Yes I know I should be working on my other stories, but I just can't get the juices flowing for them, this idea however has at least a good chapter in it, and there is another one that features Harry as a necromancer trained by a repentant lich named Richard( comes from a web comic) Faust (which comes from a famous book)

Harry had been doing well, his last year had been hectic and filled with danger, but he had come out on top, saved his God-father and gotten closer to Hermione than ever before. The only bad thing was the need to return to his relatives, because his god-father was still technically a wanted fugitive.

When the car he was riding in pulled up to Number four Privet drive his whale of an uncle turned around in his seat and said, "We are going to go to Japan for the first two weeks of the summer, first because I have a meeting in Tokyo for work and I can bring the family, and two because that psycho Black is still on the loose, so I want him to think that the house is abandoned, since Mrs. Figg will be unable to watch you, I am going to bring you along so don't bother unpacking most of your things, We are leaving in the morning."

Harry brought his trunk and other things up to his room and took out most of his things, things that couldn't be seen by most people due to laws forbidding the knowledge of magic to spread. When he was done he packed his muggle, non-magical, clothes in a rucksack and put in a few hygiene products and he was almost ready to go. He first had to let his owl go, "Now Hedwig I am going to be going overseas very soon and I need you to go to Ron's and let him take care of you while I'm gone, it should only be for two weeks." The Owl who was very intelligent hooted softly and flew out the open window in the direction of His best friend's house.

The next morning Harry was woken early by his uncle banging on the door yelling, "Boy, wake up, we won't be missing our flight because of you." Harry quickly jumped out of bed and grabbed his things, making sure to grab his wand.

The car ride to the airport was silent, as was most of the flight except for Dudley, Harry's cousin, was vigorously demanding food almost the entire flight. Luckily after a few hours of flight, well it was really more like 8 hours but who's counting, they had landed in Tokyo. When they got to the hotel room Vernon turned to harry, "boy I will be in a meeting for most of the day this week and Petunia and Dudley will be touring, I don't care what you do, but you will be leaving when I do and you won't return until late. Understand?"

Harry nodded, "Yes, sir. I will stay away from the hotel room from 7 am to 8 pm. What will I be doing for food though?"

Vernon handed harry a bill, looking at it showed that it was a 10,000 yen bill, Vernon said, "That will be all you are getting for the entirety of the trip so I suggest you spend it wisely."

The next day finds harry just looking around, exploring the city, looking for the magical district. He eventually made his way to a temple that most people seemed to not notice. He went in and saw what looked like a large bazaar, with people selling their wares. He looked around, not being able to understand anything anyone said, he found the Gringotts where, thankfully, the goblins did speak English and were able to help him, for a small fee of course, get a trinket that would allow him to understand and communicate, written or spoken, the language that anyone around him spoke. He was even able to withdraw funds from his account.

He went back out into the hectic little corner of magical Japan and eventually found a bookstore. He read the name out loud, "Yomiko's library Bookshop. Hmm, that sounds like a good place to start."

He went inside and a young woman with long brown hair and wore glasses said, "Welcome to Yomiko's library, how may I help you?"

Harry said, "Yes I was hoping to find any books on trap making, and combat magic."

The woman replied, "Well I have just the books." She then went among the stacks of books and scrolls that lined the walls and were in piles in many places. Harry followed her and got a little lost as she made many turns, when he founder her she was head first in a pile of books. He pulled her out and she said, "Thank you, I didn't know that stack was so precariously piled." She then handed him the book she had and said, "That's a book of seals to cause all sorts of effects, from purifying the body and healing faster, to large explosions, to sealing demons and other things away. The great thing about this particular manual is that it comes with a pack of seals that you can use to get a feel for how they work and what they can do without ever putting ink to paper."

Harry was very excited about it; he had been hoping to get some trap making skills, if for no other reason than to keep the marauder sprit alive in the castle. He eagerly accepted the offered book and then followed the woman back further until they reached another pile. Yomiko once again dove headfirst into the books and pulled out a relatively new looking one titled, "So you need to kill a Dark lord by Gandalf the white."

Yomiko said, "This book has a lot of magic that can be used when fighting, like there is a spell in here that will effectively break any bridge no matter how strong, it is useful to impede strong pursuers." She handed Harry the book and brought him to the front so he could pay for his purchases.

Once done there Harry made note of the location of the shrine so he could find it later and left for a walk, he eventually found a beach to relax at and started perusing his new purchases. The book on seals fascinated him, they could do so much, and they were only written word, as opposed to the ancient runes that were taught at his school which needed a lot of memorizing, eastern seals were usually written in their calligraphic written language and it was not so much the effect of the characters but how they were put together. Like the explosive seal was only the word explosion surrounded by the character for seal with the word flow in between the seal characters with the bottom pointed towards explosion. And what it did was flow magic into the seal until the explosion character was over-filled and blew up.

