, I attempted to calm my breathing down.

Just as I was about to round the corner to the main room, a huge masked figure with a chainsaw jumped out in front of me, screaming.

The blood-curdling scream that escaped my lips surprised me, and no doubt amused my killer. He doubled over laughing, dropping the chainsaw to the perfectly polished floor. I stepped back a few steps, trying to calm my breathing and lower my heart rate.

The big figure took the mask off and held his hand out to me, as if he was telling me to stop.

"I'm sorry that I scared you, but it was too freaking funny. Geez, the look on your face was priceless. Thank god that I got a camera installed on that mask. It takes a picture as soon as I come into your view and it captures your face in its prime. Check it out," he said, showing me a handheld monitor that looked like an iPod touch. He was right; the look on my face was priceless.

"I look like my mom there. We went to see that Paranormal Activity movie the other day, and at the end when Katie throws Micah's dead body at the camera, I didn't look because it was freaking me out, but I looked at my mom's face and it looked the exact same as that," I said to the over-grown guy.

Suddenly, a beautiful blonde was by his side. I recognised her face, even though I had only seen a photo of her from when I was born. She didn't look any different.

"Are you stupid, Emmett? You just gave this poor kid a heart attack. I swear that you could have heard her heart stop. She's probably in shock right now. Are you okay sweetie?" she said, turning to me.

"Are you Rosalie?" I asked her. She nodded slowly as if I was stupid.

"It's me," I said. She still looked clueless. I sighed.

"Minna?" I said, hoping to jog her memory. Her eyes lit up like a kid who just got a bike on Christmas morning, and she threw her arms around me. I wrapped my arms around her neck. The guy behind her looked confused, so I gave him a thumbs up. His eyes widened when he saw my hand. I looked at my hand. I hadn't grown an extra finger had I? The only thing awesome about it was my charm bracelet.

"How have you been Minna?" Aunt Rose asked me.

"I've been good. I haven't properly talked to you for so long! Text messages don't count," I said to her, and she smiled.

"Well, I've missed calling you. Oh, and happy birthday for yesterday! I should have called you and your mom," Rose said to me.

"If you'd called, you would have gotten mom, but not me. I was away yesterday," I explained to her.

She pulled me in for another hug, then asked a bit quieter "How's your mom?" She pulled out of the hug and led me over to the plush leather couch.

"She's doing great," I said to her. "She's working as the editor's assistant for that big fashion magazine an hour away from our place in Phoenix, and she's about to start doing some more of her summer classes at U of A. She started last year and she'll be doing it for ages. She has to get a whole college degree from three months a year. I think that I'll be at university before she finishes," I said to Aunt Rose. There was now a blonde guy standing next to the big guy that scared me. Rose caught me looking at them.

"The big guy who scared you is my boyfriend Emmett and the blonde one is Jasper. Guys, this is Minna," Aunt Rose said to them.

"Hi," I said timidly. Jasper nodded a greeting, but kept his distance. Emmett, on the other hand, picked me up in a huge hug that left my lungs to fend for themselves.

"Careful Emmett, you'll crush her," Aunt Rose said to him.

The guitar riff for "The World Awaits" by Corey Crowder came blasting through my phone.

It doesn't matter where you're coming from
I am yours
She said on a candle lit front porch
And we were asking ourselves those things
That you ask yourself
When you're standing on a road that's bound to fork.

And who we are
Has brought us here
And I'm not running from tonight
And I'm not running from tonight
And where we are standing
Is the beginning
And I'm not running from tonight
I'm not running from tonight

I looked at the caller ID. It was mom ringing, of course.

"Sorry, I have to take this call. It's my mom," I explained to them all.

I walked to a separate room to have my conversation.

"Hey mom," I said to her.

"Are you okay Minna? You didn't call me back today. I was worried about you," Mom fretted. I rolled my eyes.

"Mom, I'm fine. I'm at Rose's place," I said to her. She was silent for a second.

"Don't you mean Aunt Rose? It's disrespectful to just call her Rose, Minna," my mother chastised me.

"You can't talk; you used to just call your father Charlie and your mother Renee," I back chatted to her.

"Minna, don't talk to me like that," mom warned, but I was on a rampage now.

