Hi, I'm back in a way. I just made this story a long time ago, and since I'm really bored right now I decided to show you guys it. It's not finished (of course), but try to enjoy…

What is Love?

"Oh my gosh! Blaze! Blaze! Blaze!" Amy scrambled over to her friends, who was getting her books from her locker, with such enthusiasm that Blaze was about to run away

"Amy! Amy! Amy! Calm down!" Blaze imitated the pink hedgehog's excitement before closing her locker

Amy gave Blaze a face before brushing away quills that had flown in her face. She shook her head, and the excitement that she had a second ago came across her face once again

"He talked to me" Amy said slowly "Ekk!" she clapped her hands

"Who talked to you?" said Blaze. Trying to look confused even though she already knew the answer

"You know who I'm talking about!" Amy looked around acting as if she didn't want anyone to hear, even though she did. "Dexter? Hello?! Do you suddenly have short term memory or what?"

"Oh. I should have known. You look pinker than usual"

Amy opened her locker and sighed

"Must you always make fun of romantic things?"

"I'm sorry, Amy. It's just that I don't believe in the kissy-kissy, gooy-gooy junk" Amy gave Blaze a stern look "Okay! It's not junk but still…"

Before Amy could say something, the bell rang to warn everyone that they had two minutes to get to their classrooms.

"See you later, Amy. Don't want to be tardy" said Blaze as she locked the lock on her locker

"Okay, but he talked to me for like two minutes!" Amy squealed, almost dropping her science book

The girls waved goodbye before running off to class. Amy stopped running as she got closer to her classroom so she wouldn't get in trouble and walked in to see her classmates talking about what they did over the weekend. Without the teacher, the class went chaotic with girls talking and boys throwing paper airplanes across the room trying to see whose plane goes the farthest. Amy rolled her eyes before sliding in her seat in the back. The first day of school she picked that seat to keep away from the teacher but to her disappointment, the most immature boys were sitting next to her.

Amy sighed. At least Dexter isn't immature… Dexter was a hedgehog that Amy has had a crush on for about a year now. She loved the way his golden quills looked in the breeze, and his blue eyes shined in the sunlight. He was clearly the cutest guy in school, and every girl agreed.

Amy's daydreaming was interrupted to the loud noise of a ruler banging a desk. She looked up to see their teacher, Ms. Francis, banging the ruler to get the class' attention.

"Class! Please! This is school, not a rave" she pleaded

The students quieted down and she cleared her throat.

"Now, when we last left off we were study The Pythagorean Theorem" Ms. Francis turned around to write something on the chalk board

What's the point of this stuff? It's not like I'm going to need it?

"Please pay attention, class. You are going to need to know this in the future"

Amy sighed but slightly laughed at the coincidental comment from her teacher

"Three more classes till lunch…" she said out loud

Amy gave the lunch lady 2. 50 to pay for her lunch before sitting at a table where Blaze was waiting for her

"I can't believe this! We are going to have a test in two days" Amy whined as she poked her lunch, wondering what it was

Blaze noticed this and laughed

"Is that macaroni and cheese?"

"I thought it was mashed potatoes…"

"And the nurses are wondering why so many kids are getting food poisoning now a days" Blaze laughed suddenly glad that she packed her own lunch.

"Whatever…" Amy was about to take a risk in tasting her lunch until she saw Dexter walk by her. He waved at her and she blushed. "Oh my goodness! Did you see that, Blaze! Did you?!"

"Yep. So romantic" Blaze sighed

"Can't you stop being sarcastic for about 30 seconds?"

Blaze just smiled at her

"Where you off to after this?" she finished her apple and looked at Amy

"Home Ec. We're sewing" Amy pushed her tray away from her to show that she was finished "You?"

"Art" Blaze shrugged "I think we're just making pottery or something"

A lunch monitor came over to their table "Okay. You guys can go" he said "But take your trash"

Everyone at the table went over to the trash cans before going outside.

"Are you going to the mall with me after school, Blaze?"

"No, I'm sorry. I'm too busy sticking needles in my arms"

"Blaze!" Amy gave her a glare

"Okay, okay. Of course I'm going"

Amy smiled as she looked ahead to see Dexter walking towards them. H-He can't be walking over here? He must be passing us. Yeah, that's it.

She the realized that his eyes were fixed on her

Eye contact?! Not at me, right? RIGHT?!

Amy gasped as Dexter stopped in front of her.

"Hey, Amy? What's going on?"

Amy looked at him in awe and Blaze jabbed her with her elbow

"N-Nothing" Amy clenched her arm and was about to yell at Blaze but Dexter put one hand on her shoulder

"You know, I see you almost every day but I never get the chance to talk with you normally" he said

Amy blushed and looked at the ground

"Well… you know… busy, busy" she laughed nervously

"I'll see you later, Amy" Blaze gave Amy a comforting smile before walking off

"Are you doing anything after school today?"

"I-I was going to the m-mall with, Blaze"

Dexter looked at her with a smiled that made her very nervous

"Okay, then. Would you like to go somewhere with me tomorrow?"

Amy's ears popped up in alarm

"You mean like a date?!" she tried to hold herself from screaming

"If you want to call it that, then sure"

Amy grinned at him

"Of course!"

