Hello I'm herowanabe696 and I don't own Naruto in any way. I'm fixing up this story I'm sorry about this story being on Hiatus.

If you review please no flames.



"Demon/Summoning talking/Jutsu"

'Demon/Summoning thinking/ inner Sakura'

Oct 7

Naruto was excited. today was his first day at the academy and hopefully if everything went according to plan it would be his last day too. The class teacher, some man named Mizuki was talking about the lesson plan for the academy, which for the most part, Naruto was ignoring until he heard Mizuki say. "-and as you new students are coming in, the older students are taking the graduation exam." Naruto's hand shot up. "yes Uzumaki."

"I would like to take the graduation exam early." The little blonde said eagerly, earning a slight frown from the silver haired chunin. "When?" Again an eager response was quickly supplied. "Now." Mizuki's frown deepened into a barely concealed glare. "Naruto I don't think you're ready to take the exam." Naruto was now pouting as spoke. "I am ready to take the exam. I've been studying for this since I turned four."

"YOU ARE NOT TAKING THE EXAM AND THAT IS FINAL!" The teacher was now openly glaring at Naruto with hatred written clearly across his face. The tense moment was broken by a cough at the door. everybody in the class turned to see the third Hokage was standing in the door way. Mizuki quickly schooled his features. "Hello Hokage-sama is there something I can do for you?" The ancient Shinobi spoke with power born through experience. "Why yes there is, you can let Naruto-kun take the exam now."

The chunin became twisted with frustration. "Hokage-sama I really don't think it's a good idea to let that de-hurk" Wham! The Third was now holding Mizuki against the far wall by his throat. "Mizuki you are hereby relieved of you're duties as a shinobi of Konoha. Anbu take this man to Ibiki!" out of nowhere four people in animal masks appeared in a puff of smoke and took Mizuki from the Hokage Then disappeared in a puff of smoke. The third turned to the class and said. "I'll be taking over for Mizuki in his absence. and Naruto-kun I think you have a test to take." Naruto was already out the door before the third was finished speaking.


Iruka had just started handing out the written part of the exam when the sliding door slammed open. "Am I too late to take the exam sir." The scarred chunin smiled at the child that had just entered his classroom. "No you got here just in time Naruto. Take this and go sit down next to Hinata."

Naruto took the piece of paper and start looking around for where he was supposed to sit. Hinata realized that Naruto didn't know who she was and thus where to sit, so she decided to call out to him. "Over here." Finally seeing the shy girl and the seat next to her, Naruto ran over and sat down taking note she was a Hyuga. 'she seems nice if a bit shy.' seeing that Iruka was still handing out paper's Naruto decided to strike up a conversation. "Hi my name is Naruto, whats yours?" Hinata seemed surprised that the blonde was speaking to her, but she responded all the same. "My name is Hinata. If you don't mind me asking, how old are you?"

"I don't mind, I'll be six in three days." A boy who's head looked like a pineapple that Naruto figured was a Nara turned around and asked. "Wait, did you start the academy today?" Realizing every student in the classroom was now looking at him, Naruto got very uncomfortable. "Um yeah." Thankfully Iruka started talking before Naruto could be interrogated further. "Alright you can start the written test now. Once you're done with your test bring it up to me then return to your seat."

Naruto was first to bring his test forward after answering every question, even the extra credit questions on the back. he handed it to Iruka then sat back down and started watching the other students.'Lets see who I might be working with.'

Soon everybody had finished taking the written test. Iruka cleared his throat to bring everyone to attention. "I will now call you forward and we'll go to the jutsu testing room based on your score on the written test highest to lowest." Iruka looked down at his clipboard. "Naruto Uzumaki." As Naruto got up he heard people whispering about him. this caused the small blonde to run out of the classroom quickly followed by Iruka. Once Naruto got to the Jutsu testing room he stopped to catch his breath and calm down. "Still don't like being the center of attention Naruto?" The question elicited a pout from the small child. "You know I don't, Iruka." Opening the door Iruka said. "Well lets get started."


after the exam everyone was outside being congratulated by their parents. Except for Naruto who was on a swing across from the academy alone. Naruto finally decided to go eat. As he was leaving he heard. "Hey kid why are you so sad? One would think you failed the exam." Turning around Naruto saw the Nara boy from earlier with a boy that Naruto quickly identified as an Akimichi eating some chips. Detecting no ill intent Naruto replied with. "I'm sad because I don't have anyone to share it with."

