Hoshi Kusumi: Hello, readers ^^ those who have known me, and supported me in the story 'MSN! :D' that story has been a failure, now that i found out Chat stories aren't allowed. I'm still sad by that fact though ): But, this story, would be similar as 'MSN! :D' though in story form (:

Suu: Hoshi Kusumi does not own Shugo Chara, Desu!

Hoshi Kusumi: Enjoy! ^^

January 2, 2010, Sunday. 10.30pm

Amu Hinamori, the new transfer girl. Why did she transfer you ask? Well, it was all due to respect of Amu's father, Tsumugu Hinamori, who wanted to get Amu out of her old school, as Amu popular, and was getting more and more confessions from boys. When Amu nearly went out with a guy, Tsumugu lost it and insisted Amu on changing schools. But what's the point of changing schools when Amu is going to be in another mixed school?

Amu sighed. She didn't like the fact that she was going to another school, with no friends to be with on the first day. She picked up the school's borachue and thought

Seiyo Academy huh...

She wasn't really into the idea of changing into an unknown school, a place where she hardly knew. She sighed yet again, and fell on her bed flat. Well, whatever school it was, she should be able to enjoy it...



January 3, 2010, Monday. 9.00am







'For gosh sake .'

Amu's Midori Hinamori gasped, waking Amu up was never easy. And there Amu was, on her bed. Sleeping. And should i also add snoring?


Midori Hinamori finally screamed, exhausted. All of a sudden, Amu's eyes shot open. She sat up on her bed and screamed

'I'M WHAT?!'

Midori Hinamori looked at Amu with a withering look.


Hearing this, Amu jumped out of bed, grabbed her uniform where she could find on her bed, her hanger, her desk, her her cupboard her – you get the point. She rushed to the toilet.

Argh, not much time left, why can't time stop for awhile?!

Amu planned on taking a quick shower, but it seems, that today out of all times, the heater started working properly. Amu couldn't resist the hot steamy water, in a cold morning. 5 minutes later, she could feel her face and body heating up from the hot water. That's when she remembered, she was late. She grabbed her towel, trying to dry up as much as she could. She quickly put on her uniform, quickly, so fast that she got her clothes wrinkled. She looked in the mirror, and quickly brushed her bubblegum pink hair. Most people found it weird, that Amu had pink hair, whereas Amu found it unique and cute.

She quickly brushed her hair straight, and tied it to the usual side ponytail. She smiled to herself before leaving the bathroom.

Oh no, i think i must have wasted at least 10-15 mins already. Yikes.

She rushed to the kitchen to grab a snack – an apple, before going to the living room to get her shoes. And that's where she found Midori Hinamori.

On the sofa.




She glanced at the clock in the living room, to find out that she wasn't late at all. In fact, she still had 10 minutes to spare.




'Hey, Mama! Why do i have 10 minutes to spare? When you told me i was 30 minuted late?!' Amu asked, as she shook her mother awake.

'Oh! Your out of the bathroom. I used that method to get you out of bed. Now shoo, i want to sleep.' Midori Hinamori answered, sleepily.


January 3, 2010, 9.30am (A/N If your wondering why its 9.30, its cause Amu spent half an hour in the toilet .__. )

Amu quickly rushed out of her house, when the time stated that she should leave the house – 9.30am. She jumped onto her bicycle, and pedaled slowly to school. She enjoyed cycling, as much as she liked slow walks. These kind of slow walks and cycling, allowed her to clear her mind, and also to enjoy things around her. When she reached her school, Amu's mouth was practically hanging open.

'This is my school?!!'

Amu's new school, looked completely like a ghost town. The windows were broken, the doors were scratched, the building looked like it was gonna crash. She asked a nearby guy.

'Erm, is this Seiyo Academy?' She asked, obviously shocked. Her transfer school, and this is what she gets?!

The nearby guy looked at Amu as if she was crazy or something.

'No. This is Seiyo Jail For Criminals. Seiyo Academy is across the block.'

'Phew! Thanks.'

Amu replied, before rushing back to the other block. She couldn't be late on her first day, that would just be embarrassing. She cycled around until she found a school gate, with the words,


This time, Amu's mouth hanged open, once again. She couldn't believe it. THIS was her new school?! They got to be kidding. The whole place looked neat, tidy, sparkly, and not to forget,



She was shocked. Very. In fact, she wouldn't mind going to the Jail she saw just now. Wait, strike that. She wouldn't. In fact, she really was truly impressed by Seiyo Academy. She liked how the school looked like, deep down. But she kept it inside of her, not wanting to ruin her image.

Just then, her watch stroke 10. Amu was going to be late. Very, i might add in.

'Shit' She cursed, before running inside the school. She ran so fast until


Amu ran into someone. She was a pretty girl, with two blond pony-tails and a pretty face. Amu stared at her in awe.

'Watch it.' The girl cooly said

'Sorry, i'm rushing! I'll see you soon!' Amu cried out as she looked at her watch. She rushed into the school building, anxious, as she was going to be late.

'Who was that girl? She seems interesting.' The blond two pony-tailed girl thought, smiling to herself.

Huff... Huff... Pant... Pant...

Amu was panting as she ran around the whole school, trying to find where the secretary may be. She started running, straight, to find her, when


Amu crashed onto a pole.

'Ouch!' Amu cried out.

'Where the heck am i gonna find a secretary in this enormous schoo--' Amu stopped.

She looked up, and there were the words she was looking for.


She ran in, and pressed the bell for the secretary, waiting impatiently.

'Yes?' The secretary asked, smiling at her.

'Ah, i'm a transfer student, and i need my class schedule.' Amu replied, smling back

'Oh! What's yr name?' The secretary asked, smiling AGAIN.

Amu smirked, before replying,

'Amu, Hinamori Amu.'

Hoshi Kusumi: Please review! So that i'll be able to get more motivation ^^ Thank you~