"Great. Then, I'll see you at 4:00?"


"Cool. See ya, Amy" He waved at her before turning around and walking off

Did Dexter—the most handsome boy in school—just ask me—the most normal girl in school—out?!

A few seconds later Blaze noticed that Dexter was gone and walked back to Amy

"So, how'd it go?"

Amy grabbed Blaze's arms and jumped repeatedly while saying "He asked me! He asked me!"

"I'm taking that as 'great'…" Blaze sighed

After school ended, Amy told Blaze that she would meet her at about 3:30, so until then she decided to go pick up some groceries. The horns from cars honked and construction workers caused the whole ground to shake but Amy's mind was in peace.

I'm going on a date with Dexter! That is so cool! I wonder why he is suddenly taking an interest in me…

Amy shrugged, hoping that the answer to that question would probably unravel itself. As Amy turned the corner she couldn't help but hear someone groan… like they were in pain. She looked around, knowing that the person had to be close. Amy had to cross a skate park to get to the store and realized that the person was somewhere over there.

"Um… hello? I heard someone in pain" she called. Amy walked behind a skate ramp to see a blue hedgehog holding his ankle. She gasped, not expecting to see someone there, but then noticed the expression of pain on the hedgehog's face "Are you hurt?"

The blue hedgehog looked around nervously before finally looking at her

"No, I fine. Couldn't be better" he smiled at her, but Amy crossed her arms

"Then why were you groaning in pain?" she rolled her eyes. Not believing him for a second

"Oh, that wasn't me. There must be someone else here crying in pain"

Amy knelt down and reached for his ankle

"Let me see"

The hedgehog moved away from her

"No way. I'm fine, honest" he tried to explain

"Let me see it. I was taught how to do these things"

The hedgehog grabbed hold of the top of the ramp for support and stood up

"See? Told you I was fine"

"Let go of the ramp"

She saw him look at the ramp for a few seconds before slowly letting go. He stood straight up and smiled at her. Amy looked at his face and could see that he was feeling pain

"Which proves me right once again" he chuckled

Amy watched with suspicion as he grabbed his skateboard and walked away. She watched him walk away and disappear behind some trees. He does seem okay… maybe I was wrong. But then why—

She heard a cry of pain coming from where that hedgehog went and ran over to him. She wasn't surprised to see that once again, he was on the ground holding his ankle. He looked up at her and sighed

"Fine… I'm hurt…"

Amy smiled with satisfaction before bending down.

"Are you always so impulsive?"

He looked at her but said nothing. She looked him in the eyes and couldn't help but notice his adorable apple green eyes

"Just hold still and let me see"

He nodded. She pulled down his sock to reveal a small gash on his ankle

"Wow, no wonder you were in pain!" she heard of and seen pictures of gashes but never seen one in real life "How'd this happen?"

"Skating. Fell. You know the rest"

"Do you live far from here?"

"I live right across here, but if you're thinking about my parents helping me they won't because they're not there"

"Where are they?"

"They're on a trip for a week"

"So, you're all by yourself?!"

"Until then, yes"

Amy stood up and held out her hand

"I'll take you home, and then treat that gash"

He hesitated for a moment before grabbing Amy's hand and struggling to stand

"With all the excitement I forgot to ask your name" Amy said as she looked in his bathroom closet for something to disinfect his gash

"Sonic…" the blue hedgehog looked at his gash looking a little worried. When Amy turned around she saw this and smiled

"Don't worry about it, but anyway…" she opened the disinfecting spray and bent down

"This is going to hurt, isn't it?"

"Probably. What do you really like to do?"

Sonic shrugged


Amy looked at Sonic and sighed

"Then what are you doing skateboarding?!"

"Hey, a guy has to have a second hobby" he laughed.

Amy took that moment to spray the disinfecting spray on his ankle, and she saw him almost jump out of his chair.

"Come on, Sonic. Clench the chair. Think of skateboarding." she said while spraying

"Skateboarding?! That's what got me in this!"

Sonic clenched his teeth, hoping that the pain would subside soon. He tried to keep is cool—not wanting a girl to see him cry like a baby-- and once Amy was done, he immediately relaxed.

"That hurt like heck…"

Amy just sighed as she took a bandage out and wrapped it around Sonic's ankle. Sonic rolled his eyes

"I guess I might as well know your name…"

Amy looked at him and shook her head in annoyance

"It's Amy. Amy Rose, and you could at least say thank you" she snapped

"Fine! Thank you, Amy" he smiled at her

"Ugh!" she stood up and brushed her dress. "I wonder if dirtying my dress was worth the trouble"

Sonic slowly stood up and walked around with caution

"Still hurts, but not bad"

He held out his hand to Amy

"Great job nurse. Here's my token of appreciation"

Amy laughed before shaking his hand. As they walked toward the door Amy looked at the time. 3:15.

"Whoops!" she gasped

"What's wrong?"

"I have to meet a friend at 3:30, so I better get going"

She waved at Sonic before running towards the door and going outside

"Leave the bandage on for about two days before unwrapping!' she shouted before running off

Sonic looked out the door and waved goodbye. When she was gone he closed his door and sat down on a couch with a grin on his face


someone is happy