The two boys looked at each other. "Tch troublesome. Hey kid how about we walk you home?" the young prodigy gave a cautious nod. "I'd like that. My name is Naruto Uzumaki." The lazy genin stuffed his hands into his pockets. "I'm Shikamaru Nara." The large genin offered the blonde a couple of his chips as he spoke. "And I'm Choji Akimichi." Naruto bit the inside of his cheek in thought before speaking. "I was actually planning on going to Ichiraku Ramen which is across the street from my house, if you want to join me."

Shikamaru gave a short. "Just a second." before disappearing into the crowd then returning a couple minutes later saying. "I got permission for both of us Choji." As they were leaving Hinata appeared out of the crowd and asked. "May I join you guys." The three boys turned to look at her as Naruto spoke with a smile. "Sure the more the merrier."

-Oct 8-

Iruka was standing in front of a room full of new genin. "...Team 7 under Kakashi is Naruto Uzumaki, Sasuke Uchiha, Sakura Haruno." A pink haired girl cried out. "Yes true love conquers all!." Ignoring the muttering of the other fan girls. Iruka cast a quick genjutsu to increase the size of his head as he yelled. "SHUT UP!" immediately the room was quiet. "Now lets continue. Team 8 under Kurenai is Hinata Hyuga, Kiba Inuzuka, Shino Aburame. Team 9 is still in service. Team 10 under Asuma is Shikamaru Nara, Choji Akimichi, Ino Yamanaka. Your jonin-sensei's will now come in and retrieve your team."

At that eight jonin entered the room and got in a straight line in front of the the genin. The jonin on the far right stepped forward and was about to speak when a man appeared in a puff of smoke. The man was a jonin, he had spiky silver hair with his headband covering his left eye. "Sorry am I late?" He said seemingly oblivious to the stupor his appearance had caused amongst the other jonin, the first to recover was a jonin that was smoking. "For once Kakashi your on time."

"Oh good." The man now Identified Kakashi got into line.


After a bit team 7 left with Kakashi and went to the roof. Once they got to the roof Kakashi sat down on the railing and waited for every one to sit down before speaking."Well let's begin with introducing Yourselves." Sakura was the first to speak up. "What do you want to know?" Kakashi scratched his chin as he answered slowly. "How about your likes, dislikes, your dreams for the future and things like that."

A small smile graced Naruto's lips. "Why don't you Introduce yourself to us first." Sakura nodded her head in agreements. "Yeah, You look kinda suspicious."

Kakashi simply shrugged. "Ok ok. My name is Hatake Kakashi. My likes are my wife Anko and the Icha-Icha series. My dislikes are people who abandon their friends. My hobbies are reading the Icha-Icha series, and reading with Anko. My dream is to help my students achieve their dreams. Alright pinky your up."

Scratching his head Naruto thought. 'Why did he say my students instead of your.' With a yawn The Kyuubi replied. 'Why don't you just ask him when it's your turn kit.'

'Good idea.' Sakura smiled at everybody before speaking. "My name is Sakura Haruno. My likes are trivia games and..." Looks at Sasuke. "My dislikes are spicy foods. My hobbies are playing trivia games and..." Looks at Sasuke. "And memorizing information. My dream for the future is to..." Looks at Sasuke and squeals. Kakashi's shoulders slumped. 'Great a nerdy fan-girl, O'joy.' shaking off thatthought the seasoned vet moved in. "Ok mr attitude go."