"And when were you going to tell me that my grandfather lived in Forks as well as the creepy paedophile who tried to pass himself off as my father?" I said to her. Mom sighed.

"Minna, put me on to Aunt Rose," she said wearily, as though her age was catching up to her.

I walked back into the room, only to find that there was another four people waiting in the living room for me.

"Mom, I'm going to have to call you back later," I said to her.

"Minna Rose Cullen, don't you dare hang up on me!" my mother screeched down the phone as I pressed the end call button on my phone.

"Would that creepy paedophile person happen to be Mike Newton?" Aunt Rose asked me. I nodded and she shivered in disgust.

"Was that your mom on the phone? Because she sounded pretty cranky," Emmett said to me. I shot him a withering look.

"My mom is the most decent person I know, other than Rose who helped her survive. If it hadn't have been for Rose, my mom would probably be living on the streets, or dead. And I probably wouldn't be here either. I would be in some sort of social services centre.

"But my mom is honest to god the single most decent person I know. She's so considerate, the kindest person ever, and she didn't even get angry at me when I caught a plane from Phoenix to Forks on my birthday. She would have gone into my bedroom yesterday and found pillows instead of my body with a note saying "I've gone to Forks to look for my dad. BTW, I've already taken my present, love Minna" and she's totally fine with it.

"Every weekend we go out to the mall and we shop like we're both hormonal teenagers. We practically max out her credit card. Sorry Aunt Rose," I said looking towards her. She just smiled, so I continued with my rant.

"She's the coolest mom ever, but she wouldn't be like this if I'd grown up with my father," I said, looking around the room at all of the people's faces, "And sometimes it's great not having a father, but after vacation when we go back to school, my friends always talk about how their dad took them shopping or how their dad took them to see Paranormal Activity with them. I don't get to say that. I can only say that my mom took me shopping and my mom took me to see Paranormal Activity. Which was totally hilarious by the way, she screamed her head off," I added.

"All I've wanted to know my entire life is who my dad is. To her, it was practically a suicide mission for me, because she apparently left, leaving you guys with a note and her ring," I said, looking towards Rose for support. She nodded her head, so I proceeded. I was past the point of no return.

"I know that all of you guys were upset and angry with her for leaving you out of the blue like that, but I've learned to see that her decision was right. Every day that I ask her if she thinks that she made the right decision, leaving you guys, she always says that it was the best decision she ever made," I finished.

By now, I'm pretty sure that they knew who my mom was, and so now they all knew which one was my father. I scanned the room and came up with a guy that had the exact same colour hair as me and eyes wide open, as rigid as a board. The only problem was that he looked two years older than me.

My lower lip started to tremble, and Rose came and enveloped me in a hug. I let some of my tears and frustration out, making Rose's shoulder wet as she rubbed my back. She pulled me away to a private room.

"I must look ridiculous, crying over this," I said to her once we were out of earshot.

"Minna, crying because you don't know your father is far from ridiculous. Your father knows that he's your dad now, but it'll take him a little while to warm up to the idea. Okay? He's not used to having someone special in his life anymore," Aunt Rose said and I just nodded, the hot tears still running down my face.

"So what do I have to do to make it better?" I asked her between sobs.

"Well, all I know is that first we are going to give you a makeover, then we'll sort out the rest as it comes," Aunt Rose said. A girl with short spiky hair like mine, except black, appeared at the doorway.

"Did I hear you say makeover?" she asked.

"But I won't fit into any of your clothes," I complained to Aunt Rose.

"No, but you'll definitely fit into Alice's. And she has some fabulous clothes," Aunt Rose said.

"Only one rule: None of last winter's Gucci dresses. They make my ass look as wide as a plasma TV," I warned.

"I bought one once and it looked horrible. It was basically all that they had in the store, so I had to put it on my list of season no-no's. It cut my shopping time considerably," Alice pouted.

"There there, Alice. Don't worry, we'll take you shopping this season with Minna. From what Bella's told me, Minna is a fantastic shopping partner," Rose said.

"Mom always told me that I was better than Alice," I said with a cheeky grin on my face.

"We'll see about that."

Leave a review please? I'll update tomorrow if I get enough reviews!