Here we are once again, and for the last time I'm sure, another sequel to The Cruise, The Class Trip and Committed. The updates were meant to be everyday but then again college is crazy so it might be every two days. Anyway enjoy.

I'm going home today. I'm excited, nervous, and kind of ready to get things back to normal.

"Congratulations Mitchie," I face Hannah, a short girl who's guitar skills kicked ass at the Final Jam. We shared rooms since the beginning of camp and now we were sharing the packing orders. Our rustic looking dark cabins were stripped bare. My bed on one side of the room and hers on the other. I had my suitcases packed near my feet near the desk I'm laying on now. My arms are crossed against the desk while my head sits on them as the trees outside blow back and forth.

"Thanks," I tell Hannah before giving her a smile. "You know you'll always be like a sister to me," I told the girl as she flashed her brown eyes.

"Yeah well, lets make sure this sista'," she points to herself, "gets tickets to like all your shows." I giggle at her as she leaves the cabin. My phone is dead in my purse. I've been trying to charge it for the past two weeks, which means I haven't spoken to Alex in exactly that much time. I stretch quickly and look around the cabin. My hair isn't shoulder length anymore, it's grown almost back to its original length which to me is a plus. But one change I have done to my hair, its black. Alex knows nothing about it and I'm hoping she doesn't get mad. I pull my bags up as the smell of fresh honey buns fills the air.

"Mitchie you…," Hannah's at the screen door.

"I know, don't forget to call me," I spot a car outside and Hannah nods. She comes in and helps me with my bags.

"Oh, here," I stare at Hannah and grab the envelope.

"What's this?"

"That's the stuff form the Final Jam, the information about the record deal and stuff and the forms you have to sign." I feel her arms wrap around me and I hug her back.

"Thanks," I pull away and climb in the car waving goodbye to her as I head to the airport.

Alex's P.O.V


"What…," I feel my body shift in my bed and soon I feel the floor beneath me. "Ow," I mumble, "I'm up."

"Um, we have to pick up Mitchie from the airport."

"No we don't Justin," I stand. The sun is making everything in my room bright. I can see Justin's form, he's in jeans and a black shirt and as my eyes try to adjust to him I fall back against the bed.

"Alex she just called, come on."

"You're lying, her mom was picking her up."

"And now you are."

"Liar," I sit up and I can finally see the boy. He's walking over to me and soon he pulls on my arm.

"Look if you want to see Mitchie today I suggest you come with me now."

"What makes you think I can't see her today?"

"Her mom….come on," he pulls my arm and I get up before stumbling over to my closet. I move my hand through clothes blindly and pull out some jeans and a stripped top, both light and dark blue. I make it into the bathroom next to my closet and change quickly. I stare at myself in the mirror across from the shower and my hair is a mess. I pull up my brush and open the bathroom door and just as I do Justin pulls on my arm.

"I can walk thank you very much."

"Not fast enough." I'm getting pulled down our spiral steps towards the dining room and through the front door before Justin lets me go and we're by his car.

"Why are you so interested in picking Mitchie up when we're not supposed to?" I ask my brother as voices around the car echo off the nearby buildings.

"Because she asked me to."

"Justin," I sigh before he walks to the other side and gets in.

"Alex!...Mitchie wants this…are you going to deny her?" I stare at my brother through his rolled down passenger window.

"Ugh, I guess not," I get in the car and stare at him as he cuts on the music and heads away from the curb. The sky is a clear blue, not a cloud in sight as we get on the expressway.

"I'm kind of scared," I tell the boy.

"Of what? She's your girlfriend."

"I know…I know…but I haven't talked to her since like at least thirteen days and I mean, I'm getting nervous like I want to puke."

"Not in this car," Justin stares at me before I cross my arms.

"I know Justin, but it feels like it. And even if I did puke you'd still clean it up."

"Okay enough of the puke talk."

"Wait, how did she contact you?" I shook my head as Justin smiled. He began tapping his fingers against the steering wheel. "Justin she doesn't know? I can't just pick her up and…her mom's going to hate me if I do get there before she does."

"So like that's stopped you before, and I think her mom likes you more then usual."

"Justin turn this car around."


"I'm not going to get her."

"Yes you are."

"No, I'm not," I looked away from Justin and studied the passing cars. Red ones and black ones and a few that were yellow or silver. "You don't understand, if I see Mitchie now…okay we're going to play our version of house, minus everything else."

"Alex I did not want to know that."

"And I haven't seen my girlfriend in four months so I suggest you turn this car around."