Sasuke's eye twitched in annoyance at the nickname. "My name is Sasuke Uchiha. What I like is training. I dislike sweet food. My hobbies are Training and taking walks. My dream is to rebuild my clan, and to ask my brother why he did what he did." liking what he heard Kakashi sat up a bit straighter as he thought. 'He's not as bad as I thought he'd be.' Then he turned his focus to the youngest genin. "Ok kid your up."

bouncing slightly Naruto started his introduction. "My name is Naruto Uzumaki. I like ramen, Learning new jutsu and making new friends. What I dislike is waiting the three minutes it takes to make ramen. My hobbies are training, playing trivia games and making new chakra control exercises. My dream is to be next the Hokage and protect everyone in the village, I also want to a become a seal master. Oh, Kakashi-sensei why did you say 'My students dreams' instead of 'your dreams'."

Kakashi's Eye widened a little bit in surprise. 'He caught caught my slip of the tongue.' Naruto leaned in. "The only reason I can think of is that the Graduation exam is just a test to see if we are ready to take the real test. So how close am I Kakashi-sensei." Kakashi quickly schooled his features. "You are correct Naruto. The real test is a survival test with a failure rate of two thirds. Meet me at training seven at nine am. and don't eat breakfast tomorrow, because you'll just throw it up." Kakashi then disappeared in a puff of smoke. Naruto turned to his two teammates and said. "That's just another test. Eat breakfast tomorrow so that you'll be at full strength."

Sasuke turned is full attention to Naruto. "Your pretty bright." surprised by the compliment Naruto Scratched the back of his head. "Thank you... Um, Would you two like to join me for dinner." Sakura was first to respond. "Sure." quickly followed by Sasuke. "Ok."

Ichiraku Ramen

Naruto dragged his two new teammates to his favorite place to eat. Sitting down on a stool Naruto shouted. "Hey Ayame-neechan I'm here and I brought my new teammates." Voice quickly came from the behind the curtain. "Hold on Naruto! I need to grab something for you!" After a minute or two a girl came out of the back holding a box. "Now I know that it's two days early, but I got a birthday present for you here, why don't you go back and change while I get their order."

"Ok Ayame-neesan." Grabbing the box Naruto ran behind the counter into the back room where a quick greeting could be heard. Ayame turned around and set down two menus. "Hi my name is Ayame. What're your name's and orders?" Looking at the menu Sasuke Replied with. "I'm Sasuke Uchiha. What would you suggest?" the waitress got a thoughtful expression for a second before replying. "The miso ramen." The last Uchiha gave a quick shrug. "I'll have that then."

"Alright." Was all Ayame said before turning to Sakura as the pinkette closed her menu. "My name is Sakura Haruno, and I think I'll have the pork." The brunette quickly jotted down the order. "Ok, one miso and one pork got it." Ayame was about to head back when Sakura spoke up. "You've got a very smart brother Ayame-san." The young women immediately turned around with a look of immense pride on her face. "Thank you Sakura-chan. But he's not actually my brother, me and my Dad just look out for Naruto. Because he lives alone." At this Sasuke leaned in with barely concealed curiosity. "Where is his family." Ayame just shrugged in response. "Dead and gone I guess..."

All conversation stopped when Naruto came out wearing his new outfit. He had on a long sleeved dark orange coat that reached down below his knees, it had a black flame pattern that ran along the bottom and the cuffs of the coat. Underneath the coat was a simple white Kimono style shirt, that was tucked into anbu style black pants. He gave Ayame a hug and through happy tears said. "Thank you Ayame-neesan" sniff "this is the best gift I" sniff "ever got." Ayame moved Naruto back a bit so she could pick him up and give him a proper hug. "Naruto I'm glad you like it. Me an dad figured you earned it." After Ayame set him down Naruto went and sat on his stool again. Regaining his composure Naruto said."Ayame-neesan can I have my usual?"

"Of course Naruto." was all the waitress said before going into the back room to give her father the orders.

Naruto turned towards his two teammates and saw how they were looking at him. Sasuke was remembering when he met the fourth Hokage. He was seven at the time and the Hokage was there to have a meeting with Sasuke's father. Sakura was remembering the time she saw the fourth in the market place. Even while just shopping the fourth looked like a god, power seemed to just roll off of him. they were both thinking. 'He looks almost exactly like the fourth Hokage. Could they be father and son?' Naruto sighed, he was able figure out what were thinking almost immediately. "Yes HE is my father."

