(Amy's P.O.V.)

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say that you look extremely glad to see me" Sonic sat down in the train seat next to me and I could notice him hiding a smile. He was right, I was glad to see him. When I saw the empty seat, I thought that he abandoned me or something.

"Yeah well, you're my only ticket to getting rid of this piece of rock." I faced the window, seeing the pink in my cheeks through the reflection. "Why do you look so happy that I was happy to see you?"

"Oh please," he groaned, not bothering to even give me a straight answer. We sat there in silence for a little bit.

"Do you know when we get off this train?" I suddenly asked.

Sonic placed his hands behind his head and stared up at the ceiling. "I'm guessing another hour or so"

"What are we supposed to do when we get there?"

"Go to the 'magical' temple and get rid of the rock."

I wasn't convinced. Nothing could be that easy, right? "What about that green hedgehog that tried to attack us before?" I pressed on.

"Heh, I never thought about that. Maybe if we're lucky we'll run into him a couple of times. I mean," he snickered, "just going there wouldn't be much fun."

"I don't understand how that'd be very lucky. He could kill us." I mention.

He closes his eyes, having me wait a moment before finally replying. "Do me a favor and liven up by the time we arrive."

My cheeks puff out in anger. Ugh! What nerve! Did he have to reply so impolitely to me? I wanted to yell at him, but hesitated. I suddenly felt worried and frightened. That uneasy feeling I had the first time we got on the train was coming back.

Your adventure won't be easy. Some deplorable things are going to happen… brace yourself…, it was that voice again.

"Brace yourself…?" I muttered

"For what?"Sonic asked, opening one eye to look at me.

I turned away from him, pretending to be mad. I hadn't even noticed that he was still awake. "Nothing that you need to know."

Be nice, the voice echoed in my head, making it impossible for me to ignore it.

"Who the heck are you anyway?" I whispered hoarsely.

Sonic sat up in his chair, eyeing me closely. "Amy…who are you talking to…?"

"Wha? Oh, um, forget it." Great, he probably thinks I'm insane. "I was just thinking out loud."

"You tend to do that a lot." He smirked.

After about an hour, Sonic and I were the only ones left on the train. Without the side conversations, the train was excessively quiet. It made me even more nervous.

I looked at Sonic, resisting the urge to grab his hand for comfort. He was reading some kind of book, seeming deeply engrossed in the pages. I didn't want to disturb him, but I was really just freaking out. Something bad was going to happen, and I could feel it. But I didn't know when! Or maybe…I was just being too paranoid…

"Next Stop: Metro City" flickered on the train's screen.

Sonic glanced up and signaled for the driver to stop at Metro City. The driver saluted him to show that he understood and took a left towards it.

"All right," he says, "looks like we'll be getting off this thing in a couple minutes."

I nodded, taking out my umbrella. The weather said it was going to rain pretty hard today and the clouds were starting to look grey. I didn't know how far we'd be walking after we get off the bus, mostly because Sonic would tell me. The jerk. But either way, I wouldn't want to be walking into anywhere soaked. The train stops and Sonic and I give the driver a wave goodbye as we exit with our suitcases. Well, my suitcase and Sonic's bag. I bet he only has secret agent stuff in there, while I have cloths and supplies that could last me a couple months. He told me to pack light…but I'm a girl! Could you really blame me for bringing a couple twenty more items than him?

I struggle to pull my suitcase along while he's effortlessly walking with his bag, showing no signs in helping me.

I repeat: The jerk.

"So could you please tell me where we're going?"

He looks back at me. "You'll find out soon enough."

"What's that suppose to mean?"

He grabs my suitcase and winks at me telling me to stay here before running off at top speed. Leaving me bewildered with rain starting to land on my umbrella. It didn't take long for him to come back. He clears his throat, makes a small bow with both of his hands extended outward, and says, "Shall you go first?" in the most politest tone he's used towards me since we met.

I wasn't buying it so easily.

"No way. Its dark and I don't want to be the first one kidnapped by another one of your villain friends!" I flick my hand towards him, ordering him to move. "Lead the way, I don't have all day."

He makes a very sly snicker at this and I'm ultimately regretting my last sentence.

"You want to get there fast then?" his left hand grasps around my arm. "I got ya covered."

"No, wait I meant—!"

"Too late!"

"Sonic, you-!"