"Look I'm tired of hearing how much you miss Mitchie, and blah, blah, blah. This way I don't have to hear of it, for a long, long time."

"Because you'll hear it without hearing it from me."

"What?" he didn't understand.

"Oh you know what I'm talking about," I winked as I rose my eyebrow.

"ALEX," Justin turns towards the exit for the airport. "We don't speak of sex in my car."

"I didn't say anything about sex, but now that we're on the subject…me and Mitchie are going to have lots of it…"

"Shut up."

"Lots of lesbian girl sex."

"Oh…my…god," Justin pulled towards the arrival sign and parked. "Get out."


"Her plane number is 1205, please…just go. I'm parking and I'll be in." I studied Justin's face before nodding. I left my phone at home so I just took Justin's word and climbed from the car and went inside. I took a deep breath as small hairs rose on my arm. I was scared, and I didn't know why. I paced around the baggage area. I was watching my feet most of the time as my flip flops made noises against the concrete floor. I saw the plane number and where it was from above but still no Mitchie.

"Okay, calm down Alex," I begin talking to myself. "You've missed her, so you'll just start things off with that." I saw people head down some stairs and I watched them. Most were older couples or younger ones with kids. I leaned against a white pillar and still no Mitchie. I began nodding to a boy's mp3player next to me which was blasting loud in his ears. I stood up and began walking again. I made it towards a revolving baggage belt and gazed at the thing as it turned before moving back to where I was. I saw Justin laughing with some dark haired girl. I made my way over to the boy.

"I doubt that Juliet's going to like that her boyfriend is hitting on another girl….," I was cut off by my words as a squealing Mitchie ran into my arms and kissed me hard. I stumbled backwards into an old couple before Mitchie pulled back.

"I'm so sorry guys," she told them before she kissed me again.

"Whatdidyoudotoyourhair?" I said that pretty quickly and together.

"I missed you," Mitchie was holding my hand tight.

"What did you do to your hair?" This time I guess I said it pretty normal, I was in a trance.

"Its…black now…don't you like it?" she was still in my arms as I nodded.

"I missed you too, sooo much."

"Great," Justin said, "lets go."

"But don't you like it?" Mitchie asked again.

"Its on you, so of course I do."

"Make me gag, lets go," Justin pulled up Mitchie's bags as I followed him and Mitchie had her fingers between mine. I was feeling like the girl with butterflies beating her stomach to death.

"I've missed you so much," Mitchie said as I stood next to the car as Justin loaded the trunk.

"How much?" I asked as Mitchie grabbed the bottom of my shirt and came into me. I wasn't expecting that, but she kissed me hard. I fell backwards and the car alarm went off.

"Really?!" Justin tossed his hands into the air. Mitchie pulled back and I caught my breath as Justin slammed the trunk. "I better not have a dent," he climbed in the car as I studied Mitchie's face. She just seemed a bit different then before, maybe it was her hair, or maybe it was the four months of not seeing her but something was different. We sat in the back as Justin made it towards her house.

"You haven't called in like weeks."

"My phone died, like really, it died," she pulled the small black item from her pocket and showed me. "My charger died and then one day the power went out after the Final Jam and…lets just say, my phone was the least of my problems."

"So how was the Final Jam?"

"Oh," she bit her bottom lip. "That's something I wanted to talk to you about."


"Um, Justin you can come back for Alex later." Both me and Justin faced Mitchie.

"Its that bad?"

"No, its not bad at all, I just…I want to tell you alone, away from Justin," I sat back against the seat and nodded. I was running on some type of high because my eyes continued to go down to Mitchie's short skirt. She shifted in her seat before sighing and I let my eyes go up from her legs to her eyes before I noticed the passing trees out the window, that's where Mitchie was gazing. I trailed my eyes back down and placed my hand against Mitchie's leg. I felt her tense a bit before she faced me and I gave her a smirk. She refaced the window and Justin made it off the expressway. I moved my thumb and index finger back and forth as Mitchie held my hand.

"Not in your brother's car," she whispered plucking my fingers back. I nodded before leaning into her shoulder. Moments like this always brought me back to the cruise and I didn't know why. I always remembered those days when I couldn't touch Mitchie, when we were strictly friends. And when she told me that friends never did things like this. But now we're still friends, best friends at that and she's even more then that now and I feel the same right now as the day when she finally let me touch her.

"I love you," I whispered as Mitchie nodded.

"I love you too, maybe more then you do." We both giggled.

"Get out," Justin quickly got from the car as I laughed and Mitchie and I grabbed her stuff and went up to her house. "I'll be back in an hour," Justin pulled off and still the sky was bright blue. Mitchie and I left her bags inside the front door as we went to her room.

