A/N - Hey guys. A short and sweet one for you all. I just want to explain what has happened over the past few weeks. Firstly, I (Shelbylou) got appendicitis and had to have surgery. Since then, I've really been struggling with my health.

Anyway, we hope you enjoy this short, sweet fluffy chapter and before reading and hating the subject matter lol, there are actually accounts of this happening. Enjoy! xxx

Tim lay on the couch with Adam sleeping happily on his chest. The past couple of days had been wonderful and even though he was still sore and tired, he couldn't have been more happy and in love. Leaning back against the cushion, he closed his eyes and let his peace and contentment wash over him. He was just starting to drift off when he heard the front door open.


"In here, J." Tim called quietly and grinned when Jethro walked in carrying the groceries he'd nipped out for. "Hey you."

"Hey. How're you feeling?"

"Like I could sleep for a month. Can you grab him? I'll jostle him if I move and I just got him off to sleep."

Jethro put the bag down on the table and walked over to pick up their son and lay him in the small bassinet before turning to his struggling partner. "You need help?"

"I'm good." There was a small wince when Tim sat up and Jethro raised his eyebrow with a small, sympathetic smile. "Okay. Maybe I'm still sore."

"Uh huh. I got those creams the doc suggested. It might make it a bit easier."

"I don't think it's possible for it to be easier. Going to the bathroom is still painful and I still can't believe they wouldn't let me go home until I'd..and I'm going to shut up now." Tim said ruefully and shook his head. "I'm tired and being an ass. Just ignore me."

Jethro handed the creams to his lover and Tim smiled. One of the tubes was the numbing cream to use until needed and the other was a tube of nipple soothing cream.

"Thanks for getting these. You have no idea how weird this all seems to me. I mean, I can accept getting pregnant and giving birth but this is really, really weirding me out."

The light hearted rumble of soft laughter from Jethro made Tim frown. The frown was accompanied by a fierce glare. Jethro raised his hands in mock surrender and laughed harder. "Hey! Don't give me that look. Out of all the research you did, you didn't think it was possible for you to breastfeed?"

"Umm no...I mean, I read about some men being able to do it but it didn't start until right after Adam was born so there was no need to read about and in my defence Gibbs, I was too busy with the whole pregnancy thing to even think about that."

"You can stop playing the Gibbs card too, McGee and as much as I hate to say it, you're chest was swelling in the past month. Not much, but it was there."

"I know. I just thought it was normal. I mean, there was so much going on that I didn't pay any attention to it and hell, who knew? It's better for him and I know that but my body has gone to hell and now I have boobs. Not go...good." Tim yawned loudly and shook his head to try and clear the exhaustion out of it.

"For what it's worth, I still love your body."

"Yeah, I bet. My stomach looks horrible and men aren't supposed to have breasts. It's just wrong."

Gibbs sighed knowing that the time would come for his lovers insecurities to come through. "Hey! They're not that big and it's more a slight swelling there than actual breasts. Look, you can't even tell with your shirts on and if you don't want to do it, you don't have to. I won't think anything of ya for wanting to bottle feed."

"I'm just winging. I like the connection with Adam too much to stop and if it's doing him good then that's all that matters, right?" Tim stood up and kissed Jethro on the cheek. "I'm going to go lay down for a while. He'll want feeding soon so just wake me up."

"Go on. I'll keep an eye on sleeping beauty there." Jethro reached out and gently grabbed Tim's arm. "There's nothing wrong with your body. You know that right?"

"As long as you don't mind." Tim's rueful smile tore at Jethro. "Just wake me if he gets restless and you can't soothe him. It's a fair bet he'll want feeding."

"Tim Go! Adam's alright and is probably floored by the last feed. Make the most of it and go and take a nap."

Tim chuckled. "Yeah, shame he can't do that at night." With another soft kiss, Tim made his way up the stairs to get some rest, leaving Jethro alone with their baby. He sat down on the couch and gently traced the soft lines of Adams face with his finger while remembering the first feed.


