
"H-Harry…We have to get…out of b-bed...Eventually!" Ron laughed breathlessly and shoved at Harry's chest halfheartedly.

Groaning Harry pouted, peeking up from where he'd been lapping and sucking on Ron's nipple, "I don't want too. Don't make me Ron please?!" He pushed out his lower lip even more before letting the tip of his tongue slip out to flick against Ron's hard nipple.

Gasping Ron slightly arched up into him, but his voice was set as he answered, "No. This is important love. We 'cannot' miss that appointment at St. Mungo's again."

Pouting again, Harry sniffed, "But I'm all better now, why do I have to go see the Medi-Witch?"

"Don't you want to know what caused what happened to you and why it went away?"

"Not really, I don't care."

"I do Harry…" Ron sat up, pulling him up as well, and stared into his eyes, hard, "I need to know why it went away so that I can keep it from happening again." He looked down, his face red, "I don't want to lose you again…"

Softening Harry sighed dramatically, "It's always the sweetness…"

Ron tilted his head to the side, "Huh?"

"It's what gets your way, the sweetness. I just can't say no to you when you're doing that!" Harry playfully growled like he was frustrated and caused Ron to laugh.

"Dork." Ron swatted him upside the head.

With another growl, Harry tackled him and laughed at the very not manly shout that came out of Ron as he landed on top of him. Pinning Ron's arms down, Harry grinned at him, "Now that I've got you right where I want you, what on Earth should I do with you?"

Biting his bottom lip and grinning Ron shrugged, "I don't know love…Maybe you should practice using those new emotions you've got back."

"Oh…I like that idea." Harry pushed his hips into Ron's and felt the man's rapidly growing erection pushing into his own. "How long do we have before that bloody appointment."

"An hour." Ron laughed and rolled Harry over, straddling him, "Why don't we use that to our advantage?"

"I'm enjoying where your mind is right now…"Harry smirked and pushed his hips up into Ron's, "And where your cock is. Though you know I think I'd like it a 'bit' more in another spot."

Doing a marvelous impersonation of Harry's smirk, Ron pulled his jeans off and then divested Harry of his own, then pulling off his underwear too. Staring at Harry like he was the cat that got all the cream, the look he was giving Harry had shivers wracking his body. Reaching for the wand discarded on the bed next to them, Harry cast the charm that had his hole, lubed and stretched. He wiggled at the odd feeling and grinned, "Would you touch me please, I'm dying over here."

Dipping down, Ron dipped his neck as he lined up his cock with Harry's entrance. Wrapping his arms around Harry's head and burying his fingers in the dark curls, Ron pushed completely inside with a soft noise that mingled with Harry's gasp into his neck. Kissing the top of Harry's head lightly, Ron began to move slowly and deeply, making the brunette under him rock up into his gentle thrusts. Each thrust seemed to be aimed at his prostate and Harry could hear himself gasping quietly and consistently into Ron's neck.

When his nails grazed a path from the back of Ron's neck all the way down his spine, the redhead shuddered violently and murmured his name. His hips rocked a bit harder and Harry stiffened before let out his own shudder. Cupping the edge of Ron's ass, Harry pushed and Ron obliged with another perfectly aimed thrust at his prostate. The thrusts grew rougher and faster as both of their release neared, Ron's body became heavily hot on top of his and Harry was sure that every time their skin brushed against one another's, his skin felt like it was going to explode off because of the tingles elicited.

Tossing his head back Ron's hooded eyes gazed into Harry's. Harry arched up and he licked a path from Ron's collarbone to his ear. He suckled and nipped on it before delving his tongue into Ron's ear, teasing the spot he knew was one of Ron's turn on spots. Ron slammed his hips forward, causing Harry to fall back as pleasure wracked his body. "Merlin Harry!" Growling, Ron kept up the rough jabs from his hips and worked Harry over until the man was practically sobbing from all the pleasure.

Releasing himself, Harry cried out and felt his warm cum coat their stomachs. Somehow the fact that Ron was still moving, and spreading the cum further between them was a major turn on for Harry. Sucking his index finger he reached around and teased Ron's hole. Ron tensed and let out a low moan, though his eyes were open and watching Harry. They'd never done this before. Harry hadn't show such adventurousness during sex.

"Put it in then." Ron groaned his voice rough from trying to hold in his own orgasm.

