I didn't like Ne-yo's song at the end of the movie but his cute little "Ms. Independent" helped.


The face was a heartbreakingly beautiful human face, whose luminous eyes were wide with surprise and excitement. My Tiana was human (!)... I looked down to my very tone human body!

I was wearing a silly old-fashion green prince outfit; the silly poofy sleeves and cape combo. Too frilly for my taste but I'd could live with the green fabric being removable.

My Tiana was in a sparkling bright green and yellow hoop skirt. The bottom half was too big but her top half curved sinfully well. Sleeveless, showing her rich dark skin, up a slender neck to the stunning face I met on that fateful balcony. The perfect face was examining her sparkling dress, which was themed like a water lily.

A rough chuckle came from the background.

"Like I told ya'll," the too-clever old woman chirped, "Kissin a princess breaks the spell." The wonderful Voo-doo queen nestled her ever-loyal snake's head.

The brilliant truth was slowly daunting on me. "Once you became my wife (!, I turned to her gleaming face) that made you-"

"A princess." She curtsied. Tiana then grabbed my collar sensually closer to her lovely face. "You just kissed yourself a princess."

She was lovely even cocky. "And," grabbing her dimpling chin, large gleaming amber eyes, "I'm about to do it again."

And I planned to do it for as long as I possibly could.

Epilogue- Ten years later

My Tiana's palace was prospering fabulously; it was no shock to anyone but I was still proud of my darling wife….and, immensely proud of our beautiful little girl who was now seven-years old.

Eva had her mother's huge, amber eyes, adorable dimples and my well fit nose. Despite her parents' gorgeous good-looks, she was her own person already. Eva was incredibly insightful to a world only fitting for the magically experienced.

On the second floor is a party exclusive for our darling's special day. She was at the table of her six friends, with one drab little boy and her ridiculous god-mother.

Her thicker, but forever alluring father playing on his ukulele and his charming, scaly trumpeter singing to her :

" She's got a smile that it seems to me
Reminds me of childhood memories
Where everything
Was as fresh as the bright blue sky
Now and then when I see her face
She takes me away to that special place
And if I'd stare too long
I'd probably break down and cry

Sweet child o' mine
Sweet love of mine"

(The seven little girls and one very big one swooned)

"She's got eyes of the goldest gleam
As if they were made of cream
I hate to look into those eyes
And see an ounce of pain
Her hair reminds me of a warm safe place
Where as a child I'd hide
And pray for the thunder
And the rain
To quietly pass me by"

I was right above her precious little head.

"Sweet child o' mine
Sweet love of mine" I kissed her curly little head, she giggled in appreciation. "Happy birthday, Pollywog."

"Thank you, Daddy. Thank you Lou Lou." She turned to Louis, though every other little girl was terrified of him, Eva was as affectionate with him as if he were a cream puff; which we knew him to be.

The big gator grinned happily. Louis and Eva adored each other, which I'm more comfortable with than Lottie's boy's friendship with my too-perfect baby girl.

Eva's still gorgeous mother rolled out her daughter's incredible birthday cake.

At least four-feet tall, it twirled like a spiral, the top a perfect little crown. It shined with glossy, purple butterflies against violet, blue icing with nicely splatters of silver.

The little party oogled at the beautiful cake; I was always in genius presence but was never unimpressed with my Tiana's work. She knew this, but didn't like me giving her the moment. She liked my awe to be secretly between us, which was more romantical so I played along.

"Not bad," I complimented causally while placing my hand on her curved him. Some women get mushier after children, Tiana just got yummier. "What kind of cake is it, Cookie?"

"Chocolate." She stated simply, I raised an eyebrow. We smiled.

"With a rum-raisin, tropical-fruit ganache." She whispered; Eva liked her mother's strange mixes but it was easier to be simple with guest.

"EEK! Tia!" Lottie shrieked, she jumped onto tiana's other arm. (Lottie and I respected and loved one another like good friends-almost family should but we had an unspoken rivalry to Tiana's attention.)

Charlotte was gushing to my darling superficially about something; I wasn't paying attention and knew Tiana was only listening halfheartedly. Lottie might steal our 'Tia' for a few minutes but I got her far more often and longer.

But what I was watching was Eva and Lottie's boy speaking secretly, him whispering to her like a little fiend. He had his mother's blue eyes, her blonde hair but looked like Charlotte's husband.

He appeared quiet and shy but I knew it was only a cover. Faux sweetness in front of adults and honestly sweet, naïve beauties to gain trust then jump when defenses are dull; he was crafty. And taking his time, never dropping the charade no matter how many times I happened onto them. He was quick; I respected it but didn't like that.

