{Author's Note: DISCLAIMER: aww fuck it you all know by now that JK ROWLING owns Harry Potter. I mean we're all adults here right? For reasons I don't remember this story is M so you better be. This story's moving kind of slow because of all the other stories I've been writing. Remember to review!}

Harry and Draco had a lot of things to work out as a couple. Firstly, they were only fourteen and had a baby on the way. This wasn't as much of a problem, because both parties had a massive inheritance behind them. Neither of them had any idea how to raise said child but Draco had read up on several parenting books, (with the help of his ever-so brilliant book worm of a friend, Hermione), and assumed his maternal instinct would kick in to guide him. They had already assured Harry a private spot in the infirmary to give birth, excluded him from the Tri-Wizard tournament, and had rules bent for the baby's sake, for example he was allowed more washroom breaks than the average student, and even allowed larger portions during mealtimes, he was eating for two now. All of these issues appeared to have an easy fix to them, but there was a large issue between the couple that couldn't be mended with a simple trip to the bank or Dumbledore's office.

Draco couldn't understand why Harry was less than enthusiastic about having his child. He couldn't believe that his lover was avoiding him, and the regular check-ups he would have planned. He didn't understand why Harry was eating less, and spending tons of time in bed. He was watching the boy he'd learned to love falling down this endless spiral into an unfamiliar abyss. Had he caught a case of melancholy? He did not posses that maternal glow that most with child had. He did not smile, he slept, all day.

"I swear, he's trying to kill my baby. How miserable my poor child must be, sitting constantly ignored in Harry's womb. He hasn't even touched his stomach, hasn't let me speak to my child in days!" Draco was going out of his mind. More than the slow feeling of loss for his child, he felt the loss of his lover's identity. He didn't even know who Harry was any more.

He would see him strolling off with Ron and Hermione, trailing after him holding hands. Every now and then they'd share a laugh as they walked right passed him. Hermione would throw him a look of sympathy, just like before. Everything was beginning to feel just like before Harry and he had ever loved. There was them, and then there was him. Both co-existing in this world ignorant of one another. However this time Draco did not desperately bang on the glass between them with a barrage of insults, inside longing to join their happy little crew. He felt too hopeless to bother. He would wait for Hermione to return to him with news about a child he longed to touch.

"You know, he seems to be getting worse, I think he needs you," Hermione reassured Draco working on some potions homework simultaneously.

"I highly doubt that. He could always handle himself. Hermione, the worst thing is...I don't even know if we're together anymore."

Hermione frowned. "Well, he doesn't really say anything about it. Whenever I try to pull him into an intervention, he changes the subject by any means possible." She took a pause. "I think you're wrong Draco. I don't think he knows how to handle this at all."

"So he's trying to forget about me? I guess we aren't together anymore...Hermione I don't know what I'll do."

"You have to talk to him yourself! Trap him into a conversation! Whatever it costs you have to be in that baby's life because without you Harry won't be able to take care of it!" Hermione finally snapped. They had been at this for nearly an hour now and she was getting sick of it.

"Hermione, sometimes I wonder why you're so good to me. After I've been so rotten to you," Draco sighed.

"It's because I have compassion! Besides, you've more than earned it. You're the father of my best friend's baby and he loves you. Therefore I love you," Hermione kind of smiled.

"You've always looked at me with compassion. I've seen it," Draco pointed out.

"Do you wanna know the truth?"


"I've always kind of liked you Draco. I just never wanted to admit it," Hermione confessed, her face turning flush.

"Like, admired me as a person...or...?"

"Yes, at one point I fancied you. You're handsome, who could blame me? I never took you as gay though."

"Neither did I, but something about Harry...but you love Ronald now right?"

"Absolutely. He's my everything, my match. And Harry is yours. You should go talk to him! You can't just give something like that up."

"I suppose you're right. I'm just scared I'm chasing after something that just can't be caught." Harry was in fact a difficult one to catch.

The promising young agent Barty Crouch Jr. was finding himself troubled with this very notion. Harry Potter had been removed from the Tri-Wizard tournament and now all of his dark lord's plans were shot. He didn't know what he was going to tell his master. How was he going to tell Lord Voldemort that all his careful and trivial planning had fallen through? His twitch acted up as he held the bottle in his hand, slowly pouring in his mixture of polyjuice potion. This would last him another week, hopefully that traitor Professor Snape would not catch on when checking his inventory. He took a deep breath bracing himself for impact.

"Sir," he began upon arrival, "There is a problem."

"What?" the raspy voice in the corner demanded. The tone was harsh and sharp, piercing deep into his servant's soul.

"The boy, he's been removed from the tournament," Barty Jr. stuttered.

"Why? You said you wouldn't disappoint me!" Lord Voldemort was throwing a fit.

"Well you see...it seems the boy is pregnant!" Jr. quickly explained amongst the riot, and throwing of table items. Suddenly everything stopped.

Voldemort smiled. "Pregnant? Well, well, well. This may work out much better than I had expected. I will formulate a new plan, and it will be greater than the last!" Voldemort cackled between his heavy coughs.

"Please master, conserve your energy!" Barty pleaded.

"Conserve your own! Go rest! You've earned it, but I still expect you in that classroom come tomorrow morning! We go about the plan as usual!"