Harry locked eyes with him to make sure it really was okay, before nodding. Biting his cheek he pushed his finger in, his eyes widening at both the warm, tightness that enveloped his finger and the low moan he got out of Ron with just that one finger. Ron's eyes were studying his face as he curiously wiggled his finger deeper. Searching for that spot he knew was there. Harry knew he'd found it when the redhead above him pushed back against his finger like he wanted more.

His voice quiet and shy Harry asked "Can…Can I…"

"You want to top?" Ron finished for him, amusement in his eyes.

Nodding coyly, Harry brushed against Ron's prostate again. Gasping, Ron pulled out of Harry and nodded anxiously, "Yeah, just hurry. I feel like I'm going to explode."

Getting onto his knees Harry moved behind Ron and again reached for the wand, his finger still playing inside of Ron. He quickly murmured the stretching and lubing spell and lined his cock up with the impossibly small hole. He hesitated just a moment, but Ron growled out, "Harry…Please!" Harry could hear the anxious need to come in Ron's voice and wanted to fulfill his wanton lovers need.

With one slow push, he found himself buried half way inside of Ron and they both took a moment to moan and shudder. Harry moaned and Ron whimpered out, "Harry please move."

Rocking his hips, he buried himself inside of Ron and groaned at the incredible warmth and tightness around his cock. Moaning he began quickly thrusting trying to find the bundle of nerves again. When he finally hit it, evident by Ron using some language that he wouldn't dare use in front of his mother, Harry began pounding into it, wanting his lover to come because of him and only because of him. It didn't take long before Ron shouted out and tightened up so tightly around Harry's cock that it was almost painful with all the pleasure. Ron came so hard that Harry could practically hear his cum hitting the bedspread. Letting go of his second orgasm, Harry moaned and they both fell forward onto the bed, Harry cuddling up close behind him. After kissing his upper back and resting his forehead on Ron's back, he sighed, "That was nice."

Ron laughed and wiggled, "Are we staying in there all day?"

"Just a bit more if you don't mind." Harry was rather enjoying the feel of himself still inside of Ron.

"I don't." Ron reached back to run his fingers longingly threw Harry's hair, "Only…I can't kiss you in this position and I'd really like too."

"Mm kisses!" Harry pulled out in a swift motion and they both gasped in surprise, "Whoa…" Harry laughed and rolled Ron over, "Kisses?"

Nodding, Ron was already pulling him down as he murmured, "Kisses indeed."


"Are you sore or something, love? You're walking like you are." Harry playfully squeezed Ron's ass-cheek and moved quickly away to avoid a swat to the head.

"I don't bottom often okay?" Ron hissed at him, looking around to make sure no one on the street could hear them.

"Your face is very red. I'd rather enjoy kissing you right now and seeing how far I could get that blush to go across your body."

Ron rolled his eyes and stopped walking to briefly kiss Harry, who pouted at the lack of sexual passion in the kiss, "Behave love…At least until we get back home!" Ron winked at him and braided their fingers together as he started walking again.

He stopped in front of the run down department store that was what muggles saw St. Mungo's as and soon they were stepping into the window and into the actual hospital. Ron dropped his hand after seeing all of the curious looks people were giving him and looked down, his face turning red. Harry frowned at the spectators and grabbed Ron's hand, holding it firmly in his own. The redhead turned and searched his eyes quickly, his anxious frown turning into a small smile. He lightly squeezed Harry's hand and continued walking, his head held high as he walked into the next corridor.

It was quiet, empty and sterile, and it was the perfect place for Ron to stop and kiss Harry deeply. As he pulled back, Harry caught his bottom lip with his teeth and growled low in his throat. Ron licked his top lip and pulled back with a sigh, "Appointment…"

"I'd rather miss it and just shag your brains out." Harry whispered playfully, his tongue curling around Ron's earlobe, making the man shiver wildly in his arms.

"Harry... how is it that I've never noticed that you were this randy before?" Ron pushed his fingers into Harry's hair and pulled it away from his eyes.

"Mm, I've never been this randy before actually. I just want you all the bloody time. You know…" Harry paused and smirked, "I'm really okay with that."

Ron smiled but seemed distracted. Taking Harry's hand he tugged him into walking again. "Let's get this appointment over."

