Hey! MasqueradeBlack here! I know it's been a long ass time since I last updated. But I'll be honest: at first it was procrastination and a close friend of my family's died then it became the fact that I gave up on the story. I was going to put it up for adoption then I read through it again saw some of the comments that said how somone liked my writing style and how fanfiction needed more writers like me. Needless to say, that got me back on track! So a big thank you to Realityshowfan for giving me confidence when I needed it the most! Anyway, on with the next chapter!

Disclaimer: I own nothing excpet my own characters.


Chris appears on the dock. " Last time on Total Drama Awesome: the campers faced their worst fears. While some of their efforts were valient, it was the Frothing Guppies that won. Because he was the only one on his team not to complete the challenge and he lost points for his team in the process, Tommy was on the chopping block. But in a twist of events, Samantha was voted out. Confession cam lost footage showed that Tommy tampered with the votes and sealed her fate. Today, the campers will compete in one of the most painful challenges known to Total Drama history. Who will win? Who will lose? Who will be thrown under the bus? Find out today on Total. Drama. Awesome!

Dear mom and dad, I'm doing fine
Alexander's talking with Evie

You guys are on my mind

Greg is running away from Zane
You asked me what I wanted to be
Donnie is arguing with Zak while Samantha and Dakota are trying to get them to stop

And now I think the answer is plain to see
Pasha and Petrova are having a glaring contest

I want to be famous
Ken is fighting with himself while Megan is watching him out of the corner of her eye

I want to live close to the sun
Clara and Terra are strapped down and being forced to Chef's food.

Well, pack your bags cause I've already won.
Dennis is spying on Tommy, who's being all evil.

Everything to prove nothing in my way

I'll get there one day
Jessica is dancing on the dock

Cause I want to be famous
Mason's asleep on the dock but falls into the water

Nanana'nanaana nana nana
Cody is doing soccer tricks but accidentally kicks a bird in the sky

I want to be, I want to be; I want to be famous
Melissa's directing the camera to the sky

I want to be, I want to be, I want to be famous

Everyone is sitting on the dock while whisteling.

Although it was a beautiful day at camp wawanakwa, the moods of some of the campers were sour. Donnie didn't sleep at all the previous night, Dakota's eyes were puffy and red, Zak was comforting them both and even Alexander was mad, which was almost impossible for the musican.

" You guys said that you wouldn't vote her off." Alexander said.

" We all voted for Tommy, he switched the votes on us. It's because of him Samantha's gone." Donnie explained unable to face Alexander who everyone now knew was Samantha's cousin.

" There's no way that Tommy would do something like that. He's just a kid." Megan defended.

" Please, he's anything but a kid. Besides, why would we have voted off Samantha when she did the challenge and Tommy chickened out?" Donnie shot back. " You should watch yourselves. It is obvious that you and Ken are in an alliance with that little runt. Tommy will throw you under the bus. He's evil."

" Don't you speak about Tommy like that! You're just upset that your girlfriend got kicked off by you! She was weak anyway." Ken shot towards the metal head. " A weak, sniveling little ginger nerd!" The next action caught everyone by surprise as Alexander's fist made contact with Ken's face.

" Don't you dare talk about my cousin like that." Alexander glared at the blue boy. His glare seemed to scare him completely. It was clear that Alexander was not to be messed with when mad. The glare was so interse that even the rest of the campers took notice and started to cower in fear, even Tommy.

" Whoa campers! No fighting!" Chris appeared out of no where with two large crates behind him. " Now, are you guys ready for the challenge?"

" Ready!"

" Not really."

" Meh..."

Chris looked at the campers. " Okay, today the challenge will be a favorite of mine." He reaches into the crate on his left and pulls out a black paintball gun. " Paintball."

Confession Cam:

Donnie: Are we allowed to hit people from our own team?

Alexander: This is going to be good.

Evie: I'm worried about Alexander.

Pasha: Never done this one before...

Cody: Crap, this one is going to suck.

Clara: *cracks knuckles* Let's go!

End Confession Cam

" Each camper will have a paintball gun. Chipmunks, you'll be blue and Guppies, you'll be red. You'll start at random spots in the forest and when I say go, you'll battle for your team. You can only hit somone on the opposite team so watch who you hit. After one hour, I'll call off the challenge and we'll see which team has the least about of people covered in paint. Sound like a plan?" Chris asked as Chef appeared and started to hand the campers their respective guns.