Sasuke and Sakura were both shocked out of their stupor. When he saw that they were able to think again Naruto clapped his hands together and said. "Now on to tomorrows test." Sakura looked confused. "What about it Naruto?" At this a very fox like grin spread across the the young jinchuriki's face. "Well unless I missed my guess about our jonin-sensei. The test will probably be a test of teamwork. He will probably tell us the rules of the test in such a way that will pit us against each other. And I think we need to come up with a strategy."

Oct 9

Kakashi arrived at training ground 7 an hour late, he found his genin hopefuls sitting around talking. 'Hm, how about I let them stew for another hour, let them get nice and annoyed.' Unfortunatelyfor the jonin's plans Naruto had already detected his chakra. 'Finally Kakashi-sensei is here, now we can get started.'

The ancient demon gave a dark chuckle. 'Think again kit.'

'IS HE SITTING DOWN?' Thought the blonde as he stood up and walked over to the tree Kakashi was hiding in, looked up at Kakashi and yell. "GET DOWN HERE KAKASHI-SENSEI!" Kakashi jumped down confusion written on his face. "How did you know I was there Naruto?"

"I'm a sensor type." Was the the only response coming from the youngest member of the team, as though it was the most obvious thing in the world. Noting the confused looks on Sasuke's and Sakura's faces Kakashi decided to enlighten them. "A sensor type is someone who can detect chakra from far away and analyze it." With a shrug Naruto added. "basically I can identify someone by their chakra signature, and I can tell when someone is lying or getting ready to attack."

Kakashi took out a clock and placed it on one of the three logs that stood in the middle of training ground 7. "The clock is set to go off at twelve." he then took out two bells. "You have two hours to retrieve a bell. The one who doesn't get a bell is sent back to the academy. Now if you want you can use shuriken and kunai. You will not succeed unless you come at me intending to kill." The silver haired jonin quickly decided he really didn't like the fact that they where smiling. 'I've got a bad feeling about this.' "Ok start." Kakashi watched as Sasuke and Sakura disappeared into the bushes, while Naruto just stood near the tree line. "Compared to the others your a bit weird."

"We'll see how weird I am in a bit Kakashi-sensei." Naruto did a single one handed seal, and took a deep breath then expelled several balls of air. "Futon: Shinkugyoku." While Kakashi was dodging he thought. 'This kid is impressive he can do a high chunin level, while doing the seal with one hand.'

-One hour later-

Kakashi had been herded from one side of training ground 7 to the other and back again, and he was currently surrounded by twenty shadow clones of Naruto in a stand off. 'This kid is low genin in taijutsu but his style resembles Gai's. His genjutsu is non existent except for the fact that he is good at removing illusions. He seems to be high chunin in tactics, and at least low jonin in ninjutsu. And to top it all off he's a stamina freak. Alright how about I go on the offensive now"

Noting the shift in Kakashi's stance all the Naruto's rushed forward at once, Kakashi crouched low and did a leg sweep to knock them all off their feet. Kakashi detected that the shadow clones had replaced themselves with logs. As he was stood up he saw something on the the logs that made his blood run cold. "Oh shit!" BOOM!

Mean while in the bushes the three genin watched Kakashi blow up in a fiery explosion. After seeing a jonin blow up before her eyes Sakura was officially freaking out. "Oh my god, oh my god. You killed him Naruto, I told you that was too many explosive tags." The last Uchiha glanced over at his female teammate and said. "Relax he's a jonin. He should be able to handle that." The pinkette her teammate's arm to get his attention again. "Some how 'should be' does not make me feel better about the whole possibly dead jonin thing."

Naruto spoke up now. "two things Sakura-chan. One, if that was enough to kill him he doesn't deserve to be a jonin. Two, Kakashi-sensei is still alive he's just underground. Alright now lets get in position he's coming up for air." With that the Three moved from their position. Sasuke and Sakura moved strait towards where they last saw Kakashi. Naruto just moved to a spot where he had a better view of the up coming fight.