Tim lay in the hospital bed dozing as Jethro sat holding their son. It was a moment of beauty and the older man couldn't keep his eyes off the little bundle of joy that he and his lover had created together. Adam was perfect in every way; ten finger and toes, a full head of dark hair and the most gorgeous little face. He'd missed this because when Kelly had been born, Jethro had been on deployment abroad meaning he missed the early days.

"J." Jethro looked over at Tim and smiled.

"You okay? You haven't had much sleep."

"Hmm...I'm good. Just sore and the after pains keep waking me up." Tim gingerly pulled himself up with a wince and pulled the blankets down so that they pooled at his waist. "That's gonna take a while to get rid of." He said as he took in the swollen abdomen.

"It'll take as long as it takes, Timmy. Don't rush it, okay?"

"I know...what?" Jethro watched as Tim pulled at the t-shirt he had changed into and frowned at the two wet spots where the shirt rested just above his nipples. "Umm...J, can you...I...what the hell is this?"

Jethro reached over and pushed the button for the nurse. The movement jostled Adam who started to scream. "Shhhh...it's alright. Pappa didn't mean to wake ya."

"Tim, everything okay in here?" A young nurse walked in and winced with sympathy. "He's got a good set of lungs to him there."

"Yeah...Um, this is...why are my..." Tim blushed furiously eliciting a snorted laugh from his lover. "What?"

"You went through labor and you're worried about this. He wants to know why his nipples seem to be leaking."

The nurse's eyes widened slightly. "Oh. Well, let's have a look shall we." Tim lifted his shirt and waited for her to finish examining him. "Okay, Well I think I know exactly what the problem seems to be. May I?" She walked round and picked Adam up out of Jethro's arms. "It might be easier for you to lose the shirt completely this first time."

Tim's eyebrows rose but he soon stripped off the t-shirt. The nurse laid Adam in his arms and guided the infants head to his breast. "Hey! What are you..." He was stopped short when Adam latched on and started to suckle greedily. "Ow...that's...he's...i'm confused."

"You can feed your son. Honey, it's not that rare and men have been known to step up to the plate for years now. There's a man in India who breastfed his daughter when his wife died in childbirth. It's fascinating really, though you will have to put up with the swelling and the sore nipples. I'd suggest a breast pump because if that little one sleeps and you need to get rid of the excess, it'll help. It can be pretty painful if you leave it." She patted his leg and smiled warmly. "Make the most of it honey, this is a perfect bonding opportunity and right now, you're producing colostrum which is the best thing for him. It contains antibodies that protect against disease and is lower in fat but higher in protein to help him grow big and strong. You'll produce that for about 4 days and then your milk will kick in."

Tim nodded and looked down towards Adam. His sons little cheeks hollowed on every suck and the gulping sound he made was evidence of the fact that Tim could indeed, breastfeed his child.

Present day...

Since that first feed, Adam had been attached to Tim at regular intervals and Jethro missed the bonding with his son. He didn't mind though because Adam was healthy and happy and that was all that mattered; it was just a shame he couldn't convince Tim of how sexy he still was. In his eyes, Tim's body was beautiful. It held and nurtured their son for nine months and even now, it nurtured and fed Adam. It was a wondrous thing; a shame his lover disagreed but exhaustion probably played a part in that as well.

Jethro smiled softly at the small bundle of joy and lifted him out gently so as not to wake him. Right now, he wanted...needed that connection; that time holding his son because he'd missed so much before. Even now with Adam here, he felt rueful about that fact and wished he could turn back the clock and spend time with Kelly at this age. He couldn't though, and luckily his job now meant he wouldn't miss a thing. He sat down and gazed down at Adam taking in the soft baby features. He could already tell Adam would have Tim's pouty bottom lip and eyes, but the colour was a mystery. The dark hair came from him though. Before becoming the silver fox he was now, he had a shock of dark brown hair. He sat back and sighed happily before moving Adam so the infant slept on his shoulder. Right now, despite everything else that had gone on, he couldn't be happier and wanted nothing more than to keep his family as safe as he possibly could.