Rolling his eyes but walking after his lover, Harry studied the man's ass. It was really a nice ass and he'd rather enjoy seeing it naked. He was still studying it when Ron stopped suddenly at a door, and knocked on it. He sighed loudly and waited, not at all enthused about the idea of the visit with the Medi-Witch. A few moments after Ron knocked, the door opened and a tall, middle age woman, wearing white robes smiled at them, "Ah. Mr. Potter, I'm glad you could make it in! Come in, this won't take too long." As they stepped in to the small office and examination room, she smiled at Ron, "Nice to see you again Mr. Weasley."

Harry heavily sat in the chair in front of the Medi-witches desk and Ron took his hand as he sat in the chair next to him. The witch smiled at them and folded her hands on the desk, "Well I've gone over all the tests and the results all seem to point to the same thing, you're completely cured. From what you told us, it seems that You-know-Who put a curse on you just as he died. It's a very powerful thing a death curse, usually they can't be broken." She cocked her head to the side and studied him, "I'm not sure exactly sure how the curse on you was broken. I'm very…curious actually, you wouldn't happen to have any idea of how you broke it would you?"

Harry glanced at Ron with a smirk, noting the redheads reddening cheeks. His smirk growing, he turned back to the witch, "Basically, I just did what you told me too. I practiced bringing forth emotions."

Her eyes on Ron's face, the witch nodded, "Okay. Well…I don't foresee any issues arising with the curse coming back. But I would like to see you in here at least twice a month just in case certain side effects might arise." She waited for Harry to nod and smiled at them, "Do you have any questions?"

Just about to shake his head, and haul Ron out of the room with him when Ron cleared his throat and leaned forward, "ER…Actually yes I do have a question."

"Of course." The Medi-Witch smiled and leaned forward.

"I've noticed that some of Harry's emotions are a little stronger than they'd been before the curse. I was just wondering if this is to be expected or normal, um or if it'll wear off?" Ron bit his bottom lip and pointedly avoided looking at Harry, who was frowning at him.

"Are these overly strong emotions something to be concerned about?" Her voice sounded concerned and the witch's eyes were focused on Harry as though waiting for him to fly off the handle or freak out.

"No! No, I'm just a bit curious." Ron reassured her.

"Well then…It's not impossible for Harry's emotions to be over active now that he's gotten them back. You have to remember that he's been without them for months and had been trying to get them back. It's probably pent up energy and sexual frustration, releasing itself now." Harry's eyes widened and Ron's face reddened as the witch easily saw through his obviously not very veiled questions. "The obvious urgency and consistency of your arousal made fade with time, leaving you with a normal libido, Harry."

"Okay…" Ron winced and pushed himself lower in his seat.

The Medi-Witch laughed a little and shook her head, "For now, I'd say enjoy the side effects, enjoy having your emotions back."

"Oh I will." Harry grinned at her and playfully swung the hand that was holding onto Ron's. That was until the redhead jerked his hand away and covered his face with it.

The Medi-witch talked with them for another twenty minutes going over what some of the worse side effects could be. Like him not being able to control certain emotions or warning him about taking time to actually rest and relax, and not to over exert himself. She did another charm on him, just to make sure that he was completely okay and not about to lapse into another emotionless episode. At the end of the appointment, when she was walking them to the door, she smiled at him and said softly, "I think it was love that broke the curse. After all love is the greatest magical and non-magical force on this planet."

"You know…I've heard that before." Harry smiled warmly at her and thanked her for everything before following Ron out the door.

Ron was quiet as they made their way out of the hospital, only smiling at Harry who was whistling cheerfully and remarking on how easy that appointment had actually been. Finally when he was worried enough, Harry pulled Ron into a deep alleyway and pushed him gently against the wall, "What's going on in the mind of yours Ronald Weasley?"

"Huh? Oh nothing…"

"Ron love, you're only ever quiet when you're doing some serious thinking. So why don't you share with me what's going on?"

Biting his lip for a moment, Ron sighed, "I'm just worried. That once all of your overloaded feelings are gone that…You'll want to leave me, you know you'll go back to being straight."

Shock filled Harry and he took a step back, "You think…How could you think…what do you think all of this is? That I'm just playing along until I'm all better? And then when I'm all better I'll go off and find some bird to be normal with?"


