A/N: Happy Valentines Day, everyone! I wanted to make a Valentine's Day story, so I thought, why not make it my favorite pairing, May and Drew?
This story will be three chapters long. I've got the whole story written, so you don't have to worry about it not being finished before V-Day :)
If you're reading my Christmas story, I know what you're thinking. Ugh, she wrote another story instead of updating her current one. Honestly, I needed a break from that story. It was really stressing me out. I'll get back to it now that I'm done this.

Oh, also, this is my first story that I'm writing in first person and in present tense. I'm usually way more comfortable with third person and past tense, but I felt like switching things up. I hope it turns out okay xD
That being said, if you notice any grammatical errors, feel free to point them out to me and I'll be happy to fix them.

Anyways, I hope you all enjoy this story! :)

Disclaimer: I wish I were Satoshi Tajiri. But I'm not. So I don't own Pokemon or these characters in this story. But, I guess I own Connor. Ooooh :)

Valentine's Day Parfait: Background info

- Drew and May are about 16 or 17 in this story.
- The whole story is from May's perspective.
- This story is rated T because there are some very suggestive things in the next chapters. This is just a slight warning incase you aren't a fan of that sort of thing.
- Connor isn't a real character from Pokemon. I just made him up to add to the story.

* * * * *

"One medium hot chocolate, please," I say to the girl at the counter. She tells me tonelessly how much I need to pay, so I dig through my purse to find my wallet.

Damn it. Why did I have to put so much in my purse? Do I really need to bring a bottle of hairspray, my makeup bag, my contest ribbons case, perfume and other nonsense with me wherever I go?

Well, yeah.

I groan and shoot an apologetic look at the girl behind the counter as I bend down to pick up the contents of my bag that have spilled all over the floor. She just rolls her eyes. What a friendly person.

I look down and find that only my makeup bag and wallet are on the floor. I had definitely spilled almost everything out of my purse. Where had it all gone? Well, at least I found my wallet…

"Looking for these?"

I straighten up and see a guy around my age, or maybe a bit older, holding my can of hairspray and contest ribbon case. He's got dark wavy brown hair that falls a bit below his ears, which bring out his brilliantly blue eyes. His angular face and toned body are enough to make any girls' knees go weak. I see a few girls giggling at the end of the line, staring at him. Hmm, where do I know him from, again?

Oh, right. That's Connor. I met him at my last contest. He was there to support his brother, whom I had come up against in the finals. All I have to say it that he was up in tears at the end of it. Yet, Connor didn't seem mad at me at all. He came up to me in the end and congratulated me. He seemed like a nice guy, so we became friends. But I think he had a little more interest in me than I did in him.

"Oh, yeah, thanks, Connor," I smile and blush, a bit embarrassed. I must look like such a ditz.

"You wouldn't want to lose this," he raises his eyebrows at me, holding up my pearly blue ribbon case. He looks me straight in the eyes and smiles.

"Nope," I reply, looking away. I take my things from him and hastily shove them back in my bag.

"There's a line, you know," drawled Ms. Unfriendly from behind the counter. I look behind me and I see about six or seven impatient faces looking at me. The teenage girls at the end are glaring at me, looking suspiciously between me and Connor.

"Oh, right, sorry," I blush again. I extract some change from my wallet and shove it on the counter. "Keep the change," I say.

I walk to the left to wait for my hot chocolate. Connor follows behind me. "So, any plans for this special day?" he asks, his hair falling into his eyes. Darn, he looks adorable right now.

I avoid answering his question. "Why is this a special day?" I ask, feigning curiosity. Of course I know why it's a special day. I'd be the last girl not to remember what day it is. I'd be the last girl not to start counting down obsessively to this day right from New Year's Day… I'd be the last girl not to surround this day with little hearts in my calendar.

"It's Valentine's day," Connor replies, raising his eyebrows.

"Oh! Wow, I must have been so busy that I had forgotten all about it!" I gasp, widening my eyes innocently. Connor smiles again at me. For some reason, while I find it embarrassing, some guys find my ditziness cute. Well, that's what Travis told me. He was the last boy I saw. Travis was a cool guy, but then he started to get a little obsessive and that freaked me out a little bit… which is strange, because I'm almost equally as obsessive over someone else…

"Ah. So I assume you haven't made any plans, yet?" Connor looks at me meaningfully.

"Actually, um, I was planning to have a little girly night tonight," I lie. "You know, do some training, then watch a movie with my girlfriends and do all of that… girly stuff," I finish lamely.

"Oh…" Connor looks down. "Well, I don't understand why a beautiful girl like yourself doesn't have a date tonight."

"I guess I was never really asked," I say truthfully.

"I wouldn't believe it for one minute," he smiles.

"Well… It's true."

"I can change all of that," Connor says. "Here, why don't you and I go out to dinner tonight? Then you can go and hang out with your friends after?" he suggests.

I don't know how to put this delicately. "Connor… I… I'm sorry. I can't."

"Aw, May... Alright." He looks really put down. I feel really bad for him, all of a sudden.
Wait, what am I talking about? He has beautiful girls practically lining up for him!

"Connor, hey," I say as I lift up his chin. I turn his head towards the line. "Look at those girls there. They've been staring at you the whole time. They're pretty, too."

"Not as pretty as you," he smiles sadly.

