Chapter 10: Solutions Left To Morgana Le Fray

The fire began whirling around in rings, Merlin gasped in shock and frantically tries to extinguish the flames, but the flames just kept growing and soon enough they were surrounding him forming a twisting spiral of fire. Merlin was caged in and there was no escape route.

"Let me out!" Merlin yelled out, "Help me! Help me! Arthur!"

Merlin was desperate now, Arthur wasn't here to save him and his magic was beginning to tire as he continuously tried to cast a spell on the raging flame spiral. Just when Merlin was about to give up, a figure came from the trees and emerged into the smoke. Arthur.

"You lied to me," he whispered, he looked like he didn't want to admit the fact that his lover didn't tell him the truth, "I always thought you were unusual, different, but I wasn't expecting this. Why Merlin? Why?"

Tears were streaming down both the prince's and his servant's cheeks for that they knew what would be coming. Either Merlin was to be executed or banished from Camelot forever; Arthur didn't want any of them. Lewis appeared from behind Arthur and stared at Merlin miserably and mouthed the words, I'm sorry to him. Merlin didn't know who he was and stared in shock at the appearance of Lewis; it was like staring into a mirror...

"What will you do with him?" Lewis asked, his voice sounded sympathetic, "Surely you won't kill him right?"

"I have to, if I don't then that would be like treason..." Arthur managed to croak out, staring at Merlin blankly like a cold bottle of nothingness.

Merlin couldn't believe what he was hearing and this time violently crashed onto the fiery cage, burning him in the progress. Arthur winced at the sight of the damage Merlin made himself, but didn't move a centimetre closer to the boy. Merlin was crying now, sobbing tears as he watched Lewis come closer to him and whispered a spell to make the fire disappear. Arthur didn't move and order Lewis to take him to the castle. So, Lewis muttered a spell and a chain appeared out of nowhere around Merlin's neck.

"I cannot come with you, sire," he said quietly, bowing down low, "For I also am a sorcerer as you can see, I can take your servant far away with me or you could risk getting him killed in the castle. Perhaps, when you are King, I'll bring him back"

Arthur thought for a bit while Merlin was pleading that he wanted to stay.

"No Arthur! Please, please, don't make me leave!" Merlin shouted desperately, tugging at the chain, "I love you! You know that! I'm not going anywhere!"

The three words made Arthur wince slightly; he didn't want Merlin to leave, he wanted him to be there always, but this was risky, falling in love with a male not to mention a sorcerer and manservant as the crowned prince of Camelot, Arthur couldn't afford to let down his father and his people anymore than he already did, it was a choice between selfishness or selflessness. Taking a glance at Merlin, he felt like he wanted to hold him again, reach out and grab him and never letting go.

"You are to leave Camelot, and never to come back until I raise the ban on magic," Arthur decided, shooting Merlin a look of apology, "Lewis, I trust you to take good care of him"

"Yes sire"

Merlin looked devastated, he tried to reach out and touch Arthur one last time, but the prince just withdrew from his contact not wanting to miss his manservant more and regret his decision. Lewis bowed one last time before leading Merlin away into the forest while Merlin took his last chance to gaze at Arthur's eyes.

"Goodbye," Merlin whispered, disappearing altogether before Arthur could reply.

Standing there, staring at the place he had once met a deer that brought them together and the place where they found the lake and showed each other beauty, the place where everything began. Now, it was the place where things end, the place where Merlin left...

"Bye..." Arthur whispered as headed back to the castle by himself.

Wandering around in the castle, Cara sensed something was wrong, something was out of place as if one half of a soul was sucked away. She had bumped into Morgana, who also sensed the distress and together they found a depressed Arthur Pendragon sitting in his room, glaring at the ground with puffy, red, tear stained eyes. Morgana immediately dashed up to her almost brother and gave him a comforting hug while Cara stared at him in concern.

'What is wrong?' she asked, 'Where is Merlin?'

One mention of Merlin's name nearly made Arthur shatter into a million pieces like fragile china. Morgana heard and hugged Arthur tighter as if he were her only baby brother as he let down more tears flow down his face. Cara didn't say anything, fearing that she might blurt out something insensitive, instead she went to look for Philip, and perhaps he might know something. Even though the young deer didn't trust the dragon all that much, she knew he was the only choice when there's an emergency.

Morgana nodded at Cara, signalling her to leave and seek advice from the dragon.

When Cara had left, Morgana sat beside Arthur while he began to confess what had happened.

"Merlin has magic"

His blunt answer shocked Morgana. Arthur tried to not look at her bewildered, stormy blue eyes as he tried to clear Merlin out of his mind. Why did Morgana have to look so much like Merlin? Arthur thought in depression.

"Tell me what happened," Morgana ordered yet in a soft tone, "I need to know what happened, you can't sulk forever Arthur"

Taking a large amount of air intake, Arthur began explaining.