"I thought you knew me better than that." Harry felt his heart thud in his chest and his stomach twisted painfully, "I really didn't want to be feeling all sad this soon after getting my emotions back, I can say I didn't miss it."

"Oh Harry," Ron threw his arms around Harry's neck and pulled him close, his heart beating rapidly against Harry's chest, "I'm sorry! I'm so stupid. I don't know what I was thinking of course you aren't the type to do that. I'm stupid and get all insecure and lame, I'm sorry love. Can you forgive me? Please say yes…I love you and I don't want to lose you. I still can't believe you actually want to be with me of all people so I get all anxious and…."

Harry cut him off by kissing him so hard they both slammed into the wall and broke apart gasping. He ran the pad of his thumb across Ron's lips and whispered, "You're so weird." He pushed in and pressed a soft, gentle kiss to his lover's lips. "How is it that there was once at time when my heart didn't beat rapidly when my lips touched yours, bloody hell when any of my skin touched yours?" he slipped a hand up Ron's sweater as he spoke, running his nails along the smooth skin there.

Shuddering, Ron's tongue dragged along his bottom lip, "Such a way with words…Have you always been this romantic?"

"Only you bring it out in me love." Harry pushed his body into Ron's and purred against his neck as he nibbled there, "It's just because I love you."

Spreading his legs open to let Harry slide in closer, Ron wrapped his arms around his neck and cuddled into his embrace, "I love you too, but I think I've said that already." His lips pressed against Harry's pulse and he sucked lightly on it.

"Mm, you did but, I don't think I'll ever get tired of it." Using his other hand, Harry unbuttoned Ron's pants and slid his hand into his pants, taking a hold of his rapidly hardening cock. He pulled gently, enjoying the panting noises Ron was making into his neck.

"H-Harry we're in p-public." Ron whimpered out, his fingers digging around Harry's shirt.

"Then we'd best hurry huh?"

"Yeah I guess so." Ron chuckled darkly and turned Harry before forcing him against the wall face forward. "Off with the pants love."

Nodding quickly, Harry pulled open his pants and lowered them to just below his knees. Ron pushed his knees apart and whispered what Harry figured were the charms for lubrication and stretching. He felt the broad head of Ron's cock at his hole and took a deep breath before pushing backwards to urge him on. His lover pushed in with one long stroke and the breath he'd been holding in huffed out in a gasp. His left hand curled on the brick stone of the building he was leaning against, the left reaching around to wrap around the back of Ron's neck.

Their lovemaking was passionately fast and rough. Harry tried to keep quiet, but soft moans and grunts were filling the air around them. Some of the noises were his, some of the soft noises Ron's. He pushed back into Ron's thrusts, adding to the level of urgent pleasure they were both feeling. The fact that they were in public, doing something so obviously not meant for doing in public, had them hurrying, had Harry reaching into his pants to jerk himself off, just to speed up his orgasm. Ron's hand joining his around his cock quickly sent him flying forth into the heavens of orgasmic bliss.

He moaned as he came down from the high of just having come, his and Ron's fingers covered in his sticky and warm come. "Ron… Come for me love."

Teeth bit into his shoulder and Harry whimpered and Ron slammed into him once more before he stilled, his come dripping inside of Harry. He removed his teeth from the brunettes shoulder and moaned softly, "Merlin Harry…"

"I love you too."

Ron laughed as he pulled his cock out of Harry and turned him around, waving his wand around and murmuring a cleansing charm. Harry pulled his pants up and watched Ron do the same. Ron kissed him softly on the forehead before resting his forehead against Harry's, "Mm that was incredibly hot. I think I like having you all horny and wanting me all the time."

"Told you it was a good thing." Harry teased before looking around, "Do you think anyone saw us?"

"Let them… It'll be our gift to the world."

"Aren't we sweet, sharing our love with the whole world?"

"Sarcastic bloke, aren't you?" Ron playfully nipped his bottom lip before pulling him out onto the main road and towards their house.

"It's why you love me!"

"It's one of the reasons."

Harry smiled at his best friend, "I foresee years and years of sarcasm, so you're a lucky man, Mr Weasley."

"The luckiest, Mr. Potter."


The End.

*A/N: I hope you enjoyed this! Leave me reviews and hopefully I'll put up a new fic. I would really appreciate help with pairings and such. So if you've got a fave couple let me know.