Kakashi was once again standing above the ground. Sasuke attacked first Jumping high int the air, Kakashi jumped back just in time to avoid Sasuke's heel drop. Sakura used Sasuke's back as a spring board into a kick with her left leg at Kakashi's head, which he caught one handed, immediately she struck out with left fist again Kakashi caught the attack with his free hand. Sakura just smiled as she reach out with her free hand for the bells. Kakashi threw Sakura away from himself as he skipped back only to trip on Naruto. 'they had this all planned out from the beginning! And I fell for their plan hook line an sinker.'

Just as the Copycat-nin hit the ground Sasuke and Sakura dog piled on him to hold him still as Naruto grabbed the bells. "I got the bells, let Kakashi-sensei up." Sasuke and Sakura got off their new teacher and stood next to Naruto. As Kakashi got up he asked. "Alright so you got them but who gets the bells?" Sasuke stepped forward. "We all do."

With a glint in his eye the masked Jonin spoke in a low almost threatening voice. "But there are only two bells, so only two of you can become genin." Seemingly unimpressed by the man in front of Sasuke said. "We got the bells as a team, so if one of us doesn't pass then none of us pass." Sakura stepped forward cheerfully shouting. "RIGHT!" Finally Naruto stepped forward. "We are a team, and as a team we stick together."

Kakashi did an eye smile and said. "You all... Pass!" The jonin waited as his team celebrated. Sakura had picked up Naruto and started swinging him around the two singing. "We did it, we did it." Sasuke just stood there chuckling at the antics of his teammates. Soon everything was calming down, Sakura sat on the ground with Naruto on her lap holding him like an over protective big sister. 'Strange I've only known Naruto-kun for about a day now and I already think of him like a little brother. I wonder why that is?'

clearing his throat Kakashi began speaking. "Now just to let you know if you guys hadn't stuck together as a team I would have failed all of you." Naruto squirming slightly decided that he should be the one to respond. "We know all ready Kakashi-sensei." With a raised eyebrow the Copy-cat ninja asked. "Really when did you figure it out?" The young blonde had big shit eating grin plastered across his face. "We figured it out yesterday Sensei."

"How did you find out the real challenge yesterday Naruto?" The famous shinobi asked while scrunching his face in confusion. "Your description gave it away Sensei." Naruto was loving the confused look on his teacher's face. Adjusting his voice to sound like Kakashi's Naruto said. "My dislikes are people who abandon their friends." Kakashi slumped in defeat. "Thank you Naruto for telling me I'm an easy read." The blondes smile now threatened to split his face in two.

Sakura looked down at six year old in her lap and said. "Hey isn't tomorrow your birthday?" Naruto looked up and said. "Yeah, why do you ask?" the pinkette shrugged. "I was just wondering how you were going to celebrate your birthday?" The young genius now looked dejected. "I don't know. I've never celebrated my birthday before."

The only one there who fully understood all the implications of that statement was Kakashi. 'he truly has led a hard life. Well that changes right now!' "Ok, I figured out our first mission guys." Sasuke was the first to respond. "Whats the mission Kakashi." Kakashi looked at Naruto and eye smiled. "The mission is to give Naruto the best birthday party possible."

-Jonin Briefing Room Hokage Tower-

The Hokage sat behind a desk in front of a line of jonin checking to see which teams passed and which teams failed.

"Team 1: Fail!"

"Team 2: Fail!"

"Team 3: Fail!"

"Team 4: Fail!"

"Team 5: Fail!"

"Team 6: Fail!"

"Team 7: Pass!"

The Hokage leaned forward in his chair. "Kakashi Hatake report."


The meeting was over and the jonin were starting to file out when Kakashi called out. "Hokage-sama, Kurenai, Asuma and Gai could you please wait a moment." The people Kakashi called out to, stopped what they were doing and waited for the room to clear. Once everybody else was gone Gai asked the question that was on all their minds in his own subtle way. "WHAT IS IT THAT YOU WISH TO SPEAK TO US ABOUT MY MOST YOUTHFUL RIVAL!"

"Jeez Gai... take it down a notch or two. Any ways what I wanted to talk to you about is..." Kakashi eye smiled. "that I have a favor to ask of all of you tomorrow."


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