Chapter 8/ Epilogue

Everyone reconvenes to the library in the Crystal Palace; the Enterprise crew has been given the honor of being named protectors of the Moon Kingdom for their help in destroying the enemy. They mingle around, betting introduced. Wesley is off in a corner by himself when Hotaru walks by. He calls out to her "Hey Hotaru! Uh, great party, huh?" Before she says anything back, Haruka's shadow falls over him from behind. "What exactly are your intentions towards my little girl? She's more than she seems, I promise you that."

Saturn takes it up from her, "Yeah, Wesley, do you think you can handle the Sailor Scout of Destruction?" As Wesley is backing away, Michu strides in. "Haruka, you're scaring our guest."

"Of course I'm not. I'm being a perfect lady, as I always am, Michu.," replied Haruka.

Before Michu can respond, Wesley once again pipes up, "You mean she's a woman?!"

Neptune turned toward Wesley and her pleasant demeanor evaporates suddenly, replaced by cold wrath. Hotaru and Haruka slowly back out of Michu's path. "How dare you insult my beloved!" Wesley cringes, awaiting vengeance in the name of Haruka's honor; but he is saved at the last minute when a Michu detects a flash of pink out of the corner of her eye. She spins on her heel and exclaims "Chibi-Usa!?" in a voice loud enough for the newly crowned queen to hear.

"What are you doing here?" she scolds her future daughter. She A split second later Chibi-Usa vanishes in a flash, forwards in time.

Geordi LaForge whispers over to Picard, "Captain, was there just a little pink person there a second ago? Who do you suppose that was?"

Q appears next to them, "I do believe that that was my now-likely-to-be-grounded great niece-to-be"

Picard actually smiles genuinely at his long-time foil, "You have a very interesting family, Q, you seem quite proud of them"

"Jean-Luc," Serena calls, beckoning him over to her in a private alcove, "I want to show you something." Curious, he follows her. "While I was on your ship, Dr. Crusher discovered that I'm pregnant, I think you ought to know what that means for your universe." She places his hand on her stomach. "Now close your eyes." Serena emenatesa soft pale pink light and Picard's eyes flick back and forth beneath closed eyelids. Seconds later they pop open in surprise. "Ripples of peace," he gasps, "throughout the multiverse...our own First Contact...all because of you." He looks at her with new respect, bordering on reverence, "Q was right about you."

Serena laughs pleasantly, "its also thanks to you and your people. We fought side by side against an all-comsming evil, and together we triumphed." She pats his shoulder as she turns to leave, "Q was right about you, as well."

Just then, Darien walks in to see Jean-Luc's hand still on Serena's stomach, causing him to become very angry and jealous instantly. "What do you think you're doing?" he shouts, "Get your hands off my wife!" One of his roses materializes in his hand and he makes ready to smite the offender. Serena stands in front of Picard, assuming a soothing voice one uses when dealing with someone who is behaving irrationally.

"He's not doing anything, trust me. Let me explain." Darien drops the rose in surprise. "I was just telling him the good news: You're going to be a father, Darien."

He stands there, thunderstruck, stammering his alarm. "Me? A-a father? Ohhhh..." He falls to the floor, out cold. Serena stands over him with an amused smirk. "How kingly to faint."