
Being a night guard at museum was a job not everyone wanted to do, but Alice loved it, she was able to do it till the end of her days. She saw many things change to the museum, having to say good bye to old exhibits, and welcome new ones, but the one constant thing as Ahkmenrah. She loved him, and he loved her, even as she aged and he stayed young neither of them minded.

Slowly over time Alice's health started to leave her. She was hospitalized, but even then, at night, Ahkmenrah would come and visit when he could. He would read to her their favourite story, Peter Pan, for their situation was somewhat similar.

Larry was also there and worked as a night guard with his sister, he remained in perfect health and took care of her when she was ill.

Nick became an archaeologist and focussed on ancient Egypt. He always was a smart kid.

The day that Alice died, it was clear that you can't live with only one kidney. Her last remaining kidney had failed her and there was no time for a transplant. That day everyone knew she was going to go, they didn't like it, but they knew. The day that Alice Daley died at the ripe old age of 87, everyone was there to see her. Ironically she died at night time and all her friends from the museum were able to see her. Nick was home in New York at the time and came with his wife and children to see her off, and Larry stayed by her side with Ahkmenrah until the final second, the last thing she said was addressed to both men but each held different meaning.

'I love you.'


It was some time later when the newest curator of the museum, curiously another English bloke, was opening another exhibit at the museum. It was a literature gallery with famous characters and stories being set up. When the exhibit first opened the other exhibits welcomed the newest members and the curator was there to welcome them as well.

By this time it was tradition to have the museum open at night time, and everyone seemed to know the secret of the museum.

"Welcome everyone to the Museum of Natural History, I'm sure you exhibits will love it here," said the curator. The new exhibits began to wander about and one curious girl followed her feet until she arrived to the Egypt section. She stared up at the Jackals and had an urge to bow to them. She did so and walked into the tomb with no problems.

She made her way to the end and there was someone there who looked up when he heard the footsteps.

"Oh, pardon me," she said in her English accent, "I didn't mean to disturb you. I was just following my feet and they lead me here. It's funny, it's like I've been here before."

"Alice?" asked Ahkmenrah as he looked up at the girl in front of him.

"Yes, I'm Alice, nice to meet you," she said holding her hand out. He shook it and tears were lining his eyes.

"Ahkmenrah," he said.

"That name sounds very familiar, are you sure we haven't met before?" she asks tilting her heard to get another view.

Before Ahkmenrah can say another thing the curator walked in and looked between the two.

"Can you explain?" asked Ahkmenrah getting up and walking over to the curator. Alice walked off to look at the walls and was quite occupied.

"One day I found a picture in your sarcophagus. I asked around and found out who it was a picture of, and of your history together. The museum had been trying to decide what new exhibit we should do and with that picture in mind I suggested the literature theme in mind and managed to push for Alice in Wonderland to be in it and got a stature made of Alice, who also happens to be your Alice. Now she probably won't have any memories from when you were together, but I did make her look like your Alice, and about ten years older than the one from the book. I did this for you," said the curator who smiled and left the two alone again.

Ahkmenrah slowly looked over at Alice who was done admiring the walls and had been listening to the curator.

"Who was the other Alice I'm suppose to be?" she asked.

"Alice Daley," he said softly, having not spoken her name in many years.

"I remember that name," she whispered. Ahkmenrah's tears finally fell and he couldn't help it, he walked over to her and pulled her into his arms. Although Alice didn't fully understand, she knew she had a connection to Ahkmenrah and she will spend the rest of eternity figuring out what it was. Because that's the amount of time the two have together: eternity.

The end.

A/n: Thank you all for reading, I'm hope you enjoyed it. Review if you wish, and I'm happy that I actually finished this story. A bit sad but that's what makes it mine. Thank you all.