"We were going to that lake again, like to regain past good memories, but we got lost along the way, well, kind of lost. There was this sorcerer, Lewis was his name, he looked a lot like Merlin, and he took me somewhere I didn't know of, it was away from Merlin. He told me Merlin had magic, I didn't believe him that is until he proved it to me when he returned me to Merlin. I heard him mutter a spell under his breath and a fire appeared..."

Morgana was actually silently listening, "Please go on"

"I felt betrayed. I thought Merlin trusted me, but obviously he didn't, I sent him away with the sorcerer Lewis. He won't come back until I lift the ban on magic, I can't risk watching each day go past knowing that my father might track him down"

Morgana knew Arthur was did this for Merlin, but she also knew that magic or not, Arthur should've stood up for what he believed and cling onto Merlin. Uther may be a tyrant when it came to magic but he wouldn't harm his only son and heir to the throne and killing the person his son loved would be suicide on Arthur's part.

"Do you believe you've done the right thing?" Morgana asked raising her voice, "To have sent Merlin away will torture both you can him"

Arthur looked up to see Morgana unhappy expression, "I honestly didn't know what to do," he whispered, staring at the floor.

"You are Arthur Pendragon, heir of the throne, son of Uther Pendragon and the prince of Camelot!" Morgana listed out, giving Arthur a hard stare, "You have said that many times before! Why is it now that you cannot stand up for what, no, who you love?"

"I don't want to see him hurt!" Arthur answered in a yell, "Do you think it's that easy to watch your lover walk around knowing that he might get caught and killed? Do you think that he'll be happy knowing that I'm will eventually marry another woman not him?"

"But that doesn't mean you can leave him!"Morgana nearly screamed; she had lost all her patience, "Just because he has magic doesn't mean he's evil!"

"Yet he lied to me," Arthur whispered quietly.

"He didn't lie to you! He didn't tell you, for goodness sake can't you tell the difference? You claim that you love him yet leave him because of his talents and you listened to another sorcerer and believed him! Explain that Arthur!" Morgana hissed venomously.

Guilt flooded Arthur and he began to feel like he was drowning. Why did he believe a stranger over the closest person he's ever known?

"Then what do you want me to do? I don't know where he is anymore," Arthur insisted, glaring at Morgana, "I'll get over him in time..."

Morgana couldn't believe what she was hearing, had Arthur just said he'll get over Merlin after all that drama? No way, she wasn't going to let this end too soon, she need the help of Cara, she would know what to do...

Without a sound, Arthur had left the room while Morgana was thinking deeply about the next set up...

'Philip, I need your help'

Cara couldn't get any response from the dragon ever since she got there; it seemed the dragon wasn't in the mood for giving clues... Never the less, she was not giving up.

"What is it now?"

Philip was angry; he must have noticed the absence of the young warlock and was not happy about it.

"Where's Merlin?" he asked in suspicion, "He better not have betrayed me again..."

Cara looked at him in shock, 'You actually bother thinking that Merlin would actually do that, you should be a little ashamed at your negative thoughts,' she scolded as Philip just rolled his eyes at her continuous lecture.

"What is it that you want?" he asked again, staring at Cara intensely waiting for a reply.

'I told you already, I want your help!' Cara exclaimed in annoyance, 'Our wondrous Arthur Pendragon has sent Merlin away! Now he's regretting it!"

The dragon tipped his head forward in a thinking position and mumbled something about a small mouse. The he returned his attention to Cara and smiled.

"Merlin is fine," he reassured as he played around with his fire, "You say the young Pendragon is suffering? Fear not, you may the answer is closer than you think"

Cara blinked in confusion. How can the answer be closer? What was it that she needed to convince Arthur to go after Merlin? Convince… That's right… She needed to make him believe in Merlin again, but how she's going to do it was another problem.

Morgana, the answers lay completely with her.

The breeze was relaxing, but it didn't calm down Merlin's anxiety. How was Arthur? What's he doing at the moment? Everything he wanted to ask Arthur was roaming around in his head like moths to a flickering flame. He wasn't expecting himself being caught so soon yet this sorcerer that resembled him told him off before he himself could. Merlin should be happy that he wasn't going to be executed, but right now, he'd rather be executed than to be away from the prince.

Lewis was carrying his basket full of berries and fruit along with his mini staff. He had ignored Merlin the entire time and didn't try to break the silence like Merlin tried. Merlin wasn't sure whether the man in front of him disliked him or just wasn't social. Either way, Merlin decided he was not to trust this sorcerer.

