AN: Im sorry!!!! I was really busy and I didn't have any time to write!!! Thank you all who still read it after I nearly gave up on it!!! This one is just a filler...I really am sorry that I haven't updated!!!!!!!! I know this one is short, and its mostly dialog, but its crucial to the story.

Pop Quiz

Chapter 7

Nothing is Safe

I didn't say anything for the rest of the ride.

I sat in silence thinking of all the covers I could pull out and use, none of them seemed to work. Josh knows me too well to fall for any of those. I dropped the cover idea, and went straight to 'accidental' death, but I figured most of those ideas were a bit extreme. We pulled up at their mansion...well...not that I could call it a mansion, more like a big middle school, with hidden security.

"That's it?" Macey said with distaste.

I was tempted to say the same, if I didn't have other things on my mind. Josh mostly. Why did he have to get inside my head, make me drop my guard. Stupid fair. Stupid Suzie. Stupid Solomon. Stupid spy school.

We walked into the mansion like ten normal girls who go to a privileged school. We walked straight past all the boys who couldn't keep their eyes off us, and right into our makeshift dorms in their east wing. The school wasn't that different from our school on the inside. I had spent three minutes in the place and I already found two secret passages. That would come in handy soon. I never saw Josh as we walked to the dorms, though I did see Zach and that Jonas kid. Neither of them noticed me; I was 'Chameleon', I wasn't supposed to be noticed.

I'm trained to remain calm in all situations, except when you end up doing an exchange program with the school your ex-boyfriend happens to attend. Spy school or not, that's just plain awkward.

"Hey, Cam," Liz called setting up one of her many laptops on the desk in the corner. The dorms were much like ours back at Gallagher Academy, just smaller and different furniture.

"Huh," I answered spinning around in the middle of unpacking my weapons...and various...spy items.

"On the way here, I set up very small cameras in the halls...wanna check out the live feed?" She tipped the top of the laptop up and I could see some boys running down the halls, the screen changed and I saw a different corridor that was completely empty.

"Not right now Liz," I said with a yawn, "It's late, and I'm tired." I walked over to the bed that would be mine for the time we spent here. "Goodnight." I was about to climb in my bed when I heard a small beeping noise.

Not a noise you can hear with normal hearing, the kind that they train you for.

"Everyone. Quite." I ordered and the room fell instantly silent.

I looked around the room, I turned off the lights and looked for anything that could be giving off light. In the end I found a small little computer about the size of my hand, hidden underneath the one drawer that the desk had. There was a little red blinking light on the very top of it. I held it in my hand and read the words, Press the red button that flashed on the screen.

"IT'S A BOMB!" screamed Macey and ran to take shelter in the bathroom, taking two pairs of stilettos with her. The door slammed closed and I could hear her opening the shower door and hiding inside.

I pressed the little red button at the bottom of the screen and Mr. Solomon's face appeared on it.

"Hello ladies." He said casually, "Welcome to Blackthorn Institute for Boys." He paused and smiled. "Cammie, do me a favor."

I didn't say anything.

"Cammie, answer me," he persisted.

"Is this live." I asked.

"Yes. Very much so. Do me a favor and get Ms. McHenry out of the shower so that I can talk to her." I nodded, "Oh and one more thing, you can tell your aunt she can play hid and seek as much as she wants, as long as she doesn't go in Sublevel 2!"

"You know about that?" I asked shocked, for a spy as good as Aunt Abby, she should have never been seen.

"Yes. I'm not stupid, even I use security cameras." He explained, "Now get McHenry in here."

"MACEY!" I screamed at her.


Liz and Bex looked at each other confused, "Want me to get her," Bex asked readying her lock picks.

"No," I said walking towards the door.

I opened it and found that Macey had taken shelter inside the shower, holding a stiletto like it was a deadly weapon.

"It's for you." I said holding out the computer.

"THE BOMB?!" she screamed backing farther into the shower.

"ITS NOT A BOMB!" I screamed back. "It's"

"Oh," she opened the shower door and took the computer from me. "He says you need to leave." She told me and I backed out of the room.

Once out of the bathroom I pressed my ears to the door.

"Cammie, he says all three of you need to get your ears off the door and stop eavesdropping." She said loudly enough so that we could hear.

Bex, Liz, and I backed away from the door and sat on out beds, waiting for Macey to come out of the bathroom.

It was a while before she came out. Bex had started to fall asleep and Liz was mouthing words that didn't make sense (She does that when she zones out).

Finally Macey came out crying, her eyes were puffy and her face was red. Bex jumped up at the sound of Macey's sobs, and Liz seemed to snap back to reality.

"What did he tell you?" Liz asked

"Must have been important it took you that long." Bex added.

Macey didn't say anything, she just stood there arms open, the universal symbol (spy world or not) for a hug. She came up to me and hugged me, burying her head in my shoulder and just started sobbing.

She mumbled something into my shoulder that I couldn't understand.

"Huh?" Liz and Bex said simultaneously.

"It took five minutes to tell me what he did," she said taking her head off my shoulder. "The rest of the time I spent crying, I'm not allowed to tell you."

As much as I hate to admit it, I think I knew what he was telling her. The attempts on her life, people want her. The skills of Joe Solomon never cease to amaze me. What he knows, how he handles the information and how he gathers it, will always exceed my mind.

Sometimes, a spy has to accept that there will always be someone smart enough to know everything that you do. That's what I thought before I realized I was still wearing the cross necklace with the camera.

When you're a spy and you find out that everything you know or thought you knew was safe isn't, life takes an unexpected turn.

I ripped the necklace off my neck and threw it on the ground, stomping it to bits.

Macey, Liz and Bex looked at me and I said, "Everything we have discussed, he knows." I watched the surprise crossing their face turn to horror, "Nothing is safe."

That was how he knew where to find me, that was how he knew about Aunt Abby, how he knew about everything I knew. That was how he knew, that I know what I'm not supposed to.

All my years of spy training, never prepared me for what to do when the enemy knows what you do.