(Thanks mentosgoboom and a very, very, special thanks to Angie2282, who has helped me with some plot points and helped when i had some problems in the story, so thank you! Also, you have virtually reviewed every chapter, which, again, i thank you. All right, so this is the last chapter in Elimination Game, and yes, it is short, but waddya going to do? XD. Read on!)

The small boat had a tarpaulin draped across its top, stopping the two women from getting wet from the incoming storm. One woman had a blanket draped across her shoulders, and a mug of hot chocolate held in her hands. She brushed her brown hair out of her eyes, and looked at the other woman with her chocolate eyes.

The other woman had dark purple hair, dark purple lipstick and eye shadow, and wore an assortment of dark clothes. This was unusual for someone her age.

"You are going to have to talk sometime." The purple-haired woman said, crossing her arms.

"Just take me back. I don't appreciate what you have said to me. You have insulted me, let alone my friends."

"I didn't insult them, I just stated the truth. They're going to die."

At that, the brown haired woman threw the mug down onto the boats floor, letting hot chocolate spill. She stood up, her nostrils flaring. "They are not going to die if I can help it! We can skip death, just look at me! I fell from a goddamn cliff in a jeep, managed to get out, and then I had to fight for my life in stormy seas with rain rushing down. I acknowledge the fact that you picked me up, but friends are not going to become like your dead husband, Rose Leardel!"

It was Roses turn to jump up from her seat. "How dare you! How dare you talk about Ian like that. He was twice the person you will ever be. Maybe I should have left you to your fate, let you drown in the deep, dark ocean. Do not tell me what to do; I saved you from death Paige Callaway!"

William Bludworth's house was actually quite bland. There were no pictures or photos hanging from the walls, and the wallpapers and carpets were grey. There seemed to be no cushions, only hard backed wooden chairs. Even the sofa felt like you were sitting on a lump of concrete. Sitting on said sofa was Zach, staring at the wall plainly. Tanzi's head lay on his lap as she slept, her black hair covering her features. On the floor by the sofa sat Lacey cross legged, and to a chair next to her was Jade.

The sound of footsteps made all heads apart from Tanzi's turn to the doorway, which William walked through, holding a tray of drinks. He put it on the table, not speaking, and sat down on a hard-backed chair.

"So..." Zach started. "The plan. Your way of defeating death."

William remained quiet, evidently thinking.

"Hey, fucking tell us." Said Jade, an annoyed look flitting across her face. "I would appreciate it if you goddamn told us how to survive this damn life."

"Okay, okay." William put up his hands, stopping an argument. "I admit, my previous ideas didn't work out. Such as new life defeats death, or sacrifice will stop death in his tracks."

At this, Lacey looked down sheepishly, knowing that she had tried to do just that."

"But this time, I have devoted almost all my days to finding out how to do it, how to defeat death for the last time. But to do It, we are gonna need to go to America..."

"America?!" Jade said sceptically. "How the hell are we gonna get there, in fact why the hell do we need to get there. Just tell us how to defeat death."

"All right." William sighed. "There are six major accidents which have resulted in devastating consequences, killing hundreds. Each of these accidents was in a certain place." William started to list of the places, counting on his fingers. "JFK Airport, Route 23, the theme park where the Devil's Flight roller coaster is, McKinley speedway, the Orbis theatre, and finally, the one you're all familiar with, the Emporium Stadium."

"Get to the damn point." Jade said, leaning forwards.

"What we need to do... is spill the survivor's blood!"

(Okey, two revelations there. One, Paige is alive?! And who is Rose Leardel?! Well, you'll know who Rose is if you remember Ian from Director's Cut. And what the hell did Bludworth mean about spilling the survivor's blood!? Well, you'll find out in last laugh, which i will start later this week. THANKS TO ALL WHO REVIEWED!!!!!)