" Do we get protective gear or anything?" Mason asked as he held the gun wearily.

" Nope! But you get these awesome glasses and a six loads of painballs!" Chris said held up a pair of clear glasses.

" Dude, these are those glasses that make people dizzy!" Dennis complained.

" Exactally! Welcome to Drunk Paintball War!" Chris said dramatically.

Confession Cam:


Pasha: Really?

Mason: Wonder who came up with this one...

Terra: Alcoholics Anonymous much?

Donnie: Either way, this is going to be good.

End Confession Cam.

Everyone was set up at random spots around the camp or in the forest. Some were ready for action and the other were hoping on hiding in a tree and just waiting it out. " Alright campers! Your challenge begins now!"

" Donnie?" The metal head turned to see both Zak and Dakota.

" Hey guys." Donnie replied.

" Too bad we can't get Tommy." Dakota said as she scratched the back of her head.

" Yeah, but maybe someone can..." Zak paused.

" What are you thinking?"

" Think about it, there are atleast two people on the other team that know about Tommy being evil." Zak pointed out.

" Right. Alexander and Dennis." Dakota realized.

" What I'm thinking is if we find them, we can make an alliance with them so we can get Tommy when the merge rolls around. We'll have an alliance with people from the other team. We can trust Alexander because he's Sam's cousin. As for Dennis, we may need Terra." Zak concluded.

" Why Terra?" Donnie inquired.

" Because Dennis has a crush on her!" Dakota realized.

" Really?" The gang turned to see Terra standing behind them with a rather noticible blush on her face.

" How much did you hear?" Donnie asked.

" Everything from Tommy being evil to now." Terra responded.

Donnie sighed. " Look, since you already know about everything. You want in?"

" Yeah, I could tell something was off about Tommy from the minute we were a team. Why else would Chris allow a seven year old on the show."

Donnie smiled. " Let's get to work." He held his gun and started to move.

Ken had run into Tommy and now the pair were looking for Megan.

" Man, am I glad that you didn't go home last night little man." Ken admitted.

" Me too!" Tommy replied sweetly.

" Hey guys!" The boys turned to see Megan with Clara trailing behind her. " Thank goodnees I found you!"

" Yeah, I was begining to get worried about you." Ken admitted.

Megan blushed. " Really?"

" Yeah..."

Clara interupted. " Why am I even here? I'm on the other team."

" Awiance!" Tommy burst out.

" You want the four of us to be in an alliance little man?" Ken translated.

Tommy nodded sweetly.

Confession Cam:

Tommy: With all of these losers in my alliance, that idiotic metal head and his friends will pick them off before me. And all I have to do is sit back and give out ideas once in a while. I'll be on my way to the final two in no time. These idiots won't know what hit them once I'm done here.

Megan: Tommy is such a sweetie. He's so nice and wouldn't hurt a fly!

Clara: I'm not sure about this...Wonder if Chris noticed what I stuck in his trailer yet?

End Confession Cam

" What's that sound?" Ken inquired. It could only be described at slurping sounds with a mixture of popping every once in a while.

" Over there!" Clara said in a hushed whisper.

The group turned to a large group of bushes. They edged closer and closer. Ken felt his heart beating in his ears. Megan's knees were buckling. Clara was staying calm but the grip on her gun became tighter. Tommy wasn't scared at all due to his evilness, but for a show, he wet himself a bit.

Suddenly, a deadly barrage of red paintballs erupted from the bushes, getting the four teamates. On instinct, the four fired back as Zane and Melissa emerges from the bushes and continued their attack with Evie and Cody coming down from the trees to aid in the attack on the four helpless Chipmunks.

" Retreat!" Ken yelled as the four Chipmunks ran in fright, not before Clara shot back getting Cody in the back of the knee.

" Charlie horse!" Cody called out before gripping his knee and falling over.

Zane looked to his girlfriend, then to Evie and Cody who like himself, were covered in blue paint. " Downside, we're covered in paint. Bright side is that we got the four of them."

" Told you it would be a good plan." Cody said.

Melissa looked at her teamates. " Alliance?"

Cody and Evie looked at eachother and only nodded. " We're in."

" Sorry again man." Donnie said again as His new alliance consisting of himself, Zak, Dakota, Terra, Alexander and Dennis walked through the forest.

" It's alright man. No harm done." Alexander said as he took off his glasses to give his eyes a break. " You thought I was somone else from my team.

" So are we all in agreement? Tommy is evil and must be taken out." Zak clarified as the group started to hear voices.