"Wasn't your mom picking you up from the airport?" I asked Mitchie as she gasped.

"Oh my god, I totally forgot," she ran to pull up a phone in the hall as I laid on her bed. Her dark red covers were soft and blending in with the newly red painted walls with white flower designs. Once Mitchie returned she closed her door and came back into her bed. I was laying against the headboard as Mitchie had her feet over the bed as she stared at me.

"So about the Final Jam…" I started off.

"Um I won."

"What? Ahhhh," I screamed and crawled into Mitchie pulling her back towards me as she laid down against the bed and I hovered over her before kissing her and pulling back. "Congrats baby."

"Thanks," she smiled as I moved above her.

"I should give you a gift," I placed my hand against Mitchie's arms.

"No, Alex, listen…In two days I have to make a decision."

"Okay," I pressed my lips against Mitchie's as her fingers came to my stomach and she pushed me up.

"And it could effect us."

"Us as in?" I was a few inches from her lips now.

"Well not us, as in our relationship but as in, we might have to spend some time apart," I was watching her face. I heard what she was saying but I honestly didn't want to hear anything until I had enough kissing time with her. I slid my fingers against Mitchie's cheeks.

"Apart?" I asked pressing my lips against her left cheek and then her right one.

"Well like…," I cut her off as my lips kneaded into hers. I felt her legs come up towards my waist. I placed one hand against her leg and it turned everything up a few notches. I sat up as Mitchie took in a deep breath.

"Alex, you're not listening to me….I…" she stopped talking again when I ran my hands up her skirt. "O-okay…"

"Shush," I called out. Her skin against my fingers, my palms pulsing up her thighs sent surges through me.

"A-Alex…I….I have something…I have to…," Mitchie gripped my hands. "Please, please listen."

I whimpered before rolling my eyes, "I'm listening."

"Will you go with me in two days to California?"


"Because I have to pick songs for my first album."

"Really? Of course I'd go with you…now can I continue?"

"Yes," Mitchie giggled as she moved her hands.

Mitchie's. P.O.V

Alex and I were sitting on the porch as I spotted my mom and dad's car. I could still feel Alex's previous touch against my skin and it was making me crazy. The both of us had our shoes off as I laid in her lap and she was waiting for my parents to say anything. My mom was smiling at us before running over and hugging me tight.

"Baby I've missed you," she kissed my hair, "you smell like…," she pulled back. "So how was Camp Rock?"

"It was amazing mom," she ran her fingers through Alex's hair and made it into the house. I laughed as my dad came over.

"Nice to see you home kiddo."

"Thanks," I nodded and both of my parents disappeared inside.

"Our moms are talking again," I hear Alex tell me.

"That's good. I'm glad we're not stopping them from still being friends."

"I think they've settled most of their differences," Alex moved away from me and into the grass as I crossed my legs and stretched.

"They were only fighting because we were dating."

"Yeah but they're over it. All they talk about now is how your mom and dad are back together, its pretty boring." Alex faced me. I smiled before looking towards the closed house door.

"You know I haven't been to the beach in a while, or to the mall, and the last time I had a smoothie was when our cabin went to the small town nearby," I bit my bottom lip before facing Alex and smiling. "How about we go out and do something."

"You feel up to it?" I asked before shaking my head as my hair brushed my face.

"I feel up to anything," Alex placed her hand in front of me as I grabbed it before she pulled me up, "but are you sure you're up to it?" she winked at me as I giggled.

"I'm up to anything you've got in mind," I whispered against Alex's lips before she kissed me.

"I wasn't thinking like that you naughty girl," she pulled back and hit my butt before opening the house door. I gasped before following her inside. I guess it was a bit weird seeing my mom and dad together again. But being away for four months anything could happen.

"Mom, Alex and I are heading out for a while."

"Mitchie you've just gotten back."

"I know, but we….I want to see the city."

"Sure you do," her eyes went to Alex's before she made it towards my dad. Alex and I went upstairs to grab our shoes and things before I stopped.

"Maybe we should shower."

"Separate right?" Alex asked as I walked backwards into my room door.

"It could be together."

"You've be sexually deprived almost as long as I have."


"Just as long as I have," she mumbled as I giggled and made it into the bathroom. I was getting the water ready before I noticed the time. I heard a car horn outside.

"Crap, Justin's here," Alex let out as I made it out to her. She was staring out the window.

"Are you leaving?"