After getting board of reading it was about lunchtime so Harry started to walk down the beach towards a small touristy area he had seen near the hotel. He was a little under halfway there when he saw a young woman, a nude young woman, who looked to be Irish. Her hand was trapped in what looked to be a bear trap that had a galleon sitting on the trigger. She had been obviously crying and her hand was covered in blood. Harry's saving-people-thing started up and he rushed to her. He took off his outer button-up shirt and draped it across her shoulders and took out one of the seal papers that had a seal on it to become very sharp and hard he activated the seal and cut through the joints of the trap like they were butter and released the girl. He heard a shout from somewhere off the beach and looked in that direction. A man who was obviously a wizard yelled, "Why'd you break my trap!? Don't think you can steal my selkie!

Harry became angry, "I broke it because it trapped this girl, and she is very hurt because of it, don't think I won't call the Aurors about this."

The man replied, "That's no girl that is a selkie, a seal woman, and I caught her fair and square now hand her over and I won't have to resort to force."

Harry growled, "I doubt you could take me, I killed a millennia's old basilisk with naught but a sword and an overly large hat. Do not force me to show that strength."

The man's eyes narrowed, "Bullshit. There aren't even any basilisks that are anywhere near that old." He fired a stunner at Harry which Harry just batted it to the side like a toy ball and threw a seal tag at the man which exploded right in front of him blasting the man off his feet and backwards a little ways. The man got up and cursed, verbally, then sent an imperious curse at Harry, he wasn't able to dodge in time and Harry was overtaken by a warm-fuzzy-empty feeling, he heard a voice say, "Step away from the selkie."

He started to take a step when another voice that he knew was a part of him said, "Why, I am protecting her that would open her up for attacks."

The other voice said more forcefully, "Step away from her child."

This pissed off Harry's voice even more and it shouted, "You shall not pass! She is under my protection. And I am no child!" the curse broke and Harry returned to reality. Harry was rather angry that the man had used an unforgivable and went for his wand, which he had been avoiding because of the laws on underage wizards using magic. He used one spell, a stunner, and fired it at the man; the man couldn't dodge or shield in time and fell to the ground as if he was a marionette with its strings cut.

He turned to the girl and pulled out a roll of bandages, which he had learned to always have at hand due to the usual danger he was often in, and wrote a quick seal array at the top to promote healing and to stop bleeding. After he had applied the bandage he heard a light pop and looked around, he didn't see anything until a stunner came out of thin air at him, he batted it to the side as well and said, "Who's there, I have been attacked once already and I don't want to fight again."

A voice that seemed to come from every direction said, "Halt and put your wand down on the ground, I am an auror and will detain you if you resist."

Harry did as the man said and replied, "I was just about to call you; that man over there had trapped this girl in an approximation of a bear trap and has used an unforgivable on me.

The auror dropped his invisibility charm and checked the girl he saw Harry's seal and said, "That's pretty good work with the seal and then placed his wand to the girls temple and extracted a memory, he placed it into a small device he had pulled out and a hologram displayed over the area, from when a seal came out of the sea and shed its skin and turned into the girl to the auror appearing. The auror then said, "Well she is a selkie, which means we finally have evidence on the bastard, we'll be able to use veritaserum to see where his little sex slave ring is located and save all of the girls there."

He retrieved the selkie's skin and gave it to her, which she promptly handed to Harry and said, "He saved my life, that formed a bond, added to the fact that he is powerful and not a little cute he can have my skin, just let me call my brother here to let him know what happened." Harry nodded and the girl walked to the edge of the sea stuck her head underwater and barked like a seal, a large seal came out a minute or so later and shed its skin to become a muscular and handsome man.

The girl explained what had happened and the male walked over to Harry and said, you better take care of Anna, or I will hunt you down, got that."

Harry nodded, and said, "I didn't even think of doing something like that, but there is a little problem that I am from England and it is a long ways from hear. How will you stay with me?"

Anna replied, "If you give me my skin I can return with my brother, we are both from Ireland and were on vacation, it will take us about two months to make it back and then I'll be able to find you from our bond."

Harry hugged her and she gave him his shirt back as he gave back her seal skin and hugged her and bade her farewell and promised to see her as soon as he could. She and her brother left after donning their skins and the auror said, "Go on I can take it from here."

Harry was walking back to the hotel after a having dinner and reading some more. He saw a girl walking across the street and was about to be hit by a car. His saving thing ability occurred again and Harry jumped towards her pushing her out of the way but got hit himself. She ran up to him where he was laying he obviously had a rather bad injury seeing as he was having trouble breathing and a puddle of blood was growing around him. He thought, "oh the irony the savior of the wizarding world taken out by a car." The girl was crying and she reached behind her neck and unclasped a necklace that held a pearl that looked to be glowing orange, she hooked it around him and he started to heal, his breathing returned to normal and he didn't hurt nearly as much, he stood up and the girl hugged him apologizing profusely for putting him in that predicament and thanking him for saving her life. The driver of the car had come out and was astonished to see the boy he was sure he had killed stand up from the blood puddle when another auror popped in cast an area-of-effect memory spell targeted at muggles to make them forget what happened after he had quickly fixed the car, then he tossed a rope at Harry and the other girl which portkeyed them into a room, the auror appeared shortly thereafter. She asked, "So what happened," the girl explained that Harry had saved her from getting hit and had been hit instead and he was close to death so she gave him her hoshi no tama (kitsune star ball) which bound them together and healed him most of the way.

