Title: The Other Life of Arizona Robbins (1/?)
Author: Race122VE (Coll)
Pairing: Arizona/Callie
Rating: PG-13 - R (Just to be on the safe side. I don't do smut, but I can skim the border)
Summary: A figure from Arizona's past shows up at the hospital and brings with her a glimpse of the person Arizona used to be before she arrived in Seattle.
Disclaimer: All television shows, movies, books, and other copyrighted material referred to in this work, and the characters, settings, and events thereof, are the properties of their respective owners. As this work is an interpretation of the original material and not for-profit, it constitutes fair use. Reference to real persons, places, or events are made in a fictional context, and are not intended to be libelous, defamatory, or in any way factual.

Author's Note: This is my first time attempting this fandom/pairing, and my first time writing anything in quite a while, but I was inspired and figured I'd give it a shot. Takes place after 6.10 "Holidaze." Hope you enjoy, thanks!

Chapter 1

For someone who wasn't a very big fan of the usually anti-climactic holiday known as New Year's Eve, Arizona Robbins had a smile plastered tightly on her face. To an observer, it would seem that the effects of midnight were still lingering with her over an hour later. Internally, she knew it was because Nicholas's status, post-op, was looking better than any of them had hoped for. Derek, Mark, and herself had delivered their positive outcome of the surgery to the Jacobsen's as well as their hopes for a speedy recovery. She let Derek and Mark go, offering to watch the boy for the rest of her shift. She was scheduled to be leaving soon and only had a few hours to herself before she had to be in later that morning. The plan was to catch Callie before her shift, but time was only offering a very small window.

She reached inside her pocket, fishing for her phone and coming back empty. She padded down any pocket on her before realization dawned on her that she had left her phone in her bag amidst the rush of Nicholas's last minute surgery. After placing the chart back on the rack in the nurses' station, Arizona made her way down the hall towards the locker room so she could get her phone. The wheels in her mind began turning as she realized that Callie had probably called her after midnight. Her girlfriend had gotten used to the idea that certain holidays and events weren't really Arizona's thing, so when the opportunity for both of them to work on New Year's Eve/Day came up she suggested to Callie that they jump on the chance for some extra pay and overtime. Callie had been a little less than thrilled at the idea, but upon reviewing everyone's schedules it turned out that most of their friends were going to be in work anyway.

Arizona did promise to make it up to her; they had some time off since neither took any sick days or vacations, and she promised Callie a long weekend away somewhere. Their schedules have been so hectic over the holidays that neither of them had been off duty at the same time. Arizona would have been happy hiding away at her apartment. Away from the hospital, roommates, and neighbors with problems that took the liberty of walking into Callie's place whenever they felt like it.

However, with all the birthday, Christmas, and now New Year's mess she knew she had to make the weekend special. Even if she didn't plan on letting Callie out of the bed.

The sound of fast approaching footsteps from behind broke her train of thought. She went to turn around to see who was running towards her and was happily surprised to see Callie fall into step beside her and link their arms together. "Happy New Year," she greeted quietly, leaning in slightly to let the words fall into Arizona's ear. Everything that was Callie seeped into her senses. The breath that spoke the greeting tickled her neck. The scent of Callie blissfully filled her nose. Even the way she clung to Arizona's arm sent shivers through her body. It wasn't until Arizona tilted her head slightly towards Callie that she finally took in the outfit of attending scrubs she wore. Her brow wrinkled in thought.

"Why are you wearing-?"

Her question was replaced with a grunt as she was pulled into a room to the right. Still wearing a confused look, Arizona watched Callie scan the x-ray room. A smirk spread across her face as she realized they were alone and suddenly didn't care what Callie was doing in early, just that she was there. She snaked her arms around Callie's waist and drew her girlfriend closer. The brunette welcomed the embrace, her arms traveling up Arizona's arms and moving over her shoulders to finally rest behind her neck. Their lips hovered over one another's as Arizona closed her eyes and leaned forward only to be met by air.

"Wait," Callie exclaimed. "There has to be a count-down."


"It's New Year's Eve," Callie explained as she pulled her arm back slightly to look at her watch. "Well, it was...I mean...It's our first New Year's kiss. Typically...there's a countdown."