My last words were lost in the wind as Sonic sped off at what seemed like a jet plane speed. I was screaming like crazy and soon lost hold of the umbrella I was holding. Everything was turned into a blur and my heart was racing. How could he enjoy this? The rush of energy… I felt like I was about to die of a heart attack! I wanted to tell him to stop but I couldn't open my mouth. I couldn't even open my eyes anymore. Everything was black and all I could hear were the sounds of the rushing wind. Maybe I had black out…

Then the rush stops, and everything is silent for a while.

"Amy, we're here. You can open your eyes now."

'You mean I was still conscious?'. I did as he said and immediately felt a kind of sickness you'd probably get from being in a car for too long. My head was still spinning. I could barely tell where Sonic was talking to me from.

"I think I'm going to throw up…" I mumbled, both of my hands clasping over my stomach.

I hear him laugh at me, but am still unsure as to where he is.

"You'll get use to it." he laughs again and says, "Man, I wish you could see your face. Meet me at room 1512 whenever you regain balance.", then apparently leaves because I don't here anymore of his smart comments.

After a while I manage to find a couch to sit on and start to come back to my senses where I'm actually able to see the finer details of my surroundings. We were in a very fancy hotel that had an aroma of sweet vanilla and strawberries practically radiating out of the heaters. The walls were painted red, decorated with a golden colored flowery pattern that brought out the maroon color of the seats and couches. The rugs looked to be cotton and were painted with the colors of dark green, white, gold, and dark red. I couldn't help but smile a little at the similarity to my very own apartment. My mind then remembers that Sonic said to meet him in room 1512, but of course I had no idea what floor that would be on and I bet Sonic did this on purpose. I try not to think about it too much and instantly go to the front desk that looked to be entirely made of glass. The desk manager was a girl wearing a dark green uniform jacket with a light green skirt to match the carpets. She looked to be a black and brown lynx with two long braids flowing down at the back of her head. The golden name tag on the left of her uniform read 'Nicole.'

"Hello, how may I help you?" She smiled.

"Hello, I was wondering where room 1512 was."

She types something on the laptop in front of her. "Oh, are you Amy Rose?"

"Sure am."

"Alright then, you'll be rooming with a Sonic the hedgehog, correct? Here is your key and it's on floor seven."

I take the key and thank her, wanting nothing more than to be warm in a bed.

(Sonic's POV)

When Amy finally arrives with the key we both agree to spilt the room in half. After much arguing we decided on her having the bed closest to the window, with me having the one closest to the door. I think you can tell who would have the fastest exit out the room if something were to 'bust in', as she claims it. Right now I'm flipping through the channels on the television while Amy is in the bed. I'm not sure if she's sleeping but I haven't heard anything from her in a while.

"Yo Amy, you awake?"

She scoffs at me from under the covers, "If this is your way of saying you want me to get you something, then no."

"Now that you mention it, I could go for—"

"I said no…", she brings the covers over her head, indicating that this conversation was over. "I am officially asleep so talk to the wall."

"It's better company than you…" I tease.

The pocket of my jacket starts to vibrate and I immediately pull out my phone. The screen reads 'Tails'. I flip it open.

"Hey Tails, what's up?"

"I was just about to ask you the same thing. Are you at the hotel?"


"….with Amy?"

"Sadly, yes."

"Okay good, I thought you would ditch her or something," he chuckles, "How's it going with you two?"

I make a glance at Amy to make sure she was actually sleeping.

"You say that like we're dating." I mumble.

"Oh, and would that be so terrible?"

I groan. "Seriously Tails, why'd you call?"

"Alright, alright. The professor wanted me to send you a map. You guys are suppose to go to a couple of locations before you reach Amethyst city."

"A couple of locations? That wasn't part of the plan!"

"Relax, Sonic. When I say a couple, I mean it. It's only like four stops."

I sigh. I thought this trip was going to be quick. Get in, get out, you know that type of stuff. It's not that I hate the mission, but it just seems pointless. I mean, the necklace hasn't been acting up or anything, so was it even magical? If anything the only thing it's done is force me to be teamed up with an annoying girl, that's more of a burden than a partner….

But there was nothing I could do about it so I just answer with an ill-tempered, "Fine, whatever."

I could hear a deep laugh in the background and I can instantly tell it was Knuckles.

"Don't be mad Sonic. The professor said he'll give you extra chilidogs for dinner as your payment," he then starts to laugh harder, "You know, since you said you needed a raise and everything."

I clutch the phone in anger. I was about to shout out a comeback but was abruptly smashed in the face by a red lace pillow.

"Would you guys shut up? I'm trying to sleep!" Of course, it was Amy.

