I'm not dead! =D

I was listening to Vanessa Carlton's A Thousand Miles when this idea came to me.

I don't own Princess Tutu

She aimlessly paces the pavements of the town, walking fast with no destination. People and faces pass her, and she stares blankly ahead, passing through the crowd like a ghost.

On the corner a man is playing music for money, playing a melody that she knows like she knows her own voice, and she closes her eyes and begins to dance a dance that she knows like she knows the scars and freckles on his skin, because they've danced it countless times since he pulled her from the darkness.

She's not en pointe because her toeshoes are still at home, the home that she fled from, but she dances anyway, her movements full of grace, and in her dance she shows how much she misses him. But everything is wrong, everything went wrong, and she doesn't belong here anymore. Perhaps she never did.

She's dancing a pas de deux alone on the corner of the street, and people pause to watch her but she doesn't notice because her eyes are closed, and she can almost feel his warm hands on her waist, his strong arms supporting her dance, and she knows that she still needs him, that she'll always need him.

And now she's coming to a lift, a part of the dance that she knows that she can't do alone, because she's not Princess Tutu and she can't do the impossible, but she jumps anyway, and suddenly there are strong hands at her waist, supporting her, lifting her, real flesh-and-blood hands, and as he lowers her back to the floor, catches her hand and spins her, he finally speaks.

"You looked like you needed a partner."

She turns to face him, her arms around his neck, and he's not smiling, but his eyes are tender and she smiles as she replies, "I did."

His smile is gentle as he dips her, and in those few words only they hear all that is left unspoken – their apologies for what they said, what they did, their acceptance, and their love for one another.

And the most wonderful thing isn't that they can say it, it's that they don't need to.

If I'm honest, I had Fakir and Ahiru in mind when I wrote it, but it could be Mytho and Rue as well.

Anyway, I hope you liked it. I wrote it pretty fast. ^^;