Eva giggled at what the boy said, I pouted. She needed a distraction from the pink boy; something pure to look at with her even purer eyes.

"Present time!" I put my gift in between the two never-be-sweethearts. Smiling my handsome smile at the lovely little angel I bowed down to.

"Why does it haf holes?" a little girl in an orange dressed asked.

I just smiled wider, pushed the boy farther from Eva, and encouraged my little beauty to open it.

Louis did a drum roll in the background as Eva unwrapped her present.

She'd love this, as I did as a child; which was why I contacted Grandfather and Grandmama to ship one to us.

She took off the lacey top of the box, everyone watched her look into the box.

What looked like a paintbrush met my little pollywog in the eyes. Eva blinked, her face serious but mostly calm curiosity. The 'paintbrush' flipped his ear out, making him look more like a fox.

Eva smiled a tiny bit, I smiled wider, and the other guests ( even Lottie) shrieked rat and scattered.

My wary Tiana, my fascinated daughter, myself, Louis and the little pipe fox stayed where we were.

"Umm, what is…..?" Tiana asked slowly. Not wanting to spoil the moment but still having a concerned parent tone.

"A pipe-fox." I explained, Lottie gone, my turn to distract Cookie. "A thin, cute, spiritual animal I had as a child."

The friendly long, thin creature twirled around Eva's neck, she smiled invitingly.

"It's cute but also a protective creature, like a peace bringer." I stroked the tiny head, not much different from its tail.

"Like a good Juju." Tiana stated. She didn't know how nice these were as pets but liked my idea. She smiled an approving smile, then bent down to our child. "You're right, it is very cute." She gently stroked the fox then the cuter girl.

Tiana smiled at her, and then turned to me. "We better find the other children before they decapitate themselves in the kitchen."

"Ya'll go look," Louis offered sweetly, then glowered at the fox. "Me and Evey'll entertain her new favorite."

"Please find them, they'll miss the fruity gaunche cake." Eva stated, but was mostly distracted by her new pet. Louis looked sour, I just grinned as Tiana and I left for the others.

We found three silly, nervous girls. I explained the 'icky' thing was harmless and they should go back to the chocolate cake.

"Three girls down, five to go." I stated while we were entering the kitchen.

Tiana lightly slapped my hand with a spoon. "When you will realize Lottie's sweet boy isn't a malicious deviant out to steal our daughter's purity?"

"After the family leaves for China like I keep suggesting every Sunday or so" Tiana stared at me drily. Then started tracing the spoon from my ear to chin to neck.

"You're a ridiculous, loving Father." She said it in share with scolding parent, amused companion and affectionate lover.

I threw the spoon behind my head and pulled her into a kiss- she didn't fight.

"We're never alone anymore." I whined in an velvety voice…again.

"We never were." She stood on her toe's tips for another kiss- it was sweet but unapologetic. "And until Eva's grown up…."

I cringed and added "and Lottie moves to China."

"We have a wonderful family, we're gonna put up with that as much as we can bear." Tiana was the sensible one, but it didn't make her boring- it saved us from some inappropriate moments the general public doesn't always approve.

I sighed a smile, "I like family." Especially the kisses I get from a certain part of it, "So we'll have another lovable bother to deal with…ok?" I nuzzled her neck, she shivered happily.

"Soon." She stated, that was a very clear indication of more snuggling.

Tiana pushed me back a little, "Sooner than you might be comfortable with…."

She looked me in the eyes deeply. My palms were on the small of her back, she moved the right one to her front torso.

Achitanza…."Really? Unfair, I wanted to try more." I pouted a very happy smile.

Tiana laughed quietly. "No. We still have to try, try, and try again."

Our embrace started sweet, then we heard a little squeak. Tiana broke our contact; we bent down to see a little girl with large front teeth under the table.

"Mayble, cher, would you like some cake?" Tiana asked, in a professional grown-up way.

The girl nodded, took Tiana's hand and we faced the door. As the girl was out the door, I held my wife there for a moment longer.

In her little ear whisper, "Eva should have sleepover tonight. It is her special night."

Tiana rolled her eyes at my hopeful grin. "We'll see. Charlotte loves dressing her up so we ask as soon as she's found."

I pretended to be annoyed with her- she knew our darling in Charlotte's boy's dark company without protection didn't suite well with me.

But a night alone with my beautiful wife could distract me for a good, long bit.

Besides, if Louis hadn't eaten his completion, my little spy would protect precious Eva from anything that wicked boy tried. I smiled as I imagined Lottie's boy locked scared stiff in a closet alone.

Tiana and I scarcely agreed, which was fun; but she just might agree on this idea.

Maybe Raeline or just Raymound…..both sounded like very fine names.

The End