Without thinking I grab the pillow and throw it back at her. The phone was closed when I dropped it so Knuckles was left with a satisfied victory and that pissed me off. I had half a mind to call back just to launch a series of insults at him, and the other half to just keep attacking Amy with pillows.

"What the heck man? That hurt!" I shouted.

"What the heck man? I'm trying to sleep!" she mimicked me, using a deep and stupid tone of voice to make it sound like I'm a retard or something.

"Gosh, could you be even more rude?" she threw the pillow back at me, and before I knew it we were in a pillow war. Our room was filled with the sight of red and white pillows being flown across the room. Amy was standing up now and I was crawling my way across her bed to reach her on the other side. I couldn't tell if she was screaming or laughing….and I couldn't tell when I actually started to enjoy this 'game'. Before I knew it I was laughing and grappling her to the ground, smacking her with pillows the whole time. Once I got close enough to see her face I could see that she too was laughing.

"S-Sonic! Okay…Okay! You…you win!." she was laughing and struggle so much to get out of my grasp that she could barely talk.

With her warm body being so close to mine…a sense of longing suddenly clicked inside of me.

She looked…so cute like this.

This sudden thought scared me. But before I had time to think about anything else, the door of the room was swung open and there stood the desk manager. Her face went from a warm smile to a very flushed, embarrassed look.

"I-I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to intrude! I…I was going to give you something from the agency…," she stumbled, her face turning really red.

I couldn't figure out why she looked so embarrassed. It wasn't until I looked down at Amy…who was under me.

Amy and I both exchanged surprised glances at each other before I moved (practically jumped) away from her, our cheeks starting to turn rosy as well.

"N-no, no! Nothing was going on!" my eyes diverted back to Amy repeatedly, pleading for her to back me up on this.

Her hair was a mess and her light pink nightgown was so far up it was almost showing her…I turn away instantly, my cheeks burning. Oh gosh, what the hell was I thinking? My tongue is tied and my mind is franticly trying to find a way out of this.

"We were just…!"

"Wait." Amy interrupts.

She quicly stands up, fixing her nightgown and hair like we were not just caught in this awkward situation.

Caught? Why am I using that word? It's not like we were caught doing anything…

"Did you just say you have something from the agency?" she continues.

This relaxes me a bit and I stand up too, taking a deep breath of relief. The desk manager also seems to be relieved and with no further questions, changes the subject.

"Indeed." She walks inside the room, closing the door. "I hope you don't mind, but this information is confidential and must be kept quiet as much as possible."

She invites us to sit on the bed as she pulls out a silver high-tech canister.

"I didn't know you knew Professor Pickle." Amy says, taking hold of the device carefully.

"Yes," she turns to me and smiles, "I'm not sure if you remember me, Sonic. I was your guide during your very first mission."

I snap my fingers as the thought comes back to me. I knew that this girl's voice sounded familiar but I couldn't figure out why. The Professor had given me a portal computer as a beginning step when I first became part of the agency. The computer was very small, yet looked better than most full-sized laptops. I can still remember the finely imprinted N.I.C.O.L.E on the top of the black screen. So obviously we all called her Nicole. For being a computer, she seemed to practically have a mind of her own, but still lacked emotion. After a while the Professor said that we would no longer be having Nicole because he was going to make some adjustments to her composition…

I now see what he meant.

"Nicole? Whoa, when the professor said he was going to change you he wasn't kidding!"

She giggles softly and pulls my hand until it's mutely through her body. I can still faintly see my hand on the other side. Amy gasps a little but Nicole makes sure to reassure her, saying that she is only a hologram. She then starts to explain the whole process of how she came to be but the conversation bores me so I decide to take a peek at the map. The canister opens with a small twist to the right and a blue colored, holographic map pops right out. The points of contact are identified with a red dot next to it. My heart sinks.

"Yo, Nicole. Mind telling me why each of these spots are about 10,000 miles away from each other?" I close the map and Amy takes it to have a look.

"I don't think it'd be much of a problem for you, Sonic" Nicole states.

"Yeah, I know but," I solemnly point to Amy, "traveling with a partner just isn't my style."

I'm met rapidly with a hand slap across my arm.

"Traveling with an obnoxious person like you isn't exactly the highlight of my day either!" she retorts.

Nicole just shakes her head, finding our dislike for each other amusing. "Junge liebe." She mutters. It's in a different language and I'm not exactly sure which one. She faintly smiles, but her eyes show yearning and desire.

"Must be a wonderful emotion." was all she said. Almost as if she was talking to only herself.