" Shhh." The group moved quickly behind a bush and looked to see Tommy, Ken, Megan, and Clara covered in paint.

" The others must have gotted to them." Dokota whispered. She then snickered. " Badly."

" Looks like Clara's in their alliance now. She's a gonner." Terra noticed.

" Guys, I have a plan." Zak whispered. " But it involves them throwning the challenge."

" Are you crazy?" Dennis whispered not to alert the others.

" Hear me out." Zak said. " If you guys throw the challenge, then you can take out Clara, because by the looks of it, she was attacked by her team."

" Go on."

" So if we take you guys out, you all go to elimination and you can all get rid of one person on your team and one person in Tommy's alliance."

" But why don't you guys throw the challenge and take out Tommy?" Alexander questioned.

" Because their is the four of us and the three of them, they might get Pasha with them and it'll be four on four." Zak explained." We'll have to go into voting sudden death or something."

" Makes sence." Dakota commented.

" Since she got hit by some paintball on her own team, there's atleast one person on her team that knows about her alliance with Tommy. It'll probably spread like wildfire." Zak concluded.

Alexander and Dennis looked at eachother and nodded. " Let's get a move on."

The two boys crawled away a few yards and stood up. " You Chipmunks are history!"

The other's stood up and started to fire. " Kill the Guppies!"

Tommy and his alliance could only watch and feel pain as they were caught in the crossfire.



" MY GUN'S JAMMED!" Dennis cried out as Alexander 'accidentally' fired at the other four, making sure to hit Tommy. Hard.


" Wow." That was all Chris could say as he looked at all the paint covered campers. " What happened?"

" You probably don't want to know." Ken admitted.

" Where's Mason and Pasha?" Chris asked.

The campers looked at eachother and shrugged.

" I'm over here..." Mason's voice grumbeled from behind some bushes as he emerged, only causing everyone to laugh.

" Well, atleast we know who got the exploding gun..." Chris snickered.

" So did we win?" Donnie asked.

" Well, it depends if Pasha has been hit by paint or not."

" Well, judging by her clothes, I don't think she was." Dakota commented as Pasha came out from the bushes to show not a spot of paint was on her.

" What's up?" She asked.

" Since Pasha was the only person in the entire game not hit, the Chipmunks win!" Chris declaired as Pasha was tackeled into a massive pile up. " Guppies, I'll see you tonight at the campfire."

" Clara was working with the other team?" Alexander and Dennis pretended to sound surprised.

" According to what we saw a and heard, yes." Evie confirmed.

" That's low." Dennis said.

" But what are we going to do?" Alexander asked.

" Vote her off, simple as that." Zane said.

" I hate traitors." Evie and Melissa growled.

Confession Cam:

Alexander: *Crosses his fingers* Please don't let them find out.

End Confession Cam.

" Hey Zak?" The austrailian turned to see Dakota standing. He put down his copy of Death Note on the log next to him.

" What up?"

" I just wanted to say that the plan you made today was really amazing." Dakota blushed.

Zak flushed as he scratched the back of his head. " Really?"

" Yeah." Dakota started to turn to walk away. " It was like you. Flawless and amazing." She left, leaving Zak blushing like an idiot. Though something caught his eye. It appeared to be a note with his name on it. Opening it, he flushed deeply at the words inside.

I like you :)


Confession Cam:

Zak: Wow. She likes me?

End Confession Cam

Nighttime came quickly for the Guppies as they sat at the dreaded campfore waiting for their marshmellows. " Campers, though you all fought well one of you is going home. There are seven marshmellows on my plate. If I call your name, come up and get your marshmellow."

" Evie."

" Alexander and Dennis."

" Zane."

" Melissa."

" Cody."

" Campers, this is the last marshmellow. " Chris paused for dramatic effect. " Mason."

Clara's jaw dropped as Mason went up to get his marshmellow. " But...why?"

" It's what you get for making an alliance with the other team..." Zane said.

Clara was about to respond but shut her mouth and left without a word.

" Campers," Chris turned to the remaining campers, " you're all safe for now."

The campers left quietly, too tired from the challenge to say anything as Chris looked back to the camera with a smile.

" Tune in next week for more Total! Drama! Awesome!"

I'm sorry Musicgirl133 for kicking off Clara, but Mason's still there! I'll try and get one chapter out each week, but bare with me it's grade 12 and I'm putting out lots of applications for schools!