The auror laughed, "Trying to build yourself a harem Mr. Potter?"

Harry sputtered, "I can't help it if I keep saving magical humanoids, if I see someone in danger I just react, especially girls."

The girl laughed, "You will have to keep that to a minimum, and by the way I don't think I introduced myself, I am Kaku."

Harry said, "I'm Harry, sorry you had to bind yourself to me to save me."

Kaku replied, "Think nothing of it, and I'll let you know now that I think that you will make a very good husband, always thinking of others."

Harry sputtered again and said, "I just have a question, How is Kaku going to get home with me, my relatives are arcaniphobes. The auror winked and said, "Leave that to us, by this time tomorrow your school in England will think that they have a transfer student, now that she will be able to use wand magic we'll give her a crash course through pensive memories up to what her year should be and send her there for the rest, and your family will think that they took in an exchange student for the summer before school and for each following before you can move out, I'll go with you to arrange that now and she will be able to stay with you until you leave, we'll buy her a ticket on the same flight back as well.

The following two weeks had been fun getting to know Kaku and taunting Dudley that she wanted to spend time with Harry and not him. Harry had had more adventures into the magical shopping center.

Kaku asked, "What are we going here for again?"

Harry replied, "I heard that there was a staff maker here and I wanted to see if I could get one made, Gandalf's book stated that they could be much more useful than a wand with combat magic because they could channel much more energy and the reason most people don't use them is because they use to much energy, well I've got that in spades."

They found the store and walked in, a middle aged woman was behind the counter and asked, "May I help you with anything?"

Harry replied, "Yeas I would like to buy a staff."

The woman said, "You will need to take an M.Q., which means magical quotient, test. It has the same scoring system as the standard I.Q. test."

Harry agreed to the test, which was a quick scan with a wand and the woman had a shocked look on her face, "You have an M.Q. of 957; that is almost ten times as powerful as the average mage, and a little under five times as powerful as the closest known mage, Dumbledore. I can make you a staff and dare I say your time is wasted on any other magical focusing device. Here come in back and I'll make you a custom one."

Harry and Kaku followed her, a little shocked at how powerful Harry was, and the woman said, "My name is Sakura and I will make your staff, first I need you to come over here to the crystal display then flow your magic into the air, you see staffs have crystals as focuses instead of a magical substance, it allows your magic to flow through it more easily because there is no resistance of a foreign magic. Harry did as he was told and the case lit up in light of differing intensities, the one that was shining the brightest Sakura pulled out a stone that seemed to contain all of the hot colors and said, "Dragon's blood, it is an odd gem in that it acts very much like a transistor, the magic will not flow through it at all unless a certain prerequisite is achieved, in the case of transistors it is a voltage on the base, with this it is a certain personality trait, that of courage, honor, cunning, and strength of will, all of the positive traits associated with dragons. Now to find the cut of the gem needed. You need to force your magic into the gem it will take the shape best suited to your magic from that the parts not needed being burned off." She handed Harry the gem and he did as he was told and the gem morphed into what almost looked frozen flames. Sakura then told the others, "Well I must say you will be very good at fire charms, this shape is associated with fire elemental magic, if you use a spell that has a heat component it will be at least twice as powerful as it would otherwise, I believe that we can expect great things from you, now then follow me to the staff room to find which type of wood will be used, when they got there they found a room full of wooden poles of equal length, width, and shape. She told Harry to do the same as he did in the crystal room and the place lit up again, she found the brightest one and said, "Alder, it is associated with Endurance, strength and passion." She handed the pole to Harry and said, "Place the jewel on top of the staff and focus your magic into both." Harry did as he was told once again and the pole seemed to live again and grew branches in a design that seemed to enhance the look of the dragon's blood gem. Sakura said, "Wow. That will be very strong it should make your incendio into an inferno. Alright now I just need to place some seals on it so that you will be able to carry it with you and people won't think it out of place, along with some to return it to you should you lose it and some really strong fire protections and unbreakable protections." She did as she said she would and once the staff was returned it had a twisting line of calligraphy down the shaft making it look very cool in Harry's opinion. Sakura said, "That will be 50 galleons and a promise not to burn anything down that doesn't disserve it."

Harry paid the price and made the promise and left the shopping center to head out to get a bite to eat before going to the hotel and spending the last night in Japan that he would for a while.

The next morning Harry and company left the hotel early and got through the airport with little disruption, Harry was happy to see that the seals on his staff allowed him to bring it aboard the aircraft with him so he wouldn't have to worry about it getting lost. And they made it to England and number four Privet drive without any complications. Oddly enough the Dursleys insisted that Kaku stay in Harry's room, he believed that was the work of the aurors and he went to sleep with Kaku in his arms and wondering where Anna was at that time.