"I apologise if you miss your loved one," Lewis's voice was soft and quiet, almost sympathetic, "It must pain you to leave"

"Why did you tell him?" Merlin didn't care about Lewis's feelings at the moment, the only thing in his mind was why the sorcerer told Arthur and what the reason was, "You knew what would happen to a man and woman who gets caught doing magic"

Lewis sighed, "It's for the best. The Lady Flora has plans with Arthur," he announced, turning around, "She wishes to marry"

"Marry?" Merlin asked in confusion, "Marry whom? No, it couldn't be Arthur right?"

"I'm afraid it is," Lewis's skin paled as he hesitated every time he had to insert more information into Merlin's mind, "I-I cannot tell you anymore. It is beyond my right to do so"

Merlin ignored his plea and continued, "Does Arthur know about this? You must the one who sent her here without a carriage!"

Nodding, Lewis tensed up. He was giving out private information and he would be punished for it. Merlin asked him whether he was Lady Flora's personal servant, he answered with a no and told him that he was her court sorcerer and a well known one among the kingdoms of Italy. Merlin also found out he was an adopted child and that Lady Flora was his first friend and temporary or practice lover. Lady Flora was planning to ally the kingdom of Rome with Camelot.

"She's very noble," Merlin commented, "But that doesn't mean she can go prance into our lives and take over everything!"

Lewis agreed to a point there and said in a monotone voice, "I was her practice lover, and I am the one who knows her most, but this time she wouldn't listen to me, she said that I'm just jealous and silly for it because what she was doing was for the good of the kingdom"

Merlin knew he was lucky that Arthur thought the telepathy from before was because of Vera's magic, but ever did he think someone like Lady Flora would be so persistent and try to get rid of him from Arthur's life entirely. She didn't even think about her court sorcerer's feelings. Lewis was like an identical mirror image of him; dark blue eyes, snow white skin and black raven hair. It was strange… How could a complete stranger look so much like him?

"Is that your real appearance?" Merlin asked curiously, "Because you look too much like me"

Lewis laughed, "Oh this? Nah, it's a cover up"

With that said, he didn't need to utter a spell till he changed his appearance completely, revealing light olive eyes with the tints of hazel around the pupil, fair skin and blondish brown hair that flowed to his shoulders. Reality was he didn't look anything like Merlin.

"Why did you change your appearance?" Merlin questioned, he didn't understand why someone go through all that trouble being somebody else.

"Because the original plan was to perform magic in front of Prince Arthur so he would find out you were hiding magic from him," Lewis answered sincerely, leaning against a nearby tree trunk, "But Flora didn't show me his picture or even described what he looked like, so I was wondering around forest searching for the prince"

More questions rose into Merlin's mind, "Where did you stay if you were not allowed in the castle?"

"It wasn't that I wasn't allowed, it was more like Flora was determined that the plan would fail so I stayed outdoors in the woods and slept out here. I'll take you to my campsite," he explained as he led the way through the trees.

As they strolled past the trees, Merlin asked another question, "How did Lady Flora know that I had magic?"

Lewis paused before answering the question slowly, "You're well known across the land…Emrys a.k.a Merlin, son of Balinor the Dragon Lord. He too was well known as most dragon lords are. You're in every prophecy and prediction books we have. Every sorcerer and sorceress knows of your destiny"

"Then why are you separating me from Arthur? If he's my destiny and you know it, then why do you stop me?" Merlin questioned with a hint of accusation in his voice, "It doesn't make sense. You say it's my destiny but you're stopping me"

"It is Lady Flora who doesn't know about the prophecy," Lewis explained, "Only people and things magical know about it, if a human without magic knows it they would think we're insane"

Merlin mouthed an 'O' before nodding in agreement on the insane bit. Lewis smiled at Merlin's understanding and reason. Without knowing it, he began to walk side by side Merlin and was talking to him like they knew each other for years.

"Oh my god, can you teach me that?" Merlin asked in amazement as Lewis turned the surrounding air into droplets of transparent water that were frozen in midair.

"Just repeat my words," Lewis instructed smartly as he lifted his hand up and concentrated on a certain area of space, "Glacialisaer…"

Watching carefully, Merlin imitated Lewis perfectly. Droplets kept appearing that it was like dangling crystals from the sky under the disco ball like light that were forcing past the trees. It was upsetting that Arthur couldn't experience this with him and he wondered how Arthur was without him. Perhaps he'll return someday soon…

The clouds were trying to overlap the sun, trying to block out the light. Arthur was staring up into the sky dazed in the open field that he practiced his sword fighting in. All he could think about was Merlin; it was always that stupid, clumsy, rude, beautiful, sweet, considerate, responsible and witty manservant and sorcerer of his. He didn't know whether to be upset that he's gone or to be glad that his lover was safe and sound and not completely alone. Where was Merlin going to go though?

The question sent Arthur's mind in total worry, but he knew he couldn't do anything about it for that he didn't know where Merlin was anymore. Cara came walking up to him before nudging his neck affectionately; she was trying to comfort him. He smiled at her as he patted her back gently.