"You could get any other girl you want," I tell him honestly, trying not to let my face go red. I see my hot chocolate is ready so I grab it and turn towards the door. "I'm sorry. I hope you have a good Valentines day." With that, I head out the door without a backwards glance.

I feel bad. I really do. I don't even know why I couldn't accept him. For one, he's drop dead gorgeous, and secondly, he's one of the nicest guys I've ever met. And he loves Pokemon and kids. You can't get much better than that!

I sigh and take a sip of my hot chocolate. Darn, this tastes good.

I turn a corner to head back to my hotel. Someone turns sharply the same time as I do and I nearly slosh all of my hot chocolate over me. Luckily, the liquid hits the ground and not my clothes. But there went half of my hot chocolate. I'm going to pummel this person as flat as a pancake for making me spill my drink!

"Smooth one, May," the culprit says. I recognize the voice right away and look up to see Drew leaning against a shop window, smirking. I blush a bit and glare at him.

"It's your fault that I spilt half of my hot chocolate, Drew," I shoot back, taking another drink from my now half-full cup.

"My fault? You weren't even looking where you were going."

What a meanie. He's totally trying to get me mad just to amuse himself. I won't let him this time. "Whatever you say."
I continue walking, going straight past him. I smirk to myself as I hear him follow me.

"I know you declined that guy because you're just waiting for me to ask you out," Drew says, flipping his hair once he's caught up to me.

I stop in my tracks. He is such a cocky, arrogant, ignorant boy, assuming that I want him to ask me out! How dare him!
But like always, he's completely right.
I think I just realized that for the firs time, right here, right now. Oh Mew. Oh Mew. My face is totally giving it away now. I can feel it. It's all hot from the blood rushing to my cheeks. This is so embarrassing. He's probably getting a good kick out of this right now.

"So, what do you say?" Drew leans back against a rusty railing and flips his hair. "Want to go out tonight?"

I stare at him, speechless. He's definitely joking. He has to be.

Drew continues on. "As you weren't aware, I'm sure, it is Valentine's Day," he grins, mocking me and my obvious lies, "and I can't stand the thought of you weeping all alone in your bed tonight." Drew looks me straight in the eyes and I swear I hear an innuendo in his last sentence.

I want to jump into his arms and scream, "Yes, Drew, yes, I do want to spend Valentine's Day with you!" but that would be very elementary school. Plus, I don't want to give my true feelings away that easily. If he really wants me, he'll have to work for it. I've heard playing hard to get works for some girls, so I decide it's time to test this theory.

"It seems you weren't paying enough attention while you were eavesdropping on me in the café," I say slyly. "I genuinely don't want to do anything with any guys tonight."

"Come on May, you and I both know that everything you said back there was complete bull," Drew replies.

"Alright, believe what you want. I'm still not going out with you tonight." There, that should do it. Let's see how he handles this. I'm not sure he's used to being rejected- he is Drew, after all. I hope it makes him mad. It's about time he gets a nice taste of his own medicine.

"I don't understand why a beautiful girl such as yourself doesn't want to go on a date tonight," Drew says, echoing Connor on purpose.

"If that line didn't work for Connor, don't expect it to work for you," I tell him.

"Everyone knows that everything I do is always better."

I don't think I've ever met a more arrogant person in my entire life. "You flatter yourself too much." …And not me enough.

He ignores what I said. "You know, I agree with Connor. I don't comprehend the fact that you, May, talented and stunning coordinator, don't have a date tonight."

He's getting good. I have to give him that. "So now you're resorting to flattery to get me to go on a date with you? My, my, you must be desperate," I wink at him.

Drew flips his bangs with his right hand and says, "I'm no sycophant, May."

I remain silent and continue walking, acting like I don't need to reply to whatever is was he said.

"I bet you don't know what that means," he teases. "You're clueless as ever."

"You be quiet, Mr. Know-it-all. Sorry that I'm not a walking dictionary." I suddenly realize that I'm at the turn that I need to take to get to my hotel. I tell Drew that and say bye, not bothering to answer his question. It pains me to do so. What if he just gives up?

I continue walking, forcing myself to look ahead. My heart leaps when I hear him yell behind me.

"So, is that a no?"

I stop and can't help but blush again. I turn around to face him and I see he's only ten meters away from me. I take a few steps close and so does he.

"Or is this a yes?" he smiles.

I bite my lip, thinking hard. Should I finally accept, or keep playing hard to get?
Nah. I should just say yes. I can't go on like this much longer.

"Fine," I grumble, making it seem like I'm very reluctant to agree. "On a one condition, though."

"Name it."

If I get my way with this, it'll sure be one hell of a good night- hopefully. "You must behave like a chivalrous gentleman the whole night and not insult me or my coordinating skills once." I think it will be a record if he actually goes through with this. I'm pretty sure he's never gone more than ten minutes without insulting me somehow.

"Consider it done," Drew says smoothly. "Shall I start now?" he raises his eyebrows.

"Please do," I say, trying not to giggle like a little girl.

He steps in front of me, gets down on one knee and grabs my small, delicate hand. "Farewell, my beautiful lady," he murmurs before kissing my hand and slipping a rose into it.

He stands up in one fluid movement, turns around and walks away without another word.

If this keeps up, tonight is definitely going to be a good night.

* * * * *

Review? :)

Next update: February 8th, 2010

Sycophant: noun-Someone who uses flattery to gain something that is to their advantage.