Arizona looked back, opening her mouth a couple times before all she could come up with was, "Seriously?"

"Seriously, we're going to have a countdown to," Callie checked her watch one more time. "1:17, then we'll kiss."

"Wow," Arizona said, smiling at her girlfriend. They barely had any time alone together for a while and she found herself smitten at the idea of Callie wanting to have a New Year's countdown. "That is...adorable."

Callie narrowed her eyes, "Shut up."

The blonde continued to giggle anyway before playing along with her, "So, how much time left?"

"Thirty seconds," Callie winced in reply.

"Calliope!" Arizona whined.

"Hey, come on, it's traditional," Callie shot back playfully, her hand coming up to trace Arizona's jaw line. "I know you're not big on certain things, but I love that whole New Year's Eve kiss. It sets the tone of the year. Don't you want the tone to be us kissing?"

"I'd like it to be now," Arizona shot back as she leaned forward, but Callie was too quick. She turned her head to the side and Arizona ended up kissing her cheek. Even though Callie was being stubborn about this tradition, Arizona decided to make her pay for it by continuing to kiss her cheek down towards Callie's neck. She squirmed in response but remained strong, despite the seconds ticking by felt more like hours at this rate.

Callie let out a low moan as Arizona reached a tender spot. "You are so gonna pay for that later," she breathed out before checking her watch again, "OK, see, look already down to ten, nine, eight..." As she pulled her neck out of reach, Callie continued counting and nudged Arizona to join along. "Three, two, one…"

"Happy New Year."

The counting had grown quieter until the last words were whispered to each other. The space had closed between them and their lips gently met. The sensation started to grow just beyond her lips as Arizona moved her tongue to deepen the kiss, but Callie had pulled back. Not far, however, as her lips were still floating just over Arizona's. They grazed as Callie said quietly and with all the emotion she could convey, "I love you."

Since they had said those three words to each other, Arizona couldn't help the wave of emotions that ran through her every time she heard Callie say them out loud. She couldn't focus on anything at the moment except for the lips that uttered the words. Tilting her head to the side, Arizona dove back in to the kiss. She wasted no time and found no resistance in her attempt to deepen the kiss. Their mouths moved together, knowing the right way to mash together so that the feeling was both familiar and refreshing all at the same time. Her hands moved lower down Callie's back as she moaned into the kiss. Callie responded by pushing her body into Arizona's and letting her fingers tangle in the blonde, waves of hair.

The blaring, shrill, repetitive beep filled the room and broke their mouths apart. They remained inches apart, their bodies flush against one another. Callie reached between their bodies as Arizona leaned her head back against the wall and let out a frustrated sigh. "It's the ER," Callie told her. "I have to go."

"I thought you weren't on till later," Arizona exhaled as she looked back into Callie's eyes and tried not to be too aware of the physical proximity. "I was trying to get out of here so we could maybe have an hour or something together."

"I got called in early and wanted to surprise you," she responded. "I guess we both were thinking the same thing."

"Yeah, until someone from the ER noticed you were here," Arizona pouted.

Callie laughed in response before placing a playful pout on her own lips, "Aw, hey, we're gonna have our time soon. At least we got to make out for a little bit."

"Yeah," Arizona begrudgingly agreed before perking up slightly. "And…we both have off tonight."

"And…you have off all day today," Callie reminded her girlfriend, leaning in closer with each word. "So you can go home, sleep, and when you wake up you can start thinking of all the things that we can do when I get home."

A swift kiss was placed on Arizona's lips before Callie moved down to her neck. Arizona sighed at the contact as her hands slipped underneath the edge of Callie's scrub top. "I think I'm already starting to think of things we can do," she replied before moaning when Callie hit a particularly sensitive spot. "God, I know this isn't the first time we've been interrupted, but this is the first I've really resented a patient in the ER."

The pager went off again and this time they both groaned. "I really have to go," Callie said apologetically. "I'll text you when I'm done my shift."

With one last kiss, Callie left Arizona to compose herself. After a few moments, she sighed and pushed herself off the wall and out of the room. The high from being pulled into a room with Callie carried her to the lounge where she would gather her things and leave the hospital after a long shift.