'You OK?' she asked in concern, sitting down next to him, 'You can always go find him you know'

"I like that offer, but I don't know where he is," Arthur stated as he stood up and headed to the castle, "I gotta go to sleep, tired..."

'But... What about Merlin?'

"He is no longer in my life Cara; he will be a distant memory. Please, I need to move on now," Arthur declared, "I insure you that he will return when I am King, I promise you that"

'And what if I don't want to you to keep that promise? I want you to go get Merlin and bring him back here,' Cara demanded stubbornly, but Arthur just shook his head and silently trudged to his bedroom ignoring everything Cara had to say.

Cara tried to convince, but she wasn't as convincing as the sly Morgana. She found herself staring at the locked door of Arthur's chambers. 'Oh, what am I going to do now?' Cara whined in her mind. Perhaps Morgana might know, but she didn't want to disturb the King's ward and drag her into one of Cara's little mischievous plans again.

Close by Gwen was bringing back the laundry from Morgana's chambered. The maidservant was humming a tune as she strolled cheerfully down the hallway. Cara stepped in tune with her; Gwen didn't notice her until one of the garments fell out of the laundry basket.

"Cara! How nice to see you here," Gwen greeted joyfully, obviously she didn't know about Merlin's departure, "Where's Merlin?"

It was a rhetorical question because Gwen wasn't able to read Cara's thoughts like Merlin, Morgana and Arthur could. Yet, Cara tried anyway. She jumped up and down before trotting down the hallway, past the stocks and towards the woods. Gwen obediently followed the whole way through without uttering a single word. She understood immediately; it was almost as if she could read Cara's mind after all.

"Do you wish for me to inform Morgana?" she offered, ready to head back to the castle, "But of course I have to do the laundry first"

'That would be lovely Guinevere,' Cara thanked in her mind, remembering that Gwen couldn't hear her she nodded her head dramatically and nudged Gwen's leg, pushing her towards the direction of the castle.

"Alright, alright," Gwen laughed as she rushed to Morgana's chambers, calling out she entrusted the laundry to Cara, "Give the clothes to Dandelion! She'll know what to do!"

With that said, Cara watched Gwen hurry back to Morgana. How would Morgana solve this?

Morgana was lying in her velvet bed, staring out the window like she would when she had things to think about. She wondered where Merlin would be doing at a time like this. She hoped he would return soon, for that he was the only person in the entire kingdom that could understand her and her fear of revealing her deepest secret. Remembering how happy Arthur was when Merlin returned his feelings made Morgana smile lightly.

"Excuse me, may I come in?" Gwen soft muffled voice asked from the other side of the door.

"Yes, come in," Morgana allowed, sitting up and leaned against the window, "Is something wrong Gwen?"

Gwen had darted from the entrance and right in front of Morgana, she didn't hesitate and went straight to the point, "It's about Merlin" she stated.

"What about him? What happened? Did you get information about his location right now?" Morgana asked frantically, hoping at least one of her questions would be answered with a 'yes'. Unfortunately, Gwen shook her head, but smiled.

"Cara… I think Cara wants you to know something. I didn't know Merlin left!" Gwen said in shock after informing Morgana about Cara.

"Sorry, I should've told you earlier," Morgana apologised as she got up and walked towards her table, only taking a glance back at the window, "Gwen, how's Cara at the moment?"

"Cara is fine, she's currently sending the laundry back to Dandelion," Gwen informed, taking a seat beside her mistress, "Where could Merlin have headed?"

Morgana heaved a sigh, "I wonder that myself. I feel that it was my fault. I shouldn't have plunged into this love thing," she confessed in an ashamed tone of voice.

"No, no, I think you did the right thing! You showed Arthur that he could be truly happy and love someone dearly!" Gwen reassured gently, "Trust me; they'll thank you some day!"

Laughing, Morgana thanked Gwen for always trying to cheer her up. The sheet of paper for the lists was still there, lying on the table uselessly. Morgana had hoped the list would continue smoothly, but after all that has happened it seemed that nothing was turning out right and without Merlin around, the list won't work.

It was Gwen's clever plan that surprised her.

"You know the feast? Why can't Merlin attend the feast? Not that we know where he is that is, it's just that we could send a pigeon out to search for him! I know you have magic… If you can, will you be able to help and put some devise on the bird so it won't lose its way?"

"Gwen…" Morgana began while Gwen was just about to start apologising, "You are a genius!" she squealed, hugging her friend and maidservant.

"T-Thank you, my lady," Gwen blushed brightly.

Grabbing the tips of the list, Morgana slid it towards her and pulled out a quill and began writing. Gwen peered over her shoulder reading.

To my dear friend Merlin…


I'm sorry for updating late and for writing a chapter shorter than usual… My friend (strawberry-sunset194) had found another site for writing and we've been preparing stories there as well as in fanfiction