"Um, no I'll tell him to come back a little bit later," Alex left the room and I moved out towards the window. The sun was beaming on her skin as I smiled before my mom knocked on my door. I quickly turned around having my hair swipe my face a bit.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"I'm really glad to have you home, tomorrow I thought we could spend the day together, just me and you…and your dad," she was waiting for an answer.

"Oh um, I won the Final Jam thing and I have to go to California.."

"Honey," my mom smiled, "you didn't tell me that."
"I know, it was a shock to me but my phone died and.." my mom was pressing herself into me tight as she wrapped her arms around me.

"Wait, California?"

"Yeah, I already asked Alex to go with me."

"Alex!" My mom seemed hurt as she pulled back.

"I haven't spent time with her and I kinda missed her and…"

"No that's fine."

"I just have to call this guy, his number is in my suitcase and he's going to give us tickets and a hotel and.."

"I could still go, I just might have to do things myself but you know."

"I kind of only want it to be me and Alex..I mean you and dad could go but just like, space yourselves from us or something."

"You plan on spending a lot of time with her?"

"What does that supposed to mean?"

"I mean that's good but, when will it be a time for just you and us," she was talking about my dad and her and I knew it.

"Mom I didn't mean it in a bad way. I want you and dad there, but I can't stand another second away from Alex so…"

"I'm going to make dinner, will you be back in time?"

"Yeah," I answered as she walked out. I took in some air before walking back into the bathroom, the water was warm so I pulled the small stopped up as the shower started. I heard Alex on the stairs and I guess she was carrying my bags so I went out to help her. There were usually pictures of me on the walls in the hall, now only pictures of birds sat everywhere. I pulled the pink suitcase away from the girl as she came up behind me.

"What's in this thing a dead body?"

"Months, and months worth of clothes," I giggled before dropping to my knees and unzipping the suitcase I had. Alex closed the door before I saw her shirt against the floor. "Look," I waved my award into the air as Alex pulled it up.

"I would like to thank the academy and my mom, and my dad, of you too little bro, and my annoying older brother, and my invisible dog…," I watched the girl before getting up and walking into the bathroom. "And I thank my girlfriend who's on this sexual high right now."

"Alex get in here before my mom hears you," I peaked through the door as she dropped the gold music note against the bed before coming into the bathroom.

I lay flat in the sand watching the orange skies before Alex walks over to me.

"Now that you've been to the beach we should head back, it should be getting dark soon," I rolled onto my side listening to Alex who was sitting up with her knees against her chest and her eyes in the distance. I pushed myself up.

"Do I have sand in my hair?"

"Sadly you do. So about California, how are we getting there, how are we getting around, how are we getting to…where are we going when we get there exactly?" I moved my hands through my hair trying to get enough of the sand out as the wind began to blow.

"I thank we're heading to studio city or something. I have to call later on. I think my mom wants to spend time with me tomorrow."

"I guess I can share you just this once. So do you want to head to the mall and get something to eat?"

"Um, no, I can't…my mom's cooking, you could stay over if you want."

"I think Justin is going to pick me up soon, maybe we should head back…"

"I need to sign these papers," I was standing in front of my mom back home. Alex had went home maybe a hour ago and after dinner my mom asked for the Final Jam papers. I was sitting in my pajamas, a long sating red shirt with matching shorts, on the couch next to my mom as my dad moved around the kitchen.

"Maybe I should go with you, I mean, you're picking a single and.."

"I said you could go but the one who's getting paid for is Alex."

"Well why can't I just go with you?"

"Because mom…," I pulled one of the papers from her fingers before crossing my legs and leaning against one of the pillows.

"Well you should ask Teresa if Alex could go, she might say no."

"You better not do anything to make Alex stay home mom, I can't do this without her, she's a big part of my life. So don't ruin it."

"Bossy….here, I've read everything and it seems legit, so…I'll allow you to go to California, but I think me and your dad will still go just in case."

"That's fine mom, just don't get between me and Alex."

"No one wants to do that," my dad came in with cookies, popcorn and some milk and soda's.

"Our family movie night starts now," he sat the tray down and I focused on him.

"Dad if you and mom can give Alex and me space in California, you guys can come, and if not…you can't."

"You're only seventeen, I think we're the parents."

"And I think that I have a say so in my life, I'll be eighteen soon and…"

"Mitch, I want you to know that things in the business could get a little crazy."

"Dad it'll be fine."

'That's what a lot of them say. The business can end relationships, friendships, anything and…."

"So did either of you notice my hair?" I had to change the subject, my dad was bumming me out.

So, yeah, things are going to get touchy feely a lot, but until